
  • 网络Pre investigation;Pilot survey;pretest;Preliminary Survey
  1. 另外发现功能性消化不良、吞气症、IBS、功能性腹胀、功能性便秘、非特异性功能性肠病、胆囊功能障碍与GERD关系密切,与预调查的结果一致。

    In addition , functional dyspepsia , aerophagia , IBS , functional abdominal bloating , functional constipation , unspecified functional bowel disorder and gallbladder dysfunction were found related with GERD , the same as pilot survey .

  2. 对象预调查从2001年10月11日至20日在广州1所综合性三甲医院调查224个门诊病人。

    Subjects Pilot survey was conducted at a general hospital graded 3A in Guangzhou from 11 to 20 Oct. 2001 and 224 outpatients were interviewed .

  3. 预调查分析结果支持问卷具有良好的信度和效度,可广泛应用于国内各医学院校研究生PBL课程的教学质量评价。

    The results demonstrated the questionnaire had a good reliability and validity , and could be widely applied in the quality evaluation of PBL curriculum for medical postgraduate .

  4. 对预调查的数据采用应答率法、临界比率(CR)值法、变异度法、相关法、因子分析法进行项目和因子的筛选、分析。

    In the pilot study , selection of items and factors in the questionnaire was base on comprehensive consideration with the response rate , critical rate ( CR ) value , variation degree , correlation , factor analysis .

  5. 目的评估世界健康调查(WHS)中国预调查样本的代表性。

    Objective To assess the representativeness of China pilot study smples of world health survey ( WHS ) .

  6. 本文结合CS理论模型和电信业的具体业务,提出了电信业顾客满意度测评指标体系,并在预调查阶段运用信度分析和因子分析,证明了该指标体系的有效性和实用性。

    The essay advances measurement indexes system of customer satisfaction degree in telecommunications industry according to CS theory model and this industry ′ s specific businesses . It uses trustiness degree and factor analyzing in the phase of pre-investigation to prove the effectiveness and practicality of this indexes system .

  7. 质量控制统一培训调查员并进行了预调查。

    The investigators had been trained and had investigated in advance .

  8. 预调查结果表明:大部分病人反映可得到及时的关注,能方便地从社区或新闻媒体获得就医信息。

    The pilot study showed that most patients could get prompt attention .

  9. 调查表的设计经过文献查阅、专家讨论、预调查等过程。

    The questionnaire was designed through literatures reading , experts assessing and pre-investigation .

  10. 以预调查和正式调查为试验&复试样本验证了研究结果的可靠性。

    The reliability is tested by comparing the result of pre-investigation and formal investigation .

  11. 将初表交专家讨论后修改进行多中心的预调查,再根据预调查反馈的问题再次修改调查表,以形成正式调查用表。

    After that , make use of the formal questionnaire to carry on multi - center Epidemic investigation .

  12. 进行预调查,并对调查所得问卷进行初步的数据统计和问卷设计方面修正。

    Pre-investigation , as well as a preliminary questionnaire survey statistics and design of the questionnaire to amend .

  13. 通过对样品的预调查和预试验,可以获得样品的基本信息;

    The basic information with respect to the product samples can be obtained through preliminary investigation and preliminary test .

  14. 把最终确定的指标体系转化为标准的、规范化的问卷,进行了预调查和正式调查,并对调查结果进行了统计学分析。

    The definitive indicators system transformed into a standardized questionnaire . Conducted a preliminary investigation and a formal investigation .

  15. 数据搜集过程中,在问卷预调查数据证明设计问卷达到品质要求之后,笔者以分类抽样的方式进行正式问卷调查。

    While collecting datum , we distributed the questionnaires by classifying sampling after knowing the questionnaire reaching qualitative requirements by pre-survey .

  16. 目的:探讨医院顾客满意度调查问卷的设计及其预调查。

    Objective : To explore the design of a questionnaire and its use in a pilot survey on hospital customer satisfaction .

  17. 以211名大学生为被试、用开放式问卷作了预调查,筛选后得到了公正价值观者的71项特征。

    A pilot study was conducted based on 211 college students , and 71 traits were found to be related to the values of justice .

  18. 本研究的调查问卷是在查阅大量文献资料的基础上自行设计,并通过专家评价及预调查进行了修订。

    The questionnaire was self-designed on the basis of consulting a large amount of literature and had been revised after experts ' evaluation and a pilot study .

  19. 以方便抽样和立意抽样相结合的方式选取调查对象,采用待验证的综合人际关系评价量表结合5种人际关系评分问卷进行小样本预调查;

    A small sample investigation was performed on the ground of sampling method including convenience and aims method and the questionary involving interpersonal scales and five graded questionnaires .

  20. 根据初始问卷进行预调查的结果和深度访谈的内容,对本研究的问卷调查进行了补充和修改。

    According to initial results of the survey questionnaire and pre-depth interviews , and then for the contents of the questionnaire of this study was supplemented and modified .

  21. 正式开展调查之前,对100例病人进行了预调查,经检验量表具有良好的信度和效度。

    Before a formal investigation , a pre-investigation was carry out to 100 cases of patients , which prove the measuring scale table has a good reliability and validity .

  22. 第二章是调查部分,包括预调查的设计和实施,根据预调查的情况制作调查问卷,以及正式调查的落实。

    The second chapter is investigation , including the design and implementation of the pre-survey , produced questionnaire according to the pre-survey , and implementation of the formal investigation .

  23. 问卷经过预调查并按照反馈结果修改后再进行大规模的正式调查,现场调查的质量由特定人员进行控制。

    After pre-investigation and modification based results , the large-scale formal investigation was conducted and the quality of on-the-spot investigation was controlled by specified personnel . [ Results ] 1 .

  24. 在预调查的基础上,运用分层抽样技术,计算出了既定可靠性下,退耕还林工程(陕西富县2002年)造林地监测样点的样本容量。

    On the basis of pre-investigation , stratified sampling was applied to determining the quantity of sampling for monitoring at expected reliability for the land conversion to forest program ( Fu County ) .

  25. 通过设立研究组,建立条目池、编制初选量表、现场测试、文化适应和临床预调查等形成了临床初步调查表。

    Through the establishment of the research group , set up the pool of entries , the preparation of the primary scale , field testing , cultural adaptation and clinical pre-investigation clinical preliminary questionnaire .

  26. 结合实证所在地的实际情况,经过问卷预调查并修改后制定问卷,调研过程中采取实地访谈的方式进行,尽量获得一手资料。

    Combining the actual situation of empirical location , after the pre-survey questionnaire modified to develop a questionnaire , the research process are taken in front of interviewees , gaining first-hand information as possible .

  27. 调查问卷是在广泛复习文献、参考交通车祸统计登记表以及向流行病学专家、交通警察咨询和预调查的基础上,结合病例交叉设计的特点而制订的。

    After reviewing literature extensively , consulting epidemiologists and traffic policemen , referring the statistical table for traffic accident , pilot study and considering the demands of case-crossover study , the questionnaire was designed and revised .

  28. 结果预调查量表由医疗、护理、等待时间、费用、医辅服务、环境、入院过程、治疗结果等8个因素共37个项目构成。

    Results The questionnaire for pilot survey consisted of 37 items and 8 factors which are doctor care , nursing care , waiting time , cost , auxiliary , facilities , process of access , medical outcome .

  29. 护理学硕士研究生科研能力评价问卷经过专家咨询和小样本预调查对其信效度进行检验。

    The Nursing Postgraduates ' Scientific Research Capacity Questionnaire included research capacity evaluation questionnaire and research behavior questionnaire , and adopt method of expert advice and pilot of small sample for testing reliability and validity of questionnaire .

  30. 先在小范围内抽取适量样本进行预调查,采用经典测量理论和项目反应理论相结合的方法筛选条目,结合专业知识,剔除不符合条件的条目,利用修改后的量表做正式调查。

    Extract samples from a small area for pre-examination , select the items according to classic measure theory and item response theory , so as to eliminate the unqualified items , and start formal examination with revised scale .