
liè chē yùn xínɡ tú
  • Train diagram;train schedule/timetable
  1. 对列车运行图数据管理系统采用的体系结构进行了讨论。并提出了基于动态Web的分布式应用解决方案,使系统的使用更加灵活方便。

    Discussing the structure of the Data Management System lor Train Diagram , and proposing a web-based distributed application settlement scheme which bring convenience to the users .

  2. 基于MAS的列车运行图智能编制系统建模方法研究

    Model Establishment of Intelligent Drawing System for Train Working Diagram based on MAS

  3. 基于Max-plus方法的列车运行图稳定性评价

    Evaluation of Stability of Railway Working Diagram Based on Max-plus Algebra

  4. 利用系统的思想和信息系统的设计方法,本论文对列车运行图管理信息系统建立过程中利用GIS的一些关键技术进行了研究和分析。

    Utilize the systematic thought and information system design method , this thesis , to utilizing some key technology of GIS to carry on research and analyse in the course of setting up of information management system of the train diagram .

  5. 主要对调度指挥管理信息系统(DMIS)中列车运行图的需求进行分析,并研究提出了一套可行的列车运行图实现结构。

    We analyze the needs of Train Graph section in DMIS , and present a series of feasible implementation structure on Train Graph .

  6. 将PESP模型与其他相关模型进行了比较,并且研究了PESP适合列车运行图铺划的优势。研究了求解PESP的复杂性并给出了改进了的反推求解算法。

    It also compares PESP model with other relative models and discusses the appropriateness of PESP for building a rail working diagram and complexity of solving PESP , and then provides an improved converse solving algorithm , raising the effectiveness of model solving .

  7. 铁路旅客列车运行图编制要点分析

    Analysis on the Key Points for Drawing up Passenger Train Graph

  8. 新编列车运行图的总体思路和基本框架

    General Conception and Basic Framework of the New Train Working Diagram

  9. 单线列车运行图铺划的时间循环迭代优化方法

    A Timing-cycle Iterative Optimizing Method for Drawing Single-track Railway Train Diagrams

  10. 论新列车运行图对运输能力的利用与加强

    Application and Enhancement of Traffic Capacity by the Latest Train Diagram

  11. 计算机编制高速铁路列车运行图的研究

    Study on Working out High speed Railway Train Diagram by Computer

  12. 列车运行图自动生成系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implement of the Auto-Generating System for Train Route Map

  13. 列车运行图车次编码方案的分析与研究

    Analysis and Study of Train Number Encoding Plan in Train Graph

  14. 单线区段货物列车运行图的一种优化方法

    A method of optimizing wagon diagram for single - track line

  15. 计算机编制列车运行图分布式数据库系统规划与设计

    Layout on Distributed Database System for Programming Train Diagram by Computer

  16. 计算机编制列车运行图是铁路运输走向市场的重要措施。

    Train diagram computerization is an important measure for marketing railway transportation .

  17. 列车运行图数据管理系统的研究与设计

    Research and Design on Data Management System for Train Diagram

  18. 基于网络数据库的列车运行图体系结构研究

    Structural Study on Train Graph System that is Based on Network Database

  19. 这是台湾高铁2007/7/27新班表的列车运行图。

    This is the Train Operation Diagram of Taiwan High Speed Rail .

  20. 城市轨道交通列车运行图计算机编制的关键问题研究

    Key Problems in Computer Compilation of Train Diagram in UMT

  21. 复线区段旅客列车运行图编制方法研究

    Research on the Method of Making Passenger Train Diagram on Double-track Sections

  22. 我国高速铁路列车运行图采用模式的分析

    Analysis on rational applied modes of high-speed train diagram in our country

  23. 计算机编制全路直通旅客列车运行图的研究

    Research on Compiling System-Wise Through Passenger Train Graph by Computer

  24. 列车运行图是铁路部门全路组织列车运行的基础。

    Train diagram is the base of railway organization work .

  25. 列车运行图的晚点概率分析

    The Analysis of Delaying Time Probability for the Travelling Graph of Trains

  26. 采用面向对象的方法编制单线区段列车运行图

    Fig. 19 refs . Application of object-oriented method in compiling single-track train diagram

  27. 列车运行图均衡性评价方法研究

    Methods for Evaluation of the Equilibrium of Train Diagrams

  28. 现行列车运行图存在问题及改进方法的研究

    A Study of Key Problems and Improved Means on Current Train Working Diagram

  29. 列车运行图信息系统安全模型设计

    Design of Security Model for Train Diagram Information System

  30. 北京地铁行车指挥自动化系统列车运行图存取方法

    Access Mode for Train Diagram in Automatized Traffic Control System in Beijing Subway