
zhì dù huà
  • 动词/名词institutionalize;set up a systematic procedure;systematize
  1. 在中国,我们的慈善事业并不制度化。

    We lack the ability to institutionalize charitable work in China .

  2. 这是否意味着公司应该将这种做法制度化?

    Does this mean that companies should somehow institutionalize this practice ?

  3. 公元1世纪时还没有任何制度化的宗教存在。

    In the first century there was no such thing as institutionalized religion .

  4. 以制度化奖励措施重视教师表现,激励教师。

    We set the hortative methods for teachers to praise teachers ' performances .

  5. APEC的制度化发展及其必要性探析

    The Development of APEC Regularization and the Analysis on its Necessity

  6. 而MPA课程中的现代公共管理、服务型政府构建、学习型组织,组织文化制度化建设等原理为解决这些问题提供了理论依据。

    The theories in MPA courses on modern public management , service-oriented government construction , studying organization , organization culture and systematic construction provide theoretical basis to settle these problems .

  7. 本研究发现,对话、契约、慈善和市场是儒家思想中能与中国自身知识体系下的企业传播和CSR相契合的准则,并具有社会和谐和制度化的潜力。

    Dialogue , contract , philanthropy , and market are the principles of Confucius that better correspond in Chinese knowledge system and have potential of societal and system harmony .

  8. 韩国在与多国展开FTA协商的同时,设立专门机构,完善配套政策,使FTA走向制度化。

    While S.Korea consulting with multi-nations on FTA , it begins to set up specialized agency , and perfects the supporting policy to make FTA institutionalized at the same time .

  9. 东亚区域经济合作和一体化从提出、探讨到FTA在不同国家之间的签署和具体实施到东亚区域经济合作和一体化的制度化建设,东亚在迈向区域经济一体化的道路上已经取得了较大的进展。

    From the proposal , discussion and implementation to the institution construction of the East Asian regional economic cooperation and the integration , East Asia has already achieved a big progress on the path .

  10. 现阶段我国农民非制度化政治参与原因初探

    A Probe into Peasants ' Non-institution Political Participation in Nowadays China

  11. 1985-1991年,是计划生育规范化与制度化时期。

    From 1985-1991 , family planning was standardized and systemized .

  12. 论高等教育基本职能的法律制度化

    Discussion on Legislative Systemization of Basic Functions of Higher Education

  13. 二是,促使企业向制度化、规范化、科学化的管理方向转变。

    Second , may change the management into standardization , institutionalization scientific .

  14. 高校学生党支部规范化、制度化建设探讨

    Standardization and Systematization of Students ′ Party Branch in Colleges and Universities

  15. 体育制度化建设中的法治问题

    The Rule of Law in the Construction of Sports Institutionalization

  16. 当前,制度化乃是我国行政作风建设的有形载体。

    Nowadays , systematization is the concrete carrier of administrative style construction .

  17. 刍议我国政府信息公开制度化建设

    On construction of setting up a systematic procedure of our government information publicity

  18. 建章立制,实现资产的制度化管理;

    Build rules & regulations to realize systemized management ;

  19. 建立规范化、制度化的监督体系;

    Building up a standardized and systematized supervision system ;

  20. 社会保障也是一种制度化的公众权利表达与诉求机制。

    Social security is a system of public rights expression and appeal mechanism .

  21. 科举也在这一时期也走向了规范化、制度化。

    The Imperial examination also tended to standardization and institutionalization during this period .

  22. 伦理制度化:依据、功能及阈限

    Ethical Institutionalization : Basis , Function and Limitation

  23. 制度化:行政作风建设的现实选择

    Systematization : A Realistic Choice of Administrative Style

  24. 高校实验室开放制度化探讨

    Discussion on an Open System of University Laboratories

  25. 图书馆职业伦理制度化建设

    Institutional Construction of the Library 's Professional Ethic

  26. 非制度化参与、非均衡状态等是现阶段中国农村村民公共参与的共同特征。

    The main forms of villagers'public participation in the current rural area of China ;

  27. 正是这些疑问,促使我开始对苏联政治生活中的非制度化现象发生兴趣的。

    These questions urge me to be interested in the non - institutionalized phenomena .

  28. 三是要进行监督机制的制度化建设。

    The third point is the construction of the systematization of the supervising organism .

  29. 推进管理制度化的建设;

    To improve institutionalized construction of management ;

  30. 核心问题是建立法制化、制度化的体制运行环境。

    Core problem is to build the system institutionalizing , being institutionalized running an environment .