
  • 网络lower house;House of Representatives
  1. 日本众议院选举制度改革(1988-1994)

    The Reform of Japan s House of Representatives Electoral System ( 1988-1994 );

  2. 日本众议院上月在类似情形下通过了这个法案。

    The lower house passed the bill under similar circumstances last month .

  3. 但在上周,日本众议院通过了上调消费税的议案。

    But last week a consumption tax rise was passed by the lower house .

  4. 权力最大的日本众议院宣布野田佳彦赢得星期二的国会议员投票,而且将成为日本的第95位首相。

    The announcement was made in Japan 's more powerful Lower House of Parliament that Noda won Tuesday 's balloting among representatives and will become the nation's95th prime minister .

  5. 不过,上周日本众议院通过的一项新法案可能扩大海上保安厅的权力,让他们能够在没有警察参与的情况下也能够实施逮捕。

    But a new bill that passed in Japan 's lower house last week could beef up the coast guard 's powers so they can make arrests even when they don 't get the luxury of a heads up .

  6. 参加日本(众议院)选举的候选人们想拉选票,但由于新的(H1N1)流感病毒在日本大规模流行,一些候选人在宣传造势的过程中减少了握手次数。

    They may want votes , but some Japanese election candidates have been cutting back on handshakes on the campaign trail as the new flu virus reaches epidemic proportions in Japan .

  7. 2007年4月,日本国会众议院、参议院分别以多数票通过了日本《海洋基本法》,该法于2007年7月20日正式实施。

    Japanese Ocean Basic Law is approved in Japan in April , 2007 and implemented on 20 , July .

  8. 日本国会众议院投票通过把日本防卫厅提升为防卫省。

    Japan 's lower house of Parliament has voted to upgrade the country 's defense agency into a ministry .

  9. 主要反对党自由民主党赢得了日本国会众议院的多数席位。

    The main opposition Liberal Democratic Party picked up the majority of seats in Japan 's lower house of parliament .

  10. 然而,《朝日新闻》(Asahi)上周的一项调查显示,由于选民对两大政党的不满,日本维新会在日本众议院的代表席位预计将从11人增加到大约35人。

    Nevertheless , voter un-happiness with the main parties is such that the Restoration party is forecast to increase its lower house representation from 11 to about 35 members , according to a poll by the Asahi newspaper last week .

  11. 日本遭受地震和海啸侵袭后,日本民众发出换届呼声。日本首相菅直人面临日本国会众议院提出对菅直人内阁的不信任案。

    Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan has confronted a no-confidence motion brought by MPs critical of his handling of the earthquake and tsunami disaster .

  12. 但这一事件似乎使现年80岁的石原慎太郎有兴趣作为日本政治改革的冷门代表人物登上国家政治舞台。为了在周日的竞选中角逐日本众议院席位,他已于上月辞去了东京都知事一职。

    The incident appears to have given the 80-year-old Mr Ishihara , who quit last month as Tokyo governor to run for a seat in the lower house of parliament in Sunday 's election , a taste for the national stage as the unlikely face of political change in Japan .