
  1. 三次产业划分理论和世界贸易组织(WTO)的《服务贸易总协定》(GATS)都不能作为判断教育属性的根本依据。

    The " Three Industry " Theory and the " General Agreement of Trading Service "( GATS ) of World Trade Organization ( WTO ) can not be the essential criterion to analyze the property of education .

  2. 论技师学院的高等教育属性

    On the Higher Education Nature of Technician Schools

  3. 再论高等教育属性

    On Attributes of Higher Education On Educational Sovereignty

  4. 提出了队伍建设要服从于高校后勤的教育属性、经济属性和学校政治稳定的大局等观点,提出了引进人才、分流人员和加强对现有人员的教育与管理等队伍建设的具体措施。

    Concrete measures of introducing talents , shunting personnel and strengthening the education and management of group members are put forward .

  5. 高校后勤社会化改革,要把握改革的正确方向,充分认识高校后勤的教育属性和经济属性。

    We shall stick to the right direction in socialization reform of logistics in colleges and fully understand the educational and economic nature of logistics in colleges .

  6. 一份调查临床教学效果为何有悖学生期望的报告,提出了在具有明显职业教育属性的医学教育中,立足生本是临床教学人文资源再开发的新课题。

    A research on effects of clinical education betraying the expectation of the students explored that , students-centered education became a new study topic in clinical professional education .

  7. 在全成本核算的基础上,要坚持国有资产不流失的原则、教育属性原则和后勤实体市场化原则;

    Based on total cost accounting , the principle of losslessness of national properties , of educational properties and of putting the rear service department to the market should be followed .

  8. 再次,通过挖掘竞技运动中的教育属性,它能够消除竞技运动中的各种不良现象,重新构建即将丢失的游戏精神。

    Once again , digging through education and sports in the property , which can eliminate the sports of all kinds of bad behavior , will rebuild the lost spirit of the game .

  9. 高校的教育属性决定了高校与学生之间应该有别于社会其他主体之间纯理性的利益关系,应该体现更多的人文关怀。

    The relationship between the university and its students should be different from other purely rational interested relationships between social subjects . There should be a recognition that more humane care is needed in the educational environment .

  10. 我们应从更广远的视野来认识高校后勤社会化的教育属性,力求以市场经济为纽带,把后勤社会化与学生就业、创业能力的培养结合起来,以充分发挥后勤社会化的育人功能。

    We should learn about the educational function of college rear-service socialization , direct at market economy , combine rear-service socialization with the work of improving students ' employment capability in order to make full use of its educational function .

  11. 本文基于新公共管理理论、分析义务教育属性、探究义务教育存在的问题,提出了发展义务教育的公共管理对策。

    Based on the theory of new public management , this article analyzes the attribute of compulsory education , looks into the existing problems in compulsory education , and puts forward the counter-measure , which develops the public management of compulsory education .

  12. 要从根本上改善我国公立高校的组织效率,应依据组织特有的教育属性,创新高等教育产权制度,促进我国公立高校产权的社会化、法人化、多样化。

    In order to improve the organizational efficiency radically , it is imperative to innovate the organizational property rights system and set up more socialized , juristic , diversified institution of property rights according to their special educational nature of the public universities and colleges .

  13. 浅论公共财政框架下教育产品属性

    On the Education Product Property Under the Frame of Public Finance

  14. 少数民族音乐教育的属性是复合性。

    Ethnic Music education belongs to a " compound model " .

  15. 论教育电视属性与发展道路

    On the Property and the Developing Road of Educational TVs

  16. 充分认识教育产业属性,大力发展我国高等教育

    Realizing the Industry Attribute of Education Adequately Developing our Higher Education Fleetly

  17. 教育产品属性的公共性或准公共性决定了政府应承担提供教育服务的责任。

    The publicity and quasi-publicity of education require the government provide the education .

  18. 大众化背景下维护医学教育精英属性的思考

    On Maintaining the Characteristics of Higher Medical Elite Education in the Context of Mass Education

  19. 对职业教育本质属性的再认识

    Re-Realization of Vocational-Education Nature

  20. 职业教育本质属性是职业教育理论体系的重要组成部分,影响着职业教育理论体系的完善。

    The essential attribute is an important part of vocational education 's theoretical system , it effect the perfect of it .

  21. 然后分析、提取多媒体的相关属性,建立多媒体教育资源属性索引数据库。

    Then , it analyses and extracts the properties of those multimedia resources , and establishes index databases of multimedia educational resources .

  22. 本体同以学习对象元数据为基本框架的教育资源属性一起为资源检索提供了依据。

    Ontology , together with the education resources ' attributes , which taking the Learning Object Metadate as the basic frame supply basis for resources searching .

  23. 从研究生教育的属性、人力资本理论和教育成本分担理论的视角来看,实行研究生教育收费是符合教育发展规律的。

    From the attribute of graduate education , manpower capital theory and educational cost share theory , implementing graduate tuition charges accords with the rule of educational development .

  24. 对高职教育职业属性认识的反思与批判&兼论高等职业教育合理定位过程中的主体局限性

    Reflection and Animadversion on the Cognition of " Vocational Attribute " of Higher Vocational Education & Simultaneously Discussing Subject Limitation in the Orientating Process of Higher Vocational Education

  25. 并指出了课程知识的教育学属性在于指向学习者的个体精神生成和生存意义建构。

    In this chapter , we also assume that the pedagogical features of curriculum knowledge aims at generating learners ' individual spirit as well as constructing their existing significance .

  26. 驱动成本上升的主要因素有:入学规模、学术竞争、教育产业属性、政府规则、学生资助和组织效率。

    The driven factor for costs increase include enrollment , academic competition , the property of educational industry , government regulations , student financial aids and the institutional efficiency .

  27. 摘要从法科教育的属性谈起,分析当前我国法学本科教育中职业伦理教育的缺失及其严重后果。

    The essay starts from the attribute of the law education , analyzing the shortage and serious outcome of the professional ethical education present in country 's law education .

  28. 路径研究是思想政治教育学科属性的内在要求,同时也是一个具有现实意义的研究视阈。

    The study of approches is the inherent requirement for the discipline attribute of ideological and political education , meanwhile , it is the research area with the practical significance .

  29. 思想政治教育本质属性问题是思想政治教育理论与实践中的核心问题,对思想政治教育理论与实践的发展具有重要价值。

    As the key issue to the ideological and political education both theoretically and practically , the essential attribute of ideological and political education is of great significance to their development .

  30. 本文以人的主体性的基本理论为切入点,探讨了思想政治教育本质属性与人的主体性发展的关系。

    The original is the cut-in point with the fundamental theory of main part of man , Probe into idea politics natural property of education main part development against the man relationship .