
  1. 以日常教育教学行为为切入点;

    To implement from the daily education behavior ;

  2. 在日常教育中要统筹课堂教育、校园文化活动和社会实践;

    As to routine education , classroom instruction , campus activities and social practices , into one ;

  3. 现代教育评价强调要在日常教育教学中发挥评价的激励和发展功能,学生成长记录袋正是适应这种要求的一种质性评定方法。

    Portfolio is an effective qualitative evaluation method in enhancing the motivational and developmental functions of student assessment .

  4. 许多事例表明,教师的成长是基于日常教育教学经验反思基础上进行的。

    Many cases indicate that the development of teachers is based on the teaching reflection on everyday teaching .

  5. 影响的方式体现于日常教育活动、言教身教和课堂教学多条途径;

    The methods of influence involve various approaches such as daily educational activities , verbal instruction and class teaching ;

  6. 教育实践是教育学知识的真正发源地,是教育学的根,教育的秘密就蕴藏在日常教育实践中。

    We think education practice is the origin of pedagogy knowledge and secrets of education are concealed in it .

  7. 人格教育要遵循一定的原则,采取相应对策,通过日常教育、教学活动以及社会实践等途径来实施。

    Personality education must follow some rules and can be realized by everyday education , teaching activity and social practice .

  8. 教师的积极评价在日常教育教学中的渗透。

    The treatise discusses the effect of positive appraisement by teachers during daily teaching , group counseling and individual counseling .

  9. 本系统主要完成越秀的成绩管理功能,实现日常教育工作中成绩管理的数据化管理。

    The system is mainly to complete the performance management function of Yuexiu , achieving data management in daily educational work .

  10. 如果说组织文化是一个组织的灵魂,那么学校的组织文化就是一所学校的灵魂,是隐含于日常教育行为背后更为深刻的东西。

    As we know , organizational culture is the soul of each organization . The school organizational culture conceals in daily educational behavior .

  11. 三是大学教育要为大学生搭建平台,通过课堂教育和日常教育培养大学生成长成才优势。

    Thirdly University education should build a platform for the growth of college students by class education and daily education to cultivate their advantages .

  12. 在日常教育教学的基础上,对实验组进行了为期8周共16小时的认知行为团体干预,对控制组不进行干预。

    During the daily teaching , the experimental group accepted cognitive behavior group intervention for eight weeks , and the control group received no intervention .

  13. 在日常教育教学中,学校积累了大量的、复杂的教育教学数据,管理和检索这些数据变得越来越困难。

    In the daily teaching , colleges and universities have accumulated massive and complex data that is more difficult to manage and analyze these data .

  14. 年级组,作为学校管理组织系统的一个组成部分,是学校活动的基本单位,对管理学校内部的日常教育教学、培养和造就社会所需的各种人才,具有特别重要的意义。

    Grade group is a part of school managerial origination system and the basic unit of school activity . It is important to ordinary education and instruction .

  15. 教师教育变革的真正意义存在于日常教育生活之中,而提倡反思,是教师专业发展所强调的实践品格。

    The real significance of teacher education reform is incarnated in teacher 's daily teaching life . Self-reflection is the practical character that is emphasized by teachers ' professional development .

  16. 发展性教师评价倡导简便易行的评价标准,强调把握评价的切入点,使评价成为教师日常教育教学活动的组成部分。

    It advocates a simple and practical evaluation criteria , intensifying the locating of the entry of evaluation so as to integrate evaluation as a part of routine teaching activities of teachers .

  17. 这一转换直接带来了中小学日常教育活动的新面貌,如我-你式温馨评语的兴起与推广。这是对马克思主义实践理论的深化和创造性转换。

    This kind of conversion bring directly new appearance to acts in school daily life , such as warm comment written in " you-I " form , and deepen Marxism theory of practice .

  18. 第三部分通过对一所幼儿园中三位处于不同共同体范围、不同专业发展阶段水平的教师日常教育工作的案例分析,寻求新学习理论对于教师学习的新启示。

    Explore what hints the new study theory implies for the teachers ' learning by analyzing the daily teaching of three teachers in a kindergarten who belong to different communities and have different expertise .

  19. 参与近代海军的日常教育与训练,特别是参与东北海军的组建与发展,对东北海军的发展和壮大作出了杰出的贡献。

    They also take part in the navy 's daily education and training , especially in the forming and developing of the navy force in North-east China and have made outstanding contribution to the navy force .

  20. 无论教师在日常教育教学中采取哪种反馈方式,其目的都是为了全体学生的进步与发展。

    No matter what kind of feedback the teacher use during the teaching process , the final goal of teaching is to make sure that all students get the chance to improve and develop their abilities .

  21. 我们需要揭示那些在教师群体或个人中分散的、策略性的以及权宜性的创造力所采取的潜在形式,即在日常教育实践中的运作方式,描述其潜在的变化因素。

    We should discover the potential forms of the strategic and expedient creativity distributed a-mong teacher groups or individual teachers , i. e. to describe the operational forms and potential factors in the daily practice of education .

  22. 教师实践性知识研究是一项研究者和教师共同立足于日常教育实践来进行合作探究的课题,以求达成理论与实践的融通与共建。

    The research on the teacher 's practical knowledge is the project that the researchers cooperate with the teachers to explore based on the daily teaching practice in an attempt to link up the theory and the practice .

  23. 这种教育思想的革命已经在实践中逐渐改变当前学校的日常教育模式,目前我们的中小学基本上都已经在尝试着实践这种教学模式。

    This kind of education thought " revolution " has gradually change the current in practice education mode , the school daily currently we have been in primary and secondary schools basically trying to practice this teaching mode .

  24. 本文主要介绍在新课改的背景下,如何加强学生学习习惯和学习品质的培养,着重介绍在日常教育教学中如何从各个方面培养学生的学习习惯,进而如何培养学生的优秀学习品质。

    This paper mainly introduces that under the background of new curriculum , introduces in daily teaching how to cultivate students ' learning habit , and how to cultivate students ' excellent quality of learning from different aspects .

  25. 辅导员博客是高校辅导员为在网络中进一步推进大学生日常教育工作而建立的工作博客,是高校辅导员的在线工作日志,也是辅导员与大学生的沟通交流平台。

    The tutor blog is not only the work blog of tutors in the universities and colleges for promoting college students daily education , and it is theirs online logbooks and the communication platform of tutors and college students .

  26. 随着高等教育事业的不断发展及高校后勤社会化改革的不断深入,学生公寓逐渐演变为学生生活、学习和思想、情感交流的基本空间及学校日常教育管理的重要场所。

    With the constant development of higher educational undertaking and deepening of socialized reform of university 's logistics , student apartment develop into students ' basic space of life , study , thought , and school 's daily education place for management .

  27. 高校政治辅导员工作在大学生成才的系统工程中起着重要的作用,政治辅导员是对学生进行日常教育管理最直接的实施者,是最基层的思想工作者。

    The work of political instructors in colleges and universities plays an important role in the systematic project of developing college students into useful persons . Political instructors are basic-level ideological workers who are directly in charge of the students ' daily education .

  28. 党支部工作是高校党建工作的基础,各项思想政治教育工作、党的各项方针政策和任务的落实和完成、党员的日常教育和管理都要通过党支部去具体组织和实施。

    Party branch work is the basic of party construction at college , every ideological political educational work , every party policy and task 's implement , the management and the daily education of party member will all be organized and enforced by party branch .

  29. 实践-意义取向教师专业发展理论,提出教师应从对教育的实践本质的理解出发,以实现教育意义为追求,在日常教育教学实践过程中实现教师专业发展。

    The theory of teachers ' professional development with the practice-meaning-based orientation points out that , teachers should understand the practical nature of education , and seek to achieve the significance of education , and implement professional development of teachers in the practice of daily teaching .

  30. 把日常教育实践作为教育理论研究的出发点,着力关注教育实践者对教育的主动参与,并使日常教育实践成为教育教学变革的沃土。

    In other words , we should take the daily practice of education as the starting point of the theoretical research on education , emphasize educational practitioners ' active participation in education and treat the daily practice of education as the fertile soil for teaching reform .