
  • 网络student-centered;student-oriented;students-centered;student-based;learner-centered
  1. 这正好与多元智能理论以学生为主体,培养学生的个性和学生的全面发展的核心相吻合。

    These just coincide with the core concepts of the theory of multiple intelligences , which are student-centered , to train students ' personality and all-round students .

  2. 在WEB教学中实施创新教育,一要构建以学生为主体的网络环境,二要设立创新性的教学模式,三要创设虚拟现实的环境,四是要发挥教师的主导作用。

    The implementation of creative education in WEB teaching should construct student-centered network environment , establish creative teaching mode , create virtual real environment and give full play to teachers .

  3. 以学生为主体的VB探究式实验教学模式研究

    Research on the Student-oriented VB Exploratory Experimental Teaching Method

  4. 浅谈以学生为主体的课堂教学模式

    On Teaching Model in Class with Students as Its Main Body

  5. 以学生为主体构建计算机教学的新模式

    Setting up a new computer teaching model with student as subject

  6. 关于在职校中推行以学生为主体的教学模式的思考

    A Reflection on the Implement of Student-Centered Approach in Vocational Schools

  7. 树立以学生为主体的教育观,探索教学方法改革之路

    Explore the Transformation of Teaching Model through Fostering the Student-Centered Education

  8. 以学生为主体的历史教学

    On the History Teaching with the Students as the Main part

  9. 以学生为主体培养创造性人才

    Taking students as the main concern , training creative personnel

  10. 以学生为主体的小讲课在《儿科护理学》教学中的应用

    Application of Student-made Lectures in the Teaching and Learning of Pediatric Nursing

  11. 以学生为主体的大学英语课堂教学质量评价体系探讨

    Discussion on Students-centered Evaluation System of College English Class Teaching

  12. 第四,要推行以学生为主体的管理模式。

    The fourth , we must implement the student-oriented mode .

  13. 以学生为主体的数学课堂教学探索

    Exploration on mathematics teaching in the Classroom based on student as subject

  14. 高等教育教学改革的重点之一是探索以学生为主体的教学改革。

    Student-centered learning is of greater importance in nowadays higher education reform .

  15. 教学应以学生为主体。

    The students should be taken as the main body in teaching .

  16. 全方位实施以学生为主体的教学策略

    From multi-faced execution the teaching strategies about regarding students as main body

  17. 创新教育是以学生为主体,以培养创新能力为核心的开放型教育。

    Innovative education is student-centered education , which focuses on developing students'innovative ability .

  18. 以学生为主体的体育教学方式探讨

    Study of the PE Methodology Module on the Main Body of the Student

  19. 任务型语言教学是一种以学生为主体、以任务为核心的教学模式。

    Task-based language teaching is a teaching approach that is student-oriented and task-centered .

  20. 以学生为主体的临床教学改革实践

    The practice of student oriented reform of clinical teaching

  21. 以学生为主体的外语教学与课堂活力

    Learner - based Foreign Language Teaching and Classroom Dynamics

  22. 以学生为主体的外语课堂教学方法探究

    Research of Student-oriented Teaching Methods of Foreign Language Classroom

  23. 以学生为主体的综合设计性实验教学实践初探

    The exploration of the student-centered comprehensive and designing experiment

  24. 构建以学生为主体的大学英语教学模式

    The Construction of Learner-centered Teaching Model of College English

  25. 浅议教学活动应以学生为主体

    Teaching Activities Should Take Students As the Main Part

  26. 以学生为主体,深化《计算机文化基础》课教改的思考

    Regard Student as Main Body , Deepen Reform of Computer Culture Courses Teaching

  27. 在小班制双语教学活动中以学生为主体的教改方式授课,学生学习主动性、参与程度高,学习成绩普遍提高。

    Student-based orientation mode shows students participated initiatively , grade is widely improved .

  28. 开展综合性活动课必须以学生为主体。

    ( A ) Undertake a comprehensive activities must be based on student-centered lessons .

  29. 以学生为主体教学法在工科专业课教学中的尝试

    The Attempt of teaching method of students as main body in engineering courses teaching

  30. 以学生为主体与以教师为指导的关系;

    The relationship between student-centered and teacher-guided approaches ;