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  1. 指针调整过程中候时抖动的减小

    Waiting Time Jitter Reduction in Pointer Justification

  2. 这家医院中辞候治疗的平均时间为198天。

    In this hospital , the median wait for treatment is198 days .

  3. 中药新药研发中证候规范化及其临床疗效评价

    Syndrome Standardization and Clinical Efficacy Evaluation in Research and Development of New Patent Chinese Medicine

  4. 目的探讨不同证候划分中证候概念转换的逻辑关系。

    Objective To discuss the logical relation in concept transition of syndrome manifestations in different syndrome types .

  5. 若将这28项症状和舌脉象聚为10类,则分别代表中医治疗慢性胃炎辨证过程中证候分类的常见症状或舌脉象的组合。

    28 symptoms , tongue and pulse tracings , if clustered into 10 categories , would respectively represent the combination of common symptoms or tongue and pulse tracings according to the differentiation of symptoms and signs on the TCM treatment of chronic nephritis .

  6. 中药临床试验中的证候规范化探讨

    Syndrome Standardization in Clinical Trial of Chinese Herbal Medicines

  7. 参考《中药新药临床研究指导原则》中其它证候诊断标准作为非脾胃湿热证的诊断标准。

    Diagnostic standard of other syndrome is those described in Chinese traditional medicine new drug clinical research guiding principle .

  8. 目的初步建立异病同证中肝郁证候的宏观辨证标准。

    Objective To try to establish the macroscopic diagnostic criteria for hepatic depression syndrome according to the TCM theory that different diseases manifest same syndromes .

  9. 因此,业务价值最大、业务成本最小且替换成本最小的服务是作为服务包含到活动中的最佳候选项。

    Therefore , services with the greatest business value , least business cost , and least cost of replacement are the best candidates for incorporation as a service into the initiative .

  10. 说明在历次突发性公共卫生事件中,辨识证候要素已经潜移默化地发挥了重要效应,因而提取证候要素应该是病证规范最有效的方法。

    The collection of the syndrome factors , therefore , should be the most effective method to standardize diseases and syndromes .

  11. 具体的应用背景是中医儿科、内科部分证候和伤寒证候中的太阴证候诊断和治疗中的辅助决策和支持以及医院信息管理。

    It applies in syndrome of pediatrics and internal medicine and taiyin of traditional Chinese medicine for computer aided diagnosis and hospital information management .

  12. 将贝叶斯分类方法应用到中医证候识别技术中,分析证候的可靠性指标,进行证候识别,对于研究中医药学的精髓和内核的辨证论治不失为一种很有应用前景的可取方法。

    The application of Bayesian classification in the syndrome identification in TCM to analyze the reliability , matrix and identify syndrome has a promising prospect in studying Chinese medicine and its dialectal diagnosis and treatment .

  13. 在辨证分型中,中医证候的变化与微观病理变化不同步,证候量、度的判断带有较大的随意性,常难以单用证候准确地反映出病变的实质。

    In DSS classification , the changes of syndrome in Chinese medicine was not in concord with microscopic pathological changes , because its judgment on quantity and degree was very capricious , it is often difficult to accurately reflect the essence of pathological change .

  14. 结论:1.脾虚痰阻、气虚血瘀、阴虚阳亢证是原发性高脂血症在缺血性中风患者中的主要证候,其中脾气亏虚,痰浊内盛为主要病机。

    Quasi spleen deficiency generating phlegm , qi asthenia causing blood stasis , hyperactivity of yang due to yin deficiency are major symptoms of essential hyperlipidemia in ischemic stroke patients , among which , Spleen Qi deficiency and turbid phlegm obstructing the lung are the main pathogenesis . 2 .

  15. 肠化患者中主要的证候分型为脾胃虚弱、肝胃不和、湿热中阻、湿浊中阻、瘀血阻络,主要病理因素为脾虚,这与多见于中老年人有关。

    The main evidence to designate the genotyping in patients with intestinal metaplasia as the spleen and stomach weakness , incoordination between liver and damp heat resistance , dampness in the resistance , blood stasis , the main pathological factors for the spleen , which is common in the elderly .

  16. 糖尿病缺血性中风中脏腑、中经络证候与高凝血症及胰岛素抵抗关系的研究

    Study on Stroke Syndrome of Chinese Medicine and Its Relationship with Blood Hypercoagulative Status and Insulin Resistance in Diabetic Ischemic Stroke Patients

  17. 方法用中脏腑实验性诊断参考指标与中脏腑主要证候量值(风证)进行相关分析。

    Methods The laboratorial diagnosis reference index and major syndromic quantitative volume of apoplexy involving the Zang-Fu organs were relatively analyzed .