- Germanic law

This part includes two chapters : the possession system of Roman law and the system of Germanic law .
Its development attributes to the medieval civilization , forming the idea of Germanic law and the contract idea .
The law of the Visigoths had essential values and distinct characters .
Paternity originated in Roman law and German law .
Modern Possession system originate from the law of Rome and the law of Germanic .
Roman Law and German Law are the main sources of Western nomocracy tradition in Modern times .
The first chapter covers four sections concerning the ancient English law and its civil procedural system .
Many countries in both Civil Law System and Common Law System have accepted this system since it established .
Acquisition in good faith is originated from the " Hand muss Hand Wahren " system in ancient Germanic law .
The author considered that the law of Germans substitutes the blood price for the personal consanguinity reprisal was a progress .
Possession was considered as a fact in Roman law with material and spiritual prerequisites , and as a right in Germanic law .
Roman law does not exist Innocent , Acquired in good faith from the " hand to hand " principle in Germanic law .
Possession system in the civil law of modern countries is the commixture of possession system in the Roman law and the Germanic law .
Most modern countries inherited the tradition of Germanic law , taking the protection of minor children as the center of their parental power system .
The system of possession in modern civil law is an outcome of the interaction and cooperation between the systems of possession embodied in ancient Roman Law and Germanic Law .
Derived from the principle of " hand muss hand wahren " in Germanic law , bona fide gaining has been successfully incorporated into civil laws of all the countries .
Generally speaking , the co-ownership is always classified into tenancy in common and joint tenancy , they all can data back to the tenancy in roman law and germany law .
Later in the source of the national spirit , there appears School of Romanist and the School of Germanic . Then they form the Concept of Law and the Object of Law .
The Special portion system most countries restrictions on testamentary freedom and the establishment of a system , it comes from the expectations of the obligations on the ancient Roman and Germanic law .
The ancient Germanic law concept of property and the Rome law to have the remarkable difference , and provides no rights can be used as a kind of intangible property in the property .
The approval of central government , which different from Germanic tribe law era which without intervention of nation power is the foundation of the social organizational and header customary law can exist validity .
Acquisition in good faith is an important civil legal system , is derived from the Germanic law principle of " hand in hand ", and into Rome law the acquisitive prescription system in the good elements , deductive evolved .
At last , the right respectively in Roman law and Germanic Law are generally investigated . The thesis believes that the Roman law has the significant impact on the right of claim for dividing co-ownership in the Continent Law .
" ancient quality " and Japanese " real estate quality " of civil law of graceful law , ear of Japan ,, similar to right system of allusion quatation of our country , But there is a lot of difference .
This paper firstly analyzes the possession protect historical formation , emphatically discusses the ancient Rome law and the Germanic law in the possession system of possession protection method , and through the comparison of the two to the two respective characteristics .
Rome law and the Germanic law is civil law of continent law system of the two major sources , all modern countries and regions the possessions in civil law system development is also affected by the two major sources of influence .
Before the eleven century , in the medieval Western Europe , every country relies on the German customary law .
Since then , the invasion of the Barbarians brought German property law .