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  1. 赤眉军进人长安后,长安已残破不堪。

    When the Red Eyebrows entered Chang " an , it had been utterly dilapidated .

  2. 赤眉军的士卒死伤惨重,势力大大削弱。

    With many soldiers woundedand killed , the Red Eyebrows suffered severe losses , and its strength weakened .

  3. 更始朝与赤眉军间开始出现矛盾,最终不得不诉诸武力。

    Conflicts began to appear between Gengshi and the Red Eyebrow , and they had to appeal to arms .

  4. 在接下来的十几年间,刘秀平定了绿林军和赤眉军以及其他的一些地方势力。

    Over the next dozen years Liu Xiu wiped out the Lulin and Red-brow armies and other local forces .

  5. “赤眉军”成功于公元18年推翻了王莽的统治,但是他们并未制定长久的方针,以至于很快大权旁落,朝廷落入前皇室的掌控。

    The Red Eyebrows succeeded in 18 CE in ousting the Emperor Wang Mang , but they failed to enact any lasting change as political power was quickly seized by other members of the former imperial family .