
  • 网络municipal;Municipalities of Japan
  1. 平成市町村大合并的行政现状及区域内系统重组&3种行政机构空间布局模式

    The Current Situation of Municipal Amalgamations in Japan and Regional System Restructuring

  2. 税源划分明确,分国税、都道府县税和市町村税。

    The division of sources of tax among different levels of Japanese governments is also made explicit .

  3. 这一制度把市町村政府定为保险主体,投保人为40岁以上的日本人,参加这项保险为强制性或义务性。

    This system defines the prefecture governments as the insurance subject.40 and over years old Japanese must join the insurance by force .

  4. 日本农民健康保险制度体现在日本国民健康保险制度之中,通过强制方法,使全体农业人口参加由市町村政府为保险运营主体的医疗保险。

    Farmers ' Medical Insurance System in Japan is a part of Japan 's " National Medical Insurance " system . Through compulsive methods , all the agricultural population in Japan will have to participate in the medical insurance plans run by the governments of cities , towns or villages .