
  • Teaching process;Teaching Procedures;Teaching steps
  1. 生物奥赛培训目标与教学过程研究

    Training Goals of the International Olympic Biology Competition and Teaching Procedures Research

  2. 高职院校专业课程教学过程整体设计的研究

    Research on the Integrated Design of Teaching Procedures of Professional Curriculums in Higher Vocational College

  3. 他在教学过程中侧重于灌输。

    He is more didactic in his approach to the learning process .

  4. 目前网络公开课提供的课程大部分都是传统课堂教学过程的数字版本,博客作家丹•布汀将其称为“在web2.0的世界学习1.0的产品”。

    The current MOOC offerings are mostly digital versions of conventional pedagogies – what blogger Dan Butin has called " Learning 1.0 products in a Web 2.0 world " .

  5. 介绍了笔者在EXCEL的教学过程中摸索出的一些实用技巧。

    In the paper , some advanced using tips of EXCEL groped by the author are introduced .

  6. MCAI课件以文、图、声、像并茂的多媒体信息形式实现教学过程。

    MCAI Courseware performs instruction 's process with multimedia information format of text , graphics , sound and image .

  7. 将CSCW和CSCL技术融入到现代教学过程中,就形成了网络协同教学系统。

    According to CSCW and CSCL , the technology melt into modern education , network synergetic teaching system come out .

  8. 利用Markov过程的无后效性建立了一类注重反映整个教学过程发展变化的质量评估数学模型。

    By using the non post behavior with the Markov process , a category of mathematical model for teaching quality assessment , which reveals emphatically the progress and variation of whole teaching process .

  9. 然而,工程图学的远程教育与其他的课程有所不同。在其教学过程中,经常需要进行由3D零件到2D图形、又从2D图形回到3D零件的空间思维活动。

    However , long-distance teaching on Engineering Drawing is different to other courses , because during the teaching , we 'll often transform the 3D parts into 2D graphics and imagine the 3D archetypes in our mind .

  10. 在教学过程中,将教学内容进行优化组合,用计算机多媒体进行链接,制成教学CAI课件。教学时,将相关的化学实验或化学史实展示给学生,创设教学情境,并由学生发现学习问题;

    In the process of teaching , we make CAI courseware by bettering contents and materials of study with the computer , and we make the students find out questions and resolve them at the same time .

  11. 在冲压工艺及模具设计的教学过程中,学生对冲模结构及其工作原理的理解存在一定困难。鉴此开发了一套冲压模具三维CAI软件。

    In course of teaching of punch process and mould design , it is difficult for students at understanding of the structure and principle of punch tool , therefore , three dimensions CAI software of the punch tool is developed .

  12. 本文所指的CMS是基于Web构建的能支持和管理教学过程、提供共享学习资源和各种学习工具的网络学习环境,为网络教学的实施提供交流与学习管理服务。

    CMS in this article refers to Web-based learning environment that is built to support and manage the process of teaching , to share a variety of learning resources and learning tools . , and providing exchanges and learning management services for the implementation of the network teaching .

  13. 本文重点阐述了在运用计算机网络进行远程教学过程中,利用Web的动态数据处理能力,能有效地组织与开发教学资源库;并就开发判断远程测试结果的CGI程序、数据库开发方法进行了讨论。

    This article depicts that in the process of using computer network in the distance teaching , using the Web dynamic data processing capacity , one can effectively organizes and develops teaching resources bank , and also discusses the distance test result of CGI program , data bank development .

  14. 二是做理论研究的较多,对具体到教育教学过程中如何借鉴ISO9000核心理念,构建适合于中等职业学校的教学过程监控体系的研究少。

    Secondly , more research was emphasized the micro-theory field , but less research was put stess on borrowing ISO9000 core idea in the teaching and educational procedure , constructing the supervisory system that is accessible to the teaching procedure of secondary vocational schools .

  15. 优化教学过程发挥装备效应提高实验质量

    Optimizing Teaching Process and Exerting Equipment Effect to Improve Experimental Quality

  16. 双边互动优化有机化学教学过程

    Create Mutual Circumstance to Optimize the Process of Organic Chemistry Teaching

  17. 以系统论思想为指导实现教学过程的最优化

    On Optimization of Teaching Process Under the Guidance of Systems Theory

  18. 监控教学过程,评估教学质量。

    Supervising the teaching processes and evaluating the teaching quality .

  19. 第三,展现动态生成的教学过程;

    Third , to exhibit dynamic and generative teaching process ;

  20. 形态学教学过程中教与学双方的责任

    The responsibility of the teachers and the students during teaching of morphology

  21. 全面地论述了在教学过程中讲授艺术的基本特性。

    The basic features of instruction art in teaching are roundly discussed .

  22. 优化高校德育课的教学过程

    Primary Research on Excellence of Moral Education 's Teaching Process

  23. 物流人才培养的教学过程研究

    The Teaching Procession in Training Talents About the Modern Logistics Management Science

  24. 大学生就业指导教学过程模式的初探

    Discussion of teaching procedure and model of college students employment

  25. 语文审美式教学过程解析

    The Analysis on the Aesthetic Teaching in the Chinese Course

  26. 精心设计、自如驾驭教学过程;

    Meticulously design and freely control the teaching process ;

  27. 优化教学过程是重点;

    Optimizing the teaching procedure is the focal point .

  28. 优化教学过程培养创新意识

    Optimize the Teaching Process , Develop the Creative Sense

  29. 促进教学过程结构的最优化。

    Thus the structure of the teaching and learning process can be optimized .

  30. 影响因素与对策:基于博弈理论的高效教学过程分析

    Impacting Factors and Strategies : Efficiency Teach-Study Procession Analysis Based on Game Theory