
  • 网络Consultant;Consulting;counselor;guidance counselor
  1. 她目前是位于荷兰奈凯尔克地区的Approach的高级业务咨询顾问、业务架构师和敏捷项目经理。

    She works as a senior business consultant , business architect and Agile project manager at Approach in Nijkerk , the Netherlands .

  2. 第三个黑即是白观点,见于咨询顾问乔丹??科恩(JordanCohen)在《哈佛商业评论》网站上发表的一篇文章。该文章鼓吹的是另一股新潮流。

    The third idea is another new trend being pushed in an article by consultant Jordan Cohen on the HBR website .

  3. 你需要去找训练有素的咨询顾问请教这些问题。

    You need to take your problems to a trained counsellor

  4. 如果面对咨询顾问或治疗师时你觉得不自在,一定要提出来。

    If you are uncomfortable with your counsellor or therapist , you must discuss it

  5. 医院的咨询顾问、护理人员和其他人员紧密合作,而不再像之前那样按照专业和等级被划分开。

    Consultants , nurses and others collaborate closely instead of being separated by speciality and rank .

  6. 其次,探究咨询顾问能力对ERP系统成功实施的影响。

    Second , to explore the capacity of consultant on the successful implementation of ERP systems .

  7. 第五章是ERP咨询顾问能力的综合评价。

    In the fourth chapter , we construct the evaluation index system of the competence of ERP consultant .

  8. 实施ERP要选择合适的ERP平台和管理咨询顾问,否则会走弯路。

    It is necessary to select the suitable ERP platform and consultation advisor - otherwise you will take a wrong path .

  9. 本文作者以ERP咨询顾问身份,参与项目单位流程再造和ERP系统实施工作。

    The author is an ERP consultant and takes part in the project of the company 's process reengineering and ERP implementation .

  10. 凯雷的咨询顾问是摩根大通(jpmorgan)。

    Carlyle is being advised by JPMorgan .

  11. 面对这些问题,需要专业的ERP咨询顾问的参与和帮助,与企业一起进行系统的分析、规划与协调,将企业流程与ERP系统进行有效的整合,达到系统的成功实施。

    Facing these problems , it need ERP consultant help analysis , planning and coordination , realize the integration of enterprise processes and ERP system .

  12. 1998年的一篇文章正式提出了这一观念,文章题为《人才争夺战》(thewarfortalent),由麦肯锡(mckinsey)的5位咨询顾问撰写。

    The ideology was formally set out in a 1998 article , entitled " the war for talent " , written by five McKinsey consultants .

  13. ERP咨询顾问是从事ERP软件咨询、规划、实施,使ERP软件产品能够在企业经营管理中得以成功应用的专业人员。

    ERP consultants are engaged in the ERP software consulting , planning , implementation , make the ERP software products be able to successfully apply in the enterprise management .

  14. PeterSchuh,作家,独立咨询顾问

    Peter Schuh , Author , Independent Consultant

  15. 但这从某些角度强化了麦肯锡的论据:麦肯锡咨询顾问明白,他们升入最高职位的最快(且最廉价)方法是拥有欧洲工商管理学院的MBA学位。

    But somehow that strengthens the argument : McKinsey consultants know their quickest ( and cheapest ) way to the top is with an Insead MBA .

  16. Ryan的高级咨询顾问希瑟•哈里森(HeatherHarrison)说,员工们会把他们的日常安排发到共享的Outlook日程表上,并且经常在电话会议上讨论问题。

    Employees post their schedules on shared Outlook calendars and talk often on conference calls , says Heather Harrison , a senior consultant .

  17. 日新租赁的员工还声称,tpg向日新收取了过多费用,例如通过聘用咨询顾问的形式。

    NIS staffers also alleged that TPG billed NIS excessive fees , for example by bringing in consultants .

  18. 第二,本文不仅仅研究了咨询顾问能力对ERP系统成功实施的影响,还试图探究咨询顾问能力对其他影响变量的影响,这也是本文主要创新点。

    Second , this paper not only research consultant capacity on the successful implementation of ERP systems , but also tried to explore the impact of the consulting capacity for other impact variables .

  19. 他是lyle先生和我的咨询顾问。

    He 's consulting for Mr Lyle and me .

  20. 但克努斯托普绝非天真浪漫,他还为乐高带来了自己身为麦肯锡(McKinsey)咨询顾问的大量专业背景。

    But Mr Knudstorp is no wide-eyed romantic . He also brought to Lego much of his professional background as a McKinsey consultant .

  21. 37岁的咨询顾问MarieStevens表示她在6年前生了儿子Alex后就和很多学校里结识的朋友失去了联系。

    Business consultant Marie Stevens , 37 , said she has lost contact with many school friends since having her son Alex six years ago .

  22. 上海一位零售业咨询顾问保罗•弗伦奇(PaulFrench)表示:每一届奥运会都会出现游击营销,届时各家公司都试图成为媒体报道的对象,而北京奥运会上将出现大量的这种营销方式。

    Every Olympics has guerrilla marketing , when companies try to come in under the wire , but there will be lots of it in Beijing , says Paul French , a retail consultant in Shanghai .

  23. PeterSandman,一位来自新泽西州普林斯顿的风险咨询顾问,认为这样的做法不无道理。

    This is not necessarily such a bad thing , says Peter Sandman , a risk communications consultant based in Princeton , N.

  24. 拟在中国(尤其是在北京)举行或参加会议的外国商人,以及使用F字签证的大量咨询顾问、其他自雇人士或临时外国居民,将受到最大影响。

    Foreign business-people hoping to hold or attend conferences in China , particularly in Beijing , will be most affected , along with large numbers of consultants and other self-employed or part-time foreign residents who use the visas .

  25. 思科系统公司(Cisco)是达文波特作为韬睿惠悦公司咨询顾问在2010年服务的客户之一。达文波特介绍说,思科系统公司在中层管理工作方面进行了大刀阔斧的改革。

    Cisco ( CSCO ) made major changes in how their middle managers operate , says Davenport , who consulted for the company in2010 as part of Towers Watson .

  26. 贸易咨询顾问、澳大利亚前贸易谈判代表彼得•盖勒(PeterGallagher)表示,自2000年以来,各国政府向世界贸易组织(WTO)提交的新卫生标准平均数量已上升了两倍。

    Peter Gallagher , a trade consultant and former Australian trade negotiator , says the average number of new sanitary standards that governments report to the World Trade Organisation has tripled since 2000 .

  27. 大学招生咨询顾问米凯莱•埃尔南德斯(MicheleHernandez)表示,成本上升也加剧了进入美国一流大学的竞争。

    Rising costs also increase competition to get into the best schools , according to Michele Hernandez , a college admissions consultant .

  28. 1995年感恩节假期期间,威尔逊刚刚从安永会计师事务所(Ernst&Young)加拿大分公司专业发展主管任上提前退休,正在考虑重返教师岗位,突然接到了光辉国际咨询顾问公司(Korn/Ferry)一位猎头打来的电话。

    He had left his job as national director of professional development and was thinking of returning to teaching when he got a call from a Korn / Ferry headhunter during the Thanksgiving Day holiday in 1995 .

  29. 航空业咨询顾问吉姆•埃克斯(JimEckes)表示:这显然是一个热爱各类新型消费电子产品的地区。

    This is clearly a region that loves all that is new in consumer electronics ,'' says Jim Eckes , an aviation consultant .

  30. 监察机构与联邦调查局(fbi)和美国证交会合作,已宣布对几名前对冲基金交易员、公司内部人士以及一家专业网络公司的咨询顾问提起刑事指控。

    Prosecutors , working with the Federal Bureau of investigation and the SEC , have announced criminal charges against former hedge fund traders , company insiders and consultants at an expert network firm .