
shì rén mín dài biǎo dà huì
  • municipal people's congress
  1. 第五十条民族自治地方的人民代表大会有权结合当地民族婚姻家庭的具体情况,制定变通规定。自治州、自治县制定的变通规定,报省、自治区、直辖市人民代表大会常务委员会批准后生效。

    Article 50 The people 's congresses in national autonomous committee of the people 's congress of the relevant province or autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government for approval .

  2. 在北京市人民代表大会的一次会议上,周正宇说道,网络约车应用的注册司机超过10万,其中每天活跃的有6万左右,一天六七十万单在路上跑。

    More than one hundred thousand drivers have registered on ride-sharing apps , among which some 60000 daily active users provide 600000 to 700000 rides , said Zhou at a session the Municipal People 's Congress , the local legislature .