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  1. 他起先称这一天为装饰日,在这天带领士兵们到阿灵顿公墓,在南北军的烈士墓前都献上了鲜花。

    He called it Decoration Day and celebrated it by visiting the Arlington National Cemetery and placing flowers on the graves of both Union and Confederate soldiers .

  2. 第四章对魏晋南北朝军戎诗抒情方式的转变以及其中实写与虚构两方面进行力求深入的研究。

    Chapter IV Wei Jun lyrical poetry and change the way in which reality and fiction writing , the actual situation and with the other two aspects of artistic expression and seek in-depth study .

  3. 而在此之前,格兰特是南北战争时期联邦军的一位司令。

    Before serving as president , Grant was the military commander of Union forces during the Civil War .

  4. 然而,任何事物的发生和发展都是一个阶段性的过程,盛唐边塞诗的辉煌与先秦两汉魏晋南北朝时期的军戎诗是一脉相承的。

    However , the occurrence and development of anything is a phased process , the brilliant and Qin Tang Frontier both Northern and Southern Dynasties " military poetry " is the same strain .