
yù suàn shōu rù
  • Budget revenue;budgetary revenue;budgetary receipts;estimated revenue
  1. 税收空转完成地方财政预算收入的成因及对策

    Research on the Causes and Countermeasures of Local Fiscal Budgetary Receipts Fulfilled by Fabricated Taxes

  2. 一般预算收入是通过一定的形式和程序有计划组织的由国家支配,纳入预算治理的资金。

    Average budgetary receipts is to pass what proper form and program in a planned way organize to be controlled by the country , bring into the capital of budgetary management .

  3. 这次首次公开募股的股票价格已经使该公司的市值超过了她2007年预算收入的106倍,而Google当年也只是46倍,易趣则是23倍。

    The IPO price valued the company at over 106 times its forecast earnings for 2007 . Compare that to Google 's 46 times or eBay 23 times ..

  4. 反贪腐组织全球见证(GlobalWitness)的倡议主任罗伯特·帕尔默(RobertPalmer)表示,州务卿协会担忧的是,州级预算收入可能会因为对财务透明度的要求提高而流失。

    That final group fears a loss of revenue for state budgets if more transparency is required , said Robert Palmer , campaign director at Global Witness , an anticorruption organization .

  5. 预算收入退库业务管理亟待解决的问题和建议

    The Problems and Advices On Budgetary Receipts are Returned Exchequer

  6. 完善超预算收入的管理。

    We will strengthen the management of revenues that exceed budget forecasts .

  7. 地方财政一般预算收入预测模型及实证分析

    Forecasting Model and Empirical Research on the General Budget Revenue of Regional Finance

  8. 2009年基金预算收入科目调整。

    The budgetary revenue of fund was adjusted in2009 .

  9. 2006~2010年越南财政预算收入预测

    An Estimate of Vietnam 's Revenues in its Fiscal Budget from 2006 to 2010

  10. 预算收入和支出的,你的家人可能在未来一年。

    Estimate the income and expenses that your family may have for the next year .

  11. 分地区地方财政预算收入

    Local government revenue by all region

  12. 各国政府也因此遭受预算收入损失,而预算收入可以帮助资助基础设施改造和其它公共品和服务。

    Governments also lose out on budget revenue that could help fund infrastructure improvements and other public goods and services .

  13. 仅2009年一年,全省44个县(市)财政一般预算收入就达到290.6亿元,比上一年增加了80多个亿。

    Financial budget income of 44 county reached 290.6 billion Yuan in 2009 , more over 80 billion than in 2008 .

  14. 各级预算收入的编制,应当与国民生产总值的增长率相适应。

    The compilation of the budgetary revenues at various levels shall be in keeping with the growth rate of the gross national product .

  15. 乍得政府声称,修改法律对于其在财政危机之际增加预算收入是必要的。

    The Government of Chad has stated that the proposed changes are needed to boost revenue to its budget at a time of fiscal crisis .

  16. 税收收入是一般预算收入的主体,但目前税收收入比例有下降趋势,而且中部地区比例下降最快。

    Tax revenue is the main part of general budget revenue , however , its proportion declines gradually , especially in central region . 2 .

  17. 同时,该地区预算收入依赖产品出口和有色金属国际市场价格波动的状况也没有改变。

    At the same time , the budgetary receipts of the region relied on product export ; the international market price of nonferrous metal continued fluctuating .

  18. 预算收入划分为中央预算收入、地方预算收入、中央和地方预算共享收入。

    The budgetary revenues are divided into the central budgetary revenues , the local budgetary revenues and the budgetary revenues shared by the central and local governments .

  19. 路克石油公司本周在伦敦的筹资,原被视为是对俄罗斯二零零二年预算收入命运的重大考验。

    Luke oil company raises funds in London this week , which was regarded as a significant test to the fate of russia 's budget income in2002 .

  20. 这是个财政方面的概念,预算收入我认为就是计划的收入,支出.也是同理。

    This is the concept of a finance side , budgetary receipts the income that I think even if plans , defray . Also be to manage together .

  21. 如今,随着油价暴跌造成预算收入锐减、以及超过一半的地区运行财政赤字,政府没有足够的资金发放社会救济。

    Now , as plummeting oil prices cut deeply into budget revenues and more than half of the country 's regions run deficits , there is not enough money for that .

  22. 危机而导致的预算收入下降已引发了各派之间的不合,可能还使总统和总理就日益缩小的经济蛋糕卷入争吵。

    Falling budget revenues as a result of the crisis have already sparked discord among factions and may yet embroil the president and prime minister in squabbles over the shrinking economic pie .

  23. 油价自6月中旬以来累计下跌近40%,给俄罗斯带来巨大压力;去年该国预算收入的一半以上来自石油和天然气开采活动。

    The near 40 per cent fall in the oil price since mid-June has put huge strains on Russia , which last year derived more than half of its budget revenues from oil and gas extraction .

  24. 俄罗斯2008年预算收入是在假定石油价格每桶70美元的基础上制定的,2009年的预算是在假定石油每桶95美元的基础上制定的,而目前的价格为每桶低于60美元。

    Russia 's 2008 budget assumed revenues based on oil prices of $ 70 per barrel . Next year 's budget was set for $ 95 . The current price per barrel has fallen below $ 60 .

  25. 省际财政收入的结构比较分析包括一般预算收入占财政总收入比重、税收收入占一般预算收入比重、税收收入与非税收入增长速度、税收收入内部结构等内容。

    Including general budget revenue in the proportion of total fiscal revenue , tax revenues accounted for the proportion of general budget revenue , tax revenue and non-tax revenue growth , internal structure of tax revenues and so on .

  26. 通过对中央和地方一般预算收入分级比重情况、税收收入和非税收入结构情况以及税收收入结构情况的分析,可取得财政收入结构的合理区间范围,以实现我国财政收入运行科学化。

    Passing analysis to grade proportion condition for central and local general budgetary receipts , tax revenue and non tax revenue . We may get the reasonable interval scope of financial income structure in order to realize the financial income operation science .

  27. 各部门、各单位应当加强对预算收入和支出的管理,不得截留或者动用应当上缴的预算收入,也不得将不应当在预算内支出的款项转为预算内支出。

    Departments or units shall strengthen the management of the budgetary revenues and expenditures , and may not intercept or draw on the budgetary revenues which ought to be turned over , nor may they treat any non-budgetary expenditures as budgetary expenditures .

  28. 发展质量有新的提升,一般公共预算收入增长8.6%,研究与试验发展经费支出与国内生产总值之比超过2%,能耗强度下降4.8%,是近年来最大降幅。

    The quality of development was raised . Revenue in the general public budgets grew by 8.6 % . Research and development spending accounted for more than 2 % of the GDP . Energy intensity was cut by 4.8 % , the biggest reduction made in recent years .

  29. 文章选取固定资产投资总额、劳动力作为投入变量,地区生产总值、地方财政预算内收入、职工工资总额作为产出变量,运用DEA分析法对中国城市经济效率进行了研究。

    In this paper DEA method is applied to estimate economic efficiencies of Chinese cities , taking fixed asset investment and labor force as input factors , and GDP , local government budgetary income and total wages of workers and staff as output variables .

  30. 财政激励与预算外收入是密切相关的。

    Fiscal incentive is closely related with the extra-budgetary revenues .