
yù yìng lì hùn nínɡ tǔ
  • prestressed concrete
  1. 预应力混凝土用PVC塑料波纹管试验研究

    A research on tests of PVC plastic corrugated pipe used in prestressed concrete

  2. 但是,适于工程应用的预应力混凝土结构CAD软件在国内还很少。

    However , it is hard for the engineers to find an appropriate software to design the prestressed concrete structures .

  3. 预应力混凝土结构非线性分析中ANSYS的应用

    Application of ANSYS in nonlinear analysis of prestressed concrete structure

  4. FRP筋体外预应力混凝土梁的极限强度分析

    Ultimate Strength Analysis for Reinforced Concrete Beams with External Prestressed FRP Tendon

  5. 提出采用随机减量技术和改进ERA方法相结合的方法来识别求大跨径变截面预应力混凝土连续箱梁桥的自振特性。

    It also combines random decrement technology and modified ERA method to identify he natural vibration characteristics of long-span variable cross-section prestressed continuous box girder bridges .

  6. 40m双线预应力混凝土箱梁设计与施工

    Design and construction of 40m double track prestressed concrete box girder

  7. 结合一座PC连续刚构桥的徐变分析,对中国《公路钢筋混凝土及预应力混凝土桥涵设计规范》徐变系数的计算和应用进行分析探讨。

    In association with structural creep analysis of a PC continuous frame bridge , several aspects on calculation and application of the creep coefficient introduced in China standard of highway PC bridge are analysed .

  8. 文章结合工程实例介绍在实验室及现场同条件下预应力混凝土用PVC塑料波纹管的检测技术及试验方法。

    With some engineering examples , this article introduces some testing techniques and methods of PVC plastic corrugated pipe used in prestressed concrete , both in labs and on the spot .

  9. 用静载和疲劳试验的方法,研究了DTS-1型预应力混凝土轨枕的承载能力,并分析了设计截面的合理性。

    By static and fatigue test , the load-bearing capacity of DTS-1 prestressed concrete sleepers is studied and the reasonableness of its designed cross-section is analysed .

  10. 按照正常施工的张拉顺序对30m装配式后张法预应力混凝土空心板梁进行了张拉试验及锚下有效预应力检测。

    The experiment of the tensioning of the 30m post tensioning prestressed concrete hollow slab on the order of normal construction was simulated by the Analysis soft ANSYS .

  11. 针对某公路大桥施工过程中两榀跨径40m的预应力混凝土T形主梁出现开裂的工程实例,分析了裂缝产生的原因;

    This paper discusses the causes of the construction crack , existing in two pre stressed concrete T beams of 40 m span during the construction of a highway bridge .

  12. 该类桥将大跨预应力混凝土V形墩连续刚构和拱桥两种体系有机结合在一起,整体受力以V形墩连续刚构为主,拱对主跨起加劲作用。

    This combined sysytem bridge is to combine large span PC V-shaped pier continuous rigid frame bridge and arch structure , and the bearing force characteristics of overall structure is on the former , then the later is to play a role of stiffening the main span .

  13. 该分析方法和结果可供接头及其密封设计提供参考。大跨度预应力混凝土斜拉桥(简称P.C.斜拉桥)结构不仅经济、美观,而且可以采用悬臂浇筑方法施工、使这一桥型得以迅速推广。

    The processing method and the calculated results would be help to the design of the joint and the airproof structure . The structure of P.C.

  14. 引桥上部采用跨度为27m的预应力混凝土空心大板结构,提高了施工速度。

    For upper part of the approach trestle , prestressed concrete hollow slabs with span of 27m are adopted , which speeds up the construction .

  15. 本文通过32m后张法预应力混凝土梁横向自振模态的测试分析实例,介绍了基于传递函数测试技术的模态试验分析法。

    This paper gives an introduction to the experimental analysis method of modal based on the test technology of transmission function , by giving an example of test analysis of lateral self-vibration modal for 32m-span post-tensioning method prestressed concrete beam .

  16. 试验表明,对于非预应力混凝土配筋梁,LC45轻骨料混凝土构件的开裂荷载及破坏荷载分别高于C45普通混凝土构件;

    From the test we known : for nonprestressed distributed steel beam , lightweight aggregate concrete beam 's cracking load and failing load all larger than normal concrete beam .

  17. 研究结果表明,预应力度PPR和箍筋间距设计合理的预应力混凝土框架梁,具有与普通钢筋混凝土框架梁相近的抗震性能,可以在中等烈度地震区工程建设中采用。

    The research shows that the seismic behavior of the prestressed concrete beam of the appropriate spacing of stirrups and the degree of prestress is closed to that of the common reinforced concrete beams and it can be applied in the seismic area of middling intensity .

  18. 本文分析和讨论了影响部分预应力混凝土(以下以P.P.C.代之)梁斜裂缝开展的各主要因素,并根据38次P.P。

    Based on 38 shear tests of Partially prestressed concrete beams , this paper discusses the main influence factors and advances a new calculated model of diagonal crack width .

  19. 文章研究的预应力混凝土框架结构施工图的生成系统,系预应力混凝土建筑结构软件PRCS的后处理开发部分。

    A micro computer aided design system for the prestressed concrete frame structural working drawing has been studied in the paper . The system which is part of the PRCS software is based on a simplified graphic software .

  20. 以某座双塔双索面三跨预应力混凝土梁与钢桁叠合梁斜拉桥为例,对影响双线铁路主跨280m叠合梁斜拉桥竖向刚度的各项因素进行了分析比较。

    The paper takes a cable-stayed bridge with couple tower , couple cable , three-span prestressed concrete beam and steel truss composite beam for example , analyzes and compares various factors that affect the vertical rigidity of composite beam cable-stayed bridge of double line railway .

  21. 惠州大学10号学生宿舍楼工程,根据工程地质条件分析,并借鉴相邻建筑物的基础选型经验,确定采用高强预应力混凝土管桩基础,实际桩基础施工仅用17d,收到了较好的效果。

    According to geologic condition and foundation selection of close buildings , high ? strength prestressed concrete pipe pile foundation is adopted by the engineering of students ' hotel in Huizhou College . It actually takes 17 days to build pile foundation , and reaches better effects .

  22. 分析了影响无粘结部分预应力混凝土(UPPC)梁桥无粘结预应力筋极限应力的主要因素,并简要评述了国内外现有的无粘结预应力筋极限应力计算方法与公式。

    This paper analyses the main factors which affect the ultimate stress of unbonded tendons in unbonded partially prestressed concrete ( UPPC ) beam bridges , and simply introduces the various calculating methods and equations of the ultimate stress in unbonded post tensioning .

  23. 建立了系统的无粘结部分预应力混凝土简支空心板梁桥设计理论和方法,有助于UPPC梁桥设计理论的完善及发展,并为公桥规的修订和完善提供有益的参考。

    The systemic design theory and method of unbounded partial prestressed concrete bridge with simple hollow board beam is founded in this paper , which can perfect the design theory of UPPC bridge and provide benefit reference for editing the road and bridge criterion .

  24. 高效预应力混凝土技术是指应用混凝土强度在C40级以上,钢材强度在1470Mpa以上高强度钢丝和钢绞线,以及相应的张拉、锚固体系和技术的预应力混凝土技术。

    The technique of high-efficient prestressing concrete refers to the using of concrete ( the indensity is not less than C40 ), high - indensity tendons and strands ( the indensity is not less than 1470MPa ), and the technique of tension and fixing system .

  25. 东明黄河公路大桥全长4142.14m,其中,主桥为大跨度预应力混凝土刚构-连续梁组合体系,1联长990m,箱梁跨度为120m。

    The full-length of Dongming Yellow River Highway Bridge is 4142.14m . In the meanwhile , the main bridge is a long span prestressed concrete rigid continuous compound system bridge . One long unit of the bridge is 990m and the span of the box beam is 120m .

  26. 预应力混凝土梁的动力损伤诊断研究

    Damage Diagnosis of a Prestressed Concrete Beam Using Dynamic Test Data

  27. 预应力混凝土T梁的有限元分析与实验研究

    Finite element analysis and experimental study of pre-stressed T-section concrete beam

  28. 预应力混凝土连续梁布跨和布束探讨

    Approach to Span and Strand Arrangements of Prestressed Concrete Continuous Beam

  29. 预应力混凝土叠合构件的收缩徐变微差分析

    Differential analysis of shrinkage and creep in composite prestressed concrete beams

  30. 公路部分预应力混凝土T梁实用优化设计

    Practical Optimum Design of Partially Prestressed Concrete T-beams in Highway Bridge