
yǐ dǎnɡ dài zhènɡ
  • 熟语usurpation of government by the Party
  1. 一元化领导体制确定党的机关为最高领导机关,一定程度上以党代政。

    The centralized leading system of the party makes the organ of the party be the highest leading one .

  2. 党政不分、以党代政以及缺乏有效的监督体制。

    Non-distinction between party and government , and the replacement of government with party , and lack of efficient supervisory system .

  3. 其最大危害就是中断了中国法制现代化的历史进程,强化了中国社会蔑视法律的民族传统心理,为新中国政策治国、以党代政、以党治国开了方便之门。

    The historical development of the Chinese legal modernization has been suspended , the traditional national psychology of despising law has been strengthened and it opened a door for ruling by policy , replacing politics by party and ruling by party .