
  • Teaching objectives;Teaching goals;Teaching aims;Teaching aims and demands
  1. 评价如何确保教学目标的实现?

    How does the evaluation guarantee the realization of teaching aims ?

  2. 陈述具体而明确的教学目标是教学设计中的重要一环。

    It is important to make the teaching aims clear .

  3. 大学英语四、六级考试(CET)的目的在于准确衡量我国在校大学生的英语综合应用能力,为实现大学英语课程教学目标发挥积极作用。

    The purpose of the College English Test ( CET ) is to accurately measure college students ' ability to use English in a well-rounded way , and to promote the implementation of College English Curriculum Requirements ( Requirements ) .

  4. 制定排球传球技术教学目标的理论研究

    Theoretical research of drawing up teaching objective in volleyball pass technique

  5. 教学目标的预设具有前瞻性、确定性和统一性。

    Teaching objectives with the first default , certainty and uniformity .

  6. 教学目标的设计是教学设计的首要环节和任务。

    Designing teaching objectives is the essential task of teaching designing .

  7. 高等专科英语教学目标协同刍议

    Opinions of Coordination of English Teaching Objectives in Senior Colleges

  8. 第二,实施教学目标责任制是分层教学的关键。

    2 > Applying teaching objective-duty system is the key of level-teaching .

  9. 论语文课堂教学目标的制定和陈述

    Talk about Chinese Classroom Instruction Formulation and Statement of Goal

  10. 紧扣教学目标加强实践教学深化教学改革

    Following Closely Teaching Objectives , Strengthening Practice Teaching , Deepening Teaching Reform

  11. 美国教学目标分类研究评介

    A Review on the Taxonomy of Teaching Objectives in America

  12. 教育评价是对教育教学目标的最终检验。

    Educational evaluation is the final test of educational aims .

  13. 对高校体育教学目标与健康课程改革的探讨

    Discussion on P.E. Teaching Goal and Healthy Course Reform in Colleges and Universities

  14. 重新定位工程制图课程的教学目标和任务

    Locating Teaching Goal and Task for Engineering Drawing Again

  15. 将教学目标分类理论应用于药物化学教学

    Application of Instructional Objective Classification in Medicinal Chemistry Instruction

  16. 制定明确的教学目标,是课堂教学设计的中心任务。

    Designing definite teaching goals is an essential task in classroom teaching design .

  17. 关于外语教学目标实现的思考

    Problems of Reaching The Foreign - language Teaching Target

  18. 对多媒体网络教学目标的定性研究

    Qualitative Study on the Orientation of Multimedia Network Teaching

  19. 语文教学目标设计的最优化

    Design the Most of the Goal in Chinese Teaching

  20. 教学目标是教学的统帅和灵魂,具有导向、评价、调节、激励等多方面的功能。

    Teaching goals are the keys of teaching and they have lots functions .

  21. 对体育学院不同学制篮球课教学目标的研究

    Teaching Objects of Basketball Lesson for Different School Systems in physical Education College

  22. 如何制订面向全体学生的课堂教学目标

    On the Establishment of Students - oriented Teaching Targets

  23. 二是编制和表述教学目标。

    Another is compiling and expressing teaching targets .

  24. 体育教学目标分类与实施

    Taxonomy and enforcement for objectives of Physical Teaching

  25. 然后对教学目标设计的内涵和意义作了简要的阐述。

    Then briefly narrates the connotation and meaning of the device of teaching objective .

  26. 体育教学目标设置策略

    The strategy of goal setting in Physical Teaching

  27. 化学自学能力是化学教育的一项重要的教学目标。

    Self-study ability in chemistry is one of the important aims in chemistry education .

  28. 现行应用文课程存在着课程性质和教学目标模糊;

    Curriculum of the current practical writing has curriculum nature and fuzzy teaching goal ;

  29. 英语教学目标系统的心理分析

    A Psychological Analysis of English Teaching Goal System

  30. 《会计电算化》课程教学目标内容和方式的探讨

    Exploration of Teaching Target , Teaching Content and Teaching Method on Computerized Accounting Course