
yù kē shēnɡ
  • Preparatory student;student in a preparatory course
  1. 受本区委托完成的一项调查发现,68%的高中优秀学生和预科生说他们在学校“一直或大部分时间”有压力。

    The survey commissioned by the district found that 68 percent of high school honor and Advanced Placement students reported feeling stressed about school " always or most of the time . "

  2. 通过SPSS软件对调查中有个体差异的预科生汉语学习者的阅读策略分析,包括性别差异、母语差异以及高分组与低分组的差异。

    We investigated those ineffective language learners ' reading strategies and analyzed the collected date by SPSS . The analysis focus on individual differences , including gender , mother language high-score students and low-score students .

  3. 如果告诉你,柯盖德大学深受拿运动奖学金的预科生推崇,而格林内尔是文艺青年的天堂,他们会在深夜卧谈会时大谈德里达(Derrida),你肯定不会感到意外。

    It should be no surprise that Colgate is beloved by preppy scholar-athletes while Grinnell is a haven for hipsters who discuss Derrida into the wee hours .

  4. 民族预科生是应备受关注的特殊群体。

    National pre-college students should be concerned by a special group .

  5. 詹妮:你们有自己的图书馆,预科生。

    Jenny : you have your own library , preppie * .

  6. 你凭什么认定我是预科生?

    What makes you so sure I went to prep school ?

  7. 詹妮:请你说话文明点儿,预科生!

    Jenny : please watch your profanity * , preppie .

  8. 少数民族预科生汉字偏误分析

    The Error Analysis of Chinese Character by Preparatory Course Students

  9. 难道你们没有自己的图书馆,预科生?

    Don 't you have your own library , Preppie ?

  10. 我问他,为什么他成了好莱坞的都市预科生。

    I asked him why he became Hollywood 's Ur-preppy .

  11. 医学预科生弗朗西斯和詹姆斯在一起学习。

    Pre-med students Francis and James are studying together .

  12. 现实生活中,他和预科生相去甚远。

    He is far from preppy in real life .

  13. 浅谈民族预科生的数学扶贫教学

    A Brief Talk on Aid-the-poor Teaching of Mathematics for the Ethnic Preparatory College Students

  14. 预科生学习汉语的焦虑感研究

    Anxiety of Chinese-learning Students in Preparatory Department

  15. 他已经有点儿变得那么性感,理智,预科生事情继续。

    He 's kind of got that sexy , intellectual , preppy thing going on .

  16. 少数民族预科生学习策略调查报告

    An Investigation of English Learning Strategies Used by Preparatory Undergraduates in an Ethnic Minority University

  17. 调查发现,民族预科生具有正确的、朴素的、简单的数学知识观;

    Survey found that , the national pre-college students have right conception of mathematical knowledge ;

  18. 医学预科生为什么要学历史?

    What does pre-Med need with history ?

  19. 内蒙古工业大学民族预科生英语写作错误分析(英文)

    An Analysis of Errors in the English Writings of Minority Preparatory Students in IMUT ;

  20. 少数民族预科生汉语阅读焦虑调查分析

    Research on the Anxiety of the Ineffective Chinese Learning of The Minority Learners Preparing for College

  21. 詹妮:快了,战斗就要结束了,预科生。军队马上就会回去过圣诞节了。

    Jenny : It 's going , preppie . The troops will be home for Christmas .

  22. 提升我们的儿子克里斯是位于斯泰兹波罗的南佐治亚医科大学的预科生。

    Our son , Chris , is a premed student at Georgia Southern University in Statesboro .

  23. 上一次一个预科生问我,声音是不是对意义的一种加强呢?

    One of the pre-freshmen asked me last time Well isn 't sound a reinforcement of meaning ?

  24. 乡村俱乐部的预科生

    Preparatory Students of Country Club

  25. 高校民族预科生健康人格养成教育

    Try on Talking about University 's National Preparatory Course and Catching Health Personality to Form and Educate

  26. 在我被录取为医学预科生之后,我在大学的第一年就成了一名英语专业的学生。

    I became an English major my first year in college , after being enrolled as a pre-med .

  27. 我最初是佛罕大学医科的预科生我学过一门课程叫心…形…

    I began at Fordham University as a pre-med student I took a course called Cardiac ... Morph ....

  28. 新疆少数民族预科生对汉语作业的期望心理评析

    Psychological Evaluation and Analysis on Expectation of Xinjiang Minority Nationality Students in Preliminary Course to Their Homework 's Feedback

  29. 本论文旨在对高校民族预科生新疆班英语学习困难状况,原因作出探究,并提出针对性的教学对策和模式。

    This paper aims at the exploration on the conditions and reasons of English-learning difficulty for xinjiang national preppies .

  30. 内蒙古高校预科生学习策略特点及其干预研究

    Characteristics of Learning Strategy Used by Preparatory Students from Inner Mongolia Higher Education Institutions as well as Its Intervention Study