
  • 网络Population of Japan;Demographics of Japan
  1. 据联合国(UN)估计,到2050年,意大利人口将从5700万降到4100万,而日本人口到2080年将减少17%,降至1.05亿。

    According to the United Nations , Italy 's population is expected to decline from 57m to 41m by 2050 while Japan 's the population is projected to fall by 17 per cent to 105m by 2080 .

  2. BBC报道称,日本人口中大约有40%的人是A型血,30%是O型血,而B型和AB型血的人数仅占20%和10%。

    About 40 percent of the Japanese population are type A and 30 percent are type O , while only 20 percent are type B , with AB accounting for the remaining 10 percent , according to the BBC .

  3. 在日本人口第二大地区大阪,知事桥下彻(ToruHashimoto)计划合并市与府,使之形成与东京相媲美的经济影响力。

    In Osaka , Japan 's second most populous region , the governor , Toru Hashimoto , aims to merge the city and the prefecture to give it Tokyo-like economic clout .

  4. 正因如此,弗洛里安•科尔巴赫(FlorianKohlbacher,见上图)去年8月来到了中国。此前,他花了11年研究日本人口变化——该国50岁以上人口已经占到总人口的近50%。

    For just this reason Florian Kohlbacher moved to China in August after 11 years studying demographic change in Japan - almost 50 per cent of the population of Japan is aged 50 or older .

  5. 日本人口与资源、环境的可持续发展研究

    Study on Sustainable Development of Population , Resources and Environment in Japan

  6. 近年来下降的出生率助长了日本人口老龄化问题。

    Recent decreased birth rate reach to this population aging in Japan .

  7. 但这种下降几乎可完全归因于日本人口的快速老化。

    But the decline is almost wholly explained by a rapidly ageing population .

  8. 21世纪日本人口问题与经济发展

    Population Problem and the Development of Economy Concerned with Japan in Twenty-first Century

  9. 日本人口生育率除在个别年份有所提高外,一直处于不断下降的趋势。

    Except for some specific years , Japanese fertility has shown a declining trend .

  10. 日本人口密度很大。

    Japan has a high density of population .

  11. 日本人口年变化率

    Annual % change in Japan 's population

  12. 部分原因就在于日本人口缩减,而同期美国人口却在增加。

    In part this is because its population has shrunk whereas America 's population has increased .

  13. 日本人口出生率目前为每名妇女生育1.39名儿童,达到历史最低。

    Its birth rate , currently 1.39 children per woman , has sunk to record lows .

  14. 逐渐下降的人口出生率使日本人口出现负增长,并使日本成为世界上老龄人口比例最高的国家。

    The dwindling birth rate has center the nationwitha shrinking population and the worlds highest proportionofelderly people .

  15. 去年这个时候,我曾写过一篇专栏,庆祝日本人口数量下降。

    This time last year I wrote a column to celebrate the decline of the Japanese population .

  16. 这个数字几乎相当于中国、印度和日本人口的总和。

    That is not far short of the number of people who live in China , India and Japan , combined .

  17. 随着日本人口老龄化以及经济的饱和,日本企业将目光投向海外寻找增长点是再正确不过的。

    As Japan ages and its economy matures , it is right and proper that its companies look abroad for growth .

  18. 2005年,日本人口自“二战”结束后首次出现负增长,这和越来越多的年轻人延迟结婚有关。

    The population declined in2005 for the first time since World War II as more young people put off starting families .

  19. 日本人口早已进入了减少的阶段,但是大都市圈的人口持续增加。

    Japan has already entered the phase of population decline . however , the populations of metropolitan areas continue to increase .

  20. 日本人口结构带来的挑战甚是严重,而尚未开发的日本女性的经济潜力巨大,不容忽视。

    Japan 's demographic challenges are too severe , and the untapped economic potential of Japanese women is too large to ignore .

  21. 但由于日本人口在不断减少和老龄化,日本人仍然计划扩展其实习生培训项目。

    But due to the country 's shrinking and aging population , the Japanese still plan to expand the intern training program .

  22. 日本人口出生率的不断下降和老年人口的不断增加,使公共年金制度的可持续发展遇到巨大挑战。

    With the declining birth rate and increasing elderly population , the sustainable development of Japan 's public pension system faces enormous challenges .

  23. 根据一项在日本人口增长时期制定的政策,如果屋主建造房屋,按土地征收的固定资产税将会降低。

    Under a policy devised at a time of population growth , fixed asset tax bills on land were reduced if owners built homes .

  24. 不过,日本人口正在老龄化,而且他们迟早会停止购买日本国债,而将储蓄用于退休生活。

    But the Japanese population is aging and , at some point , they will have to stop buying Japanese bonds and spend their savings in retirement .

  25. 今年早些时候发布的另一项研究显示,下世纪日本人口将缩减到现有人口(1.277亿)的三分之一。

    Another study released earlier this year showed Japan 's population is expected to shrink to a third of its current 127.7 million over the next century .

  26. 但批评人士认为,喝酒应酬是日本人口持续下降的原因之一,特别是男性经常在外应酬,很少有时间在家。

    But critics say the pressure to drink is one of the reasons why Japan 's population is declining as men in particular spend little time at home .

  27. 但这主要也是源于日本人口的老龄化,因此需要纸尿裤的人口越来越多。

    However , a big part of this is Japan ` s quickly aging population , meaning there is an increasing number of people who require the diapers .

  28. 但日本人口数量下降的同时,正在步入老龄化社会。这意味着老年人的数量正在爆炸性增长,而纳税人的数量正在不断减少。

    But Japan 's population is shrinking and aging simultaneously , which means that the number of old people is skyrocketing just as the base of taxpayers shrinks .

  29. 经济学家说,这些情况表明,由于日本人口老龄化和劳动力减少,日本公司雇用新人才面临挑战。

    The findings are a reminder of the challenges companies face in hiring new talent as Japan 's population ages and its work force shrinks , economists said .

  30. 日本人口署预计二十岁出头的女性有25%的可能性不结婚,40%的可能性不生育。

    The Japanese population institute projects that women in their early 20s have a 25 percent chance of never marrying and a 40 percent chance of never having kids .