
  • 网络Nakanoshima;Nakano-shima
  1. 中国乌托邦神话有其鲜明的地理特征:其一,高山与大海(海中之洲或岛)这种封闭性地理环境是乌托邦神话诞生的地理背景;

    Firstly ,( mountain ) and sea ( or island in the sea ), the closed geographical environment , is the geographical ( background ) to the creation of Utopian mythology .

  2. 他更倾向采用混合的策略,比如命令行语言中的“纯洁之岛”之间都能有一个清晰的描述。

    He prefers a hybrid approach where there are " islands of purity " in an otherwise imperative language with a clear delineation between them .