
  • 网络Reserve funds;Preparation Fee
  1. 一种确定建设项目风险预备费的新方法&风险分析估算法(ERA)

    A New Method to Determining Construction Contingency Reserve & Estimate by Risk Analysis ( ERA )

  2. 第五,动用总预备费须经中央批准。

    Fifth , the general reserve funds cannot be used without the approval of the central authorities .

  3. 预备费按第一第二部分费用之和的5%计列。

    Contingency cost is calculated as5 % of the sum of the first part and second part of expenses .

  4. 有了这一条的好处,是让大家知道要动用总预备费不容易。

    The benefit of this principle lies in that it lets people know it is difficult to obtain access to the general reserve funds .

  5. 过去国家总预备费有相当一部分是买烧饼油条用掉了,如一九五三年就是如此。

    In the past , a considerable portion of the state 's general reserve funds has been spent on trivial things , as was the case in 1953 .

  6. 国际工程总承包投标报价中的费用包括采购费用、施工费、设计费和采购服务费、管理费用、其他费用、预备费、利润等。

    The expenses in bidding quote for turn-key contract of international engineering includes purchasing cost , construction cost , designing cost , purchasing service cost , overhead expense , other expenses , preparatory fund , profit , and so on .

  7. 三峡工程总投资包括枢纽建筑物总费用、建设征地和移民安置费用、独立费用、基本预备费、价差预备费和建设期贷款利息等六大部分。

    The total investment in the construction of the project includes gross expenditures for the main works , expenditures for resettlement and land acquisition for construction , independent fees , basic reserve funds , reserve funds for price differences , and interest for loans during construction .