
  • 网络city area;administrative region of a city
  1. 嘉兴市域古塔资源的保护与开发

    The Protection Development of Ancient Pagoda Resources In JiaXing City Area

  2. 论市域现代职业技术教育体系的构建

    A Preliminary Study on Accelerating the Construction of Modern Vocational Education System in the City Area

  3. 市域异种机互连IBM主机接口和通信软件系统的研制

    Implementation of Interconnecting of Heterogeneous Computer about IBM Host Interface and Communication Software System

  4. 为了掌握抚顺地区生态环境现状,为地区环境保护及经济发展提供决策依据.我们利用遥感技术和GIS技术对抚顺市域土地利用现状进行了调查。

    In order to grasp ecological environment status and infer basis for environmental protection and economic development , we investigated land use status by using RS and GIS .

  5. 巴黎轨道交通市域线(RER)的发展历程

    The Development of the Regional Expressed Railway in Paris

  6. 在遥感与GIS技术支持下,以南京市域1988年、1995年和2003年3期TM影像为主要数据源,研究了南京市市域景观空间格局的动态变化特征及其演变规律;

    Based on remote sensing and GIS technology , the TM images of 1988,1995 and 2003 were used to evaluate the landscape spatial changes of Nanjing during the past fifteen years .

  7. 降低城市轨道交通工程造价,在城市轨道交通市域线的郊区段采用公交型普通铁路制式,大力发展快速道路公交系统(BRT);立章建制,为公交优先提供制度保障。

    We shall reduce the cost of urban mass transit construction , adopt the service pattern of ordinary public transit railway in urban rail network , vigorously develop the bus rapid traffic ( BRT ), establish rules and regulations to guarantee the implementation of public transit priority strategy .

  8. 笔者通过《东莞市域轨道交通沿线土地利用专题研究》发现.东莞轨道网络功能定位、速度选择以及线路布局很大程度上与TOD理论相吻合。

    Through " the Research of Land Use along the Transit in Dongguan City ", the author discovers that there has been good foundation for the application of TDD theory in Dongguan - the land development mode , the function , speed and layout of transit network .

  9. 重庆市域现存传统园林、建筑和民居调查初报

    Investigation Report of Traditional Gardens , Buildings and Settlements in Chongqing

  10. 苏南地区市域公路交通发展战略初探

    Research on Strategy of Regional Highway Development in South Jiangsu Area

  11. 上海轨道交通市域线列车运行交路及相关问题研究

    Operation Mode and Related Problems in Shanghai Rail Transit R Line

  12. 大连市域景观生态格局优化发展研究

    Research on optimizing development of Landscape ecological pattern in Dalian Region

  13. 巴黎市域轨道交通线路及车站布置特点分析

    Characteristics and Station Distribution on Regional Express Rail Line in Paris

  14. 淮安市域经济空间结构优化的构想

    Tentative Ideas on Optimization of the Economic Spatial Structure in Huai'an

  15. 徐州市域城镇体系现状与发展研究

    Study on the Feature and Development of Urban System in Xuzhou

  16. 基于郑州市域山水格局绿脉营建的探讨

    The Discussion to Construction of Green Veins of Zhengzhou Landscape Pattern

  17. 烟台市域经济发展与生产力分布新格局的形成

    Economic development and new structure of distribution of productive force

  18. 温州市域城镇体系规划构想

    Some ideas on planning the urban system in wenzhou , Zhejiang Province

  19. 在市域内共选址建设5个大型垃圾处理处置设施;

    Disposal facilities were selected to construct in the region , too .

  20. 蓬莱市域西北部沿海现代海岸侵蚀灾害研究

    Study of Present Erosion Disaster in Northwest Coastal Area of Penglai City

  21. 武汉市域城市化发展现状分析与灰色预测

    Analyzing Current Situation and Predicting Urbanization Development of Wuhan with Grey Model

  22. 苏州市域生态环境的演变、评价与功能分区

    On the Evolution , Evaluation and Function Subarea of Environment in Suzhou

  23. 开封市域城镇体系的空间结构

    On the Space Structure of Urban System of Kaifeng City

  24. 市域主体功能区划的理论与实践研究

    A Theoretical and Practical Study of Principal Functional Divisions at City Scale

  25. 缺乏一个强大的中心城区带动市域整合发展;

    A strong central city is needed to drive foshan 's development ;

  26. 一是市域土地集约利用评价。

    First , evaluation of intensive use of land in the city .

  27. 六安市域经济的非均衡发展分析

    Analysis of Unbalanced Development of Regional Economy in Luan City

  28. 北京市域绿色空间生态服务功能的相对评估

    Relative Assessment of Green Space Ecosystem Service in Beijing Region

  29. 市域绿地系统规划及评价指标体系的研究

    Study on Administrative Region Green Space System Planning and Evaluation Index System

  30. 这副地域卫星航拍图,将整个大庆市域呈现在您面前。

    And this regional satellite aerial map presents the whole Daqing municipality .