
  • 网络Market Network
  1. 加快建设区域性石化市场网络中心

    Speeding up the construction of the regional petrochemical market network center

  2. 全民健身市场网络的运行机制研究

    Study on the Operating System of Nationwide Body - Building Market Network

  3. 基于UML的专业市场网络管理系统设计

    Specialty Market Management System of Network Based on UML

  4. 充分利用市场网络资源构建厂内通信网

    Making full use of the market source to optimize the communications network

  5. 完善区域市场网络促进城市化发展

    Optimize the Regional Market Network Promote the Urbanization Process

  6. 六要进一步扩大对内对外开放,拓展市场网络;

    Sixthly , further enlarge the internal and external opening and expand the market network ;

  7. 市场网络的形成和完善是农村城市化进程的有力保障。

    Furthermore , the formation and completeness of market network strongly guarantee the rural urbanization .

  8. 在企业初创期,社会关系网络和市场网络对企业创业成功的影响更显著。

    In the embryonic phase , social network and marketing network affect firm success visibly .

  9. 在市场网络中,没有互利,就不能实现自利,没有双赢与多赢就不能实现自赢。

    In the network of market , without mutual benefit , self-interest cannot be realized ;

  10. 人际网络、市场网络:农户社会交往方式的比较

    Interpersonal Network or Market Network : A Comparative Study on Social Communication Patterns of Farmers

  11. 规范市场网络;

    Establishment of normative market network ;

  12. 我厂坚持高效率的点、线、面的市场网络经营方式。

    I plant adhere to an efficient point , line and plane mode of operation of the market network .

  13. 本文系统地考察了明清时期城、乡市场网络体系的形成和发展过程。

    The author investigates the formation and development of the urban and rural market network during the Ming and Qing dynasties .

  14. 作者将全国市场网络划分为流通枢纽城市、中等商业城镇、农村集市三大层级,既吸收了施坚雅理论的层级概念,又代之以更符合中国历史实际的网络论。

    He divides the national market network into three levels : large commercial ports , medium sized commercial centers , and village fairs .

  15. 青岛开埠促使山东近代市场网络最终形成,并由此带来了山东近代经济地理的重大变化,并对山东农村社会经济产生了巨大影响。

    When Qingdao was formed into a city in modern times , it had a great effect on the rural economy in Shandong .

  16. 品牌扩张已经成为国内外饭店集团迅速拓展市场网络、增强企业实力的重要途径之一。

    Brand expansion has become one of the main channels to expand market network and improve core competence of hotel groups in China .

  17. 以这一理论为基础,提出的市场网络企业三分法的分析框架,把网络组织作为企业间制度安排的一个层次。

    On basis of this theory , the three-divided framework of " market-network-hierarchy " considers network organization as one level of institutional arrangement among enterprises .

  18. 公司简介:我们是一家澳大利亚葡萄酒生产商,在广州设有办事处,并拥有广泛的中国市场网络。

    Company Introduction : We are an Australian Wine Company based in Guangzhou and have an extensive network and business inside the whole of China .

  19. 本文将网络化和动态企业建模技术引入建筑企业生产管理中,提出将一个建筑企业的各个项目部组建成企业生产网络并和市场网络连接构成企业管理网络。

    The paper puts network and dynamic model into management of construction enterprise . The productive network formed by each project item connects with market managing network .

  20. 19世纪天津、烟台的对外贸易与传统市场网络&以洋纱洋布的输入与运销为例

    Interlinkage : Foreign Trade of Tianjin and Yantai in 19th century and traditional market network & Taking import and distribution of foreign gauze and cloth as example

  21. 通过中间性组织来承载单纯的政府之间合作和企业之间合作所达不到的区域经济合作的市场网络枢纽功能和利益契合功能。

    The intermediary organization is set up to function as regional economic market net-pivot and mutual profit which was unattained for mere cooperation between governments and companies .

  22. 清代,贵州的商品市场网络可分为农村场市、商业城镇和区域中心市场三种类型。

    In the Qing Dynasty , commodity market network in Guizhou could be divided into three types , namely country fair , commercial town and regional central market .

  23. 市场网络遍布全国,并出口至美国、加拿大等地区,销售额逐年增加。

    With market network throughout the co un try , the products are exported to USA , Canada and etc , with a yearly increase of the amount .

  24. 一定程度上说,谁拥有了顺畅的营销渠道,谁也就拥有了全面的市场网络和终端竞争的核心竞争优势。

    To some extent , the one who owns the smooth marketing channel is to own the overall marketing network and the core advantage of competition at the terminal .

  25. 本文以质量系统为研究对象,应用复杂性理论和方法,建立产品质量改进模型、顾客满意度模型,分析产品市场网络演化特性。

    The theories and analytic methods of complexity science are applied to establish quality improvement model , customer satisfaction model and analyze the evolution of the product market network .

  26. 二是原来的农资市场网络已经支离破碎,出现了以连锁经营的现代流通方式,改造和整合旧的市场网络的巨大空间;

    Second , as former market networks of agricultural means of production are broken up , there is a great space for EAMP reforming old market network by chain store ;

  27. 在市场网络里,我们要努力,使公司够大,才能吸引投资,但也不会过大,不会招来,一些更大的竞争对手。

    We could only do that in market network , big enough to be attractive , but small enough that you could avoid competition from some of the larger competitors .

  28. 相比中小企业而言,它们有强大的品牌,有雄厚的资金实力,有健全的市场网络,有完善的人员组织结构等。

    Compared with the small and medium-sized enterprises ( SMEs ), those larger ones have well-known brands , abundant capital , powerful marketing channels , and wholesome human resource organizations .

  29. 公司和机构银行服务通过我们在亚洲、非洲、中东和拉丁美洲强大的市场网络,提供现金管理、托管和贸易融资服务。

    Corporate amp ; Institute banking provides cash management , custody and trade finance services through our strong market networks in Asia , Africa , the Middle East and Latin America .

  30. 文章特别强调:城乡市场网络体系的形成是中国经济发展的一项重要内容,它标志着传统经济向市场经济的转化。

    He emphasizes that the formation of the urban and rural market network was an important element of the Chinese economy and marked its transformation from a traditional to a market economy .