
zì yóu fú dònɡ
  • free floating;float
  1. 同时,为了调整回归风险,世界自由浮动MSCI指数被用来表示资本市场。

    In order to adjust the return for risk the World Free floating MSCI Index was used to represent the capital market .

  2. 自由浮动冗余度空间机器人的混沌识别与控制

    Chaotic Recognise and Control for Free Floating Redundant Space Robot

  3. 59%的人认为应该允许英镑自由浮动。

    59 per cent of people believed the pound should be allowed to float freely .

  4. 芬兰允许其货币自由浮动的决定在外汇市场上引起了震动。

    A decision by the Finns to float their currency sent a shudder through the foreign exchanges

  5. 英镑(向上/向下)自由浮动。

    The pound floated ( up / down ) .

  6. 团队可能将基于UML的工件看作另一种形式的传统且自由浮动的规范文档。

    Teams may regard UML-based artifacts as just another form of traditional , free-floating specification document .

  7. 最后,s3货币都自由浮动。

    Last , all the S3 currencies are freely floating .

  8. 随着国际经济一体化进程的加快和中国加入WTO,中国最终将开放金融市场,实现汇率自由浮动和利率市场化。

    China will open her financial market and achieve free float of exchange rate and interest liberalization with the quickened integration of international economy and the entry to WTO .

  9. 与此同时,随着全球经济失衡持续加剧,IMF承担了以下职责:撮合各国达成恢复经济平衡协议,并促使中国允许人民币自由浮动。

    Meanwhile , as global economic imbalances continued to build up , the International Monetary Fund was given the task of trying to broker a rebalancing deal and press China to float its currency .

  10. 一方面,鉴于七国集团(g7)其它成员国对保持汇率自由浮动是如此的在意,几乎可以肯定日本只能独自采取行动。

    For one , Japan would almost certainly have to go it alone , given that other G7 members have made such a fuss about keeping exchange rates free-floating .

  11. 当年我在奥地利萨尔茨堡火车站见到的情形现在想来已经很遥远了。当时刚有消息称:在保罗沃克尔(PaulVolcker)的敦促下,理查德尼克松(RichardNixon)宣布让美元自由浮动。

    We have come a long way from the scene I witnessed in Salzburg railway station when news broke that President Richard Nixon had floated the dollar ( at the urging of one Paul Volcker ) .

  12. 其中包括澳大利亚央行行长史蒂文斯(GlennStevens)发表了他对干预汇市持开放态度的言论后澳元的走低。史蒂文斯直到最近之前一直是自由浮动汇率的捍卫者。

    That includes a dive after Reserve Bank of Australia Gov. Glenn Stevens , until recently a defender of free-floating exchange rates , said he was ' open minded ' about the idea of intervention .

  13. 本文基于假设模态法、La-grange方程和动量守恒原理,推导了一种自由浮动柔性双臂空间机器人协调操作刚性负载闭链系统的动力学模型。

    Based on the assumption mode method , the Lagrange equation and the momentum conservation principle , the paper derived the dynamics model of a free-floating flexible dual-arm space robot that holds a rigid payload in a horizontal workspace .

  14. 他是第一个自由浮动的名字。

    He was one of the first to float the name .

  15. 但是中国此前也常常承诺让利率自由浮动。

    But Chinese leaders have often before promised to liberalise rates .

  16. 自由浮动空间机械臂的最优控制

    The optimal control of the free - floating space robot

  17. 剩下的选择是进行资本管制或让卢布自由浮动。

    The remaining options are capital controls or letting the rouble float .

  18. 自由浮动柔性空间双臂机器人的混合抑振控制

    Hybrid vibration suppression for a free-floating flexible dual-arm space robot

  19. 基于自然坐标的自由浮动空间机械臂动力学分析

    On dynamics analysis of space manipulator based on the fully Cartesian coordinates

  20. 美国持续要求中国让其货币自由浮动。

    The US has been demanding China float its currency .

  21. 归根结底,让汇率自由浮动或许才是较为可取的选择。

    Letting exchange rates float may ultimately be the more palatable option .

  22. 自由浮动空间双臂机器人的鲁棒协调控制

    Robust Coordinated Control of A Free-Floating Dual-arm Space Robot

  23. 目前,中国债券利率和货币市场利率已经能够自由浮动。

    Bond and money-market interest rates already float freely .

  24. 自由浮动空间机械手的无碰撞路径规划

    Collision free Path Planning for Space Manipulators Freedom

  25. 允许人民币自由浮动并非没有代价。

    To float the renminbi is not costless .

  26. 自由浮动球体的多推进器进化优化控制

    Multi-thruster optimal control of a freely floating sphere

  27. 最终目标是自由浮动的汇率制度。

    And the final target of reform of exchange rate is the free floating regime .

  28. 特别是,亚洲政府可以为日后汇率的自由浮动铺平道路。

    In particular , governments can pave the way for future liberalisation of exchange rates .

  29. 在进一步走向自由浮动汇率方面,中国有自己特别的动机。

    China has a particular incentive to move further towards a freely floating exchange rate .

  30. 显示了一个可停靠的,不能自由浮动。

    Shows a dockable that cannot float .