
dān xiàn tiě lù
  • single-track railway;single-track line
  1. 单线铁路隧道按标准设计断面如果要承受水压也是有限的,超过40m的静水头最好采取其它优化型式的断面。

    The capacity hydraulic pressure bearing of standard design section in single-track railway tunnel is limited . Other optimized sections should be used when static head is higher than 40m .

  2. 研究结果表明:单线铁路隧道直墙式衬砌高水压第一分界值为0.05~0.10MPa,第二分界值为0.18MPa;

    The results show that in single-track railway tunnel , the first boundary value of high hydraulic pressure upon upright wall lining is 0.05-0.10 MPa and the second boundary value is 0.18 MPa ;

  3. 对既有单线铁路32m标准预应力混凝土简支T梁在列车提速条件下的几种横向刚度加固方案进行研究。

    Several lateral rigidity reinforcement schemes for 32 m simply-supported PC T-beams on existing single-line railway bridges under train speed raising are studied .

  4. 某单线铁路桥墩在线路运营状况下的加固施工

    Rehabilitation and Strengthening of a Railway Bridge Pier under Operating Condition

  5. 单线铁路涪陵隧道快速施工技术

    The rapid construction technology of Fuling tunnel in single railway construction

  6. 单线铁路开通城市交通运营的理论问题研究

    A Theoretical Analysis to Urban Transport Operations on Single Railway Lines

  7. 单线铁路技术改造决策专家系统

    An expert system for reform scheme decision of single track railway

  8. 饱和性黄土质单线铁路隧道施工技术

    Construction technique for single track railway tunnel in saturated loess area

  9. 单线铁路隧道洞门结构分项系数的研究

    Analysis of Partial Coefficients of Single-Track Railway Tunnel Portal Structures

  10. 特长单线铁路隧道无砟轨道道床施工技术

    Construction Techniques for Ballastless Rail Road Bed in Extra-long Single Track Tunnel

  11. 单线铁路长大隧道有轨运输轨道选型的探讨

    Discussions on Construction Technologies for Long Tunnel Transportation Track of Single-line Railway

  12. 某单线铁路隧道的稳定性分析

    Study on stability 0f a single track railway tunnel

  13. 单线铁路列车运行调整优化模型与算法研究

    An Optimal Model and It 's Algorithm for Adjusting Diagram on Single-Track Railway

  14. 单线铁路会让站到发线数量的研究

    Rational Number of Arrival and Departure Tracks in Passing Stations Along Single-Track Railway

  15. 单线铁路隧道软管通风技术初步试验研究

    Experimental Study of the Ventilating Technique with Soft Pipes in Single-track Railway Tunnels

  16. 复杂地质条件单线铁路隧道施工技术措施

    Technical measures of single-track tunneling in deteriorative geological areas

  17. 繁忙单线铁路区段列车运行调整计划的优化

    Optimization for adjusting train operation on busy sections of single - track line

  18. 对单线铁路隧道全环整体模筑衬砌台车和施工工艺进行了研究。

    The platform and the construction technology for full-circular monolithic lining are studied .

  19. 单线铁路隧道通风控制方法研究

    Study on the Single-Track Tunnel Ventilation Control Method

  20. 单线铁路列车运行调整计算机辅助决策系统研究

    Research on computer aided decision system of adjusting train diagram on single track railway

  21. 组合列车对单线铁路货物输送能力及旅行速度的影响

    Effects of Joined Trains on Transportation Ability and Travel Speed to Single Track Railways

  22. 单线铁路信号设备选用及经济效益分析

    Selection of Signal Equipment for Single Track Railway and the Analysis of Its Economic Efficiency

  23. 单线铁路平行运行图通过能力的遗传算法

    The Genetic Algorithms for the Carrying Capacity of Parallel Train Working Graph on Single Railway Lines

  24. 新建铁路用地优化的研究某单线铁路隧道的稳定性分析

    On the Land-using Optimization of Railroad Construction STUDY ON STABILITY 0F A SINGLE TRACK RAILWAY TUNNEL

  25. 单线铁路的天窗开设与运输组织问题研究焰火晚会的组织和燃放

    Research on skylight arrangement and transport organization of single-track railway Organization and Set off for the Fireworks Display

  26. 这个设计要求在每个方向有三条交通车道和一条单线铁路线。

    The design requirements were for three lanes of vehicular traffic and a single rail line in each direction .

  27. 乌鞘岭隧道是兰新线重点控制工程,是国内最长的单线铁路隧道。

    Wushaoling railway tunnel is the longest single-track railway tunnel in China and is the key project of Lanxin railway line .

  28. 对单线铁路隧道标准断面进行了优化设计,并通过优化设计确定适合于装配式衬砌的隧道断面型式。

    According to optimizing the standard drawing of single-track Railway tunnel , the optimized section shape of the fabricated Railway tunnel is found .

  29. 单线铁路高墩大跨连续刚构桥的稳定性分析单排树形大悬臂墩柱高架轻轨车站结构设计

    Stability Analysis of Large Span Continuous Rigid Frame Bridge with High Pier ; Structural design of light railway station supported by tree-shaped colonnade with long cantilever

  30. 在满足优化设计原则的条件下进行了单线铁路隧道断面形式结构优化设计,提出了7种备选方案。

    According to the rule of optimized design , structure shape of single-track railway tunnel is designed , then 7 kinds of schemes are brought forward .