
  • 网络Educational Theory;education theory;theory of education
  1. 培训内容主要围绕教育理论和管理理论两大领域;

    Training materials should be mostly about the theory of education and management ;

  2. 教育理论向教育实践主体能力的转化过程;

    The process of theory of education transforms the ability of practice body ;

  3. 反思性教学(reflectiveteaching)作为一种新兴的教育理论与实践,对我国的教育改革有着不可忽视的影响。

    As a newly-born educational theory and practice , reflective teaching has played an important role in Chinese educational reform .

  4. 钻研教育理论,掌握现代教育技术;

    Delving into education theories , controlling the modern education techniques ;

  5. 什么是好学生是一个基本的教育理论问题。

    What is a good student is a basic education theory problem .

  6. 现代教育理论研究应增强四种意识

    The Research on Contemporary Educational Theories Should Strengthen Four Kinds of Consciousnesses

  7. 论苏联教育理论对中国教育的影响

    Influence of Soviet Union 's Educational Theory on Chinese Education

  8. 提高高校师范生教育理论素质的思考

    Improvement of Students ' Ability in Educational Theory in Teacher 's College

  9. 教育理论本土化研究对校本管理本土化的思考

    Research of Education Theory Localization Reflections on the Localization of School-based Management

  10. 孔子是中国传统教育理论的创立者,至今仍有重要影响。

    Confucius was the founder of Chinese traditional education theory .

  11. 教育理论原创首先意味着教育学要成为自身。

    Educational originality firstly means pedagogy must become itself .

  12. 教育理论是实践的、应用的理论;

    Educational theory is of practical and applied nature ;

  13. 小学美术个性化教育理论研究与模式构建

    The Theoretical Study and Pattern Construction in Elementary Schools about Art Personality Education

  14. 孔子的教育理论与实践对当代教育的启示

    The Enlightenment to Nowadays ' Education from Confucius 's Teaching Theory and Practices

  15. 后现代教育理论对护理教学的启迪

    Influence of Post modernist Educational Theory upon Nursing Education

  16. 试论教育理论研究的意义

    On the significance of the study of educational theory

  17. 问题意识是培养创新能力和创造能力的前提和关键,努力培养学生问题意识已成为我国教育理论与实践中关注的焦点之一。

    And the key of innovation and creativity education is to develop problem awareness .

  18. 生活教育理论的语文实践研究;

    Life education theory language practice research ;

  19. 假象与真实:合作研究中教育理论与教育实践的关系

    False Appearance and Actual Fact : Relation Between Educational Theory And Practice In Cooperative Research

  20. 教育理论和医学教育实践

    Educational Theory and Medical Education Practice

  21. 思想政治教育理论创新要注意处理好几个关系

    The Innovation of Ideological and Political Education Theory Should Pay Attention to Dealing with Several Relations

  22. 并认为这种性别差异可能会对教育理论的发展产生阻碍。

    Then it argues that these gender differences may be obstacles for the development of education sciences .

  23. 科学主义与人文主义的对立统一及其对高等教育理论与实践的影响

    The Antithesis of Scientism and Humanism , and Its Influence upon the Higher Educations Theory and Practice

  24. 对于这种性别差异的产生,笔者试图从历史、社会、女性自身以及教育理论本身特点等角度来进行解释;

    The dissertation explains that the history , society , females and education sciences shape these gender differences .

  25. 将多元文化教育理论与地方课程理论相结合不失为地方课程理论研究的新视角。

    Theoretical studies on local courses can be pursued by combining multi_cultural education theories and local course theories .

  26. 论文对蒙台梭利关于幼儿感官教育理论和方法进行了论述。

    The paper puts forward and discusses the theories and methods of Montessori on sensorial education of children .

  27. 第三部分,以先进的教育理论和课程开发理论为指导,在基础理论研究的层面进行智能机器人课程资源开发,分别形成了小学、初中、高中三个学段的智能机器人课程指导纲要。

    Part three , this paper forms three curriculum criterions of elementary school , middle school and high school .

  28. 目前,创新教育理论研究的深度与广度都达到了一个新的层次,在许多问题上都有了一定的突破。

    At present , the depth and width for studying the theory of creative education has reached a new level .

  29. 环境道德作为一种新的道德观念日益受到了教育理论界和教育实践工作者的重视。

    As a new moral concept , environmental moral receives more and more attention of educational theory and educational practice .

  30. 预防医学教育理论脱离实际的弊端已不容忽视。

    The malpractice that the theory of preventive medicine teaching is divorced from the reality can no longer be neglected .