
  • 网络heavy haul railway
  1. 经预压强化的弹条,减少了残余变形,保证了扣压力,对提高高速重载铁路轨道质量有较好的作用。

    It is good to advance the quality of high speed and heavy haul railways .

  2. 高速重载铁路车网耦合下过电压产生机理与防护方法研究

    Research on Overvoltage Mechanism and Prevention in the Network-Locomotive Coupling of the High Speed and Heavy Haul Railways

  3. 提出采用钢渣与碎石道碴整合、AC砂、注浆技术等措施,整治重载铁路基床病害。

    And puts forward a plan for treatment on the disease of the road bed of the heavy load bearing rail way involving usage of steel slag and debris blended materials for road laying purpose and implementation of AC sand grouting technology .

  4. 重载铁路单元列车运输的技术经济分析

    The Technical and Economic Analysis for Operating Heavy Haul Unit Train

  5. 土工格栅加筋土挡墙在重载铁路路基中的应用设计

    Application of Geogrid Reinforced Retaining Wall to Subgrade of Heavy-haul Railway

  6. 30吨轴重重载铁路轨道结构力学特性研究

    Mechnical Properties Study of 30t Axle Load Heavy-haul Railway Track Structure

  7. 重载铁路基床病害分析及整治铁路清道夫

    Treatment on disease in heavy load bearing road bed of railway

  8. 重载铁路的线路动力学测试及分析&大秦线万吨列车试验分析

    Dynamic Measurements , Investigation and Analysis of Da-Qin Heavy-Haul Railways Track Structure

  9. 热喷涂在高速重载铁路工程上的应用

    The Application of Thermal Spray to High-Speed and Heavy Haul Railway Engineering

  10. 大秦重载铁路修建及运营管理技术

    Construction of Datong-Qinhuangdao Heavy Haul Railway and Operation Management Technique

  11. 探讨重载铁路的运输组织及线路加强模式

    Discussion on Modes of Heavy Haul Transport Organization and Railway Track Improvement

  12. 重载铁路路基评估的试验研究

    Test Research of Subgrade Assessment of Heavy Load Railway

  13. 大秦重载铁路突发轨道横移的原因分析及整治

    Cause analysis and treatment of the sudden track traversing of Da-Qin heavy haul railway

  14. 重载铁路轻型桥墩简支梁车桥耦合动力分析

    Vehicle-bridge Interactions Dynamic Characteristics Analysis of Light Pier Simple Beam Bridge in Heavy Haul Railway

  15. 而分相绝缘器的存在制约了高速、重载铁路飞发展。

    Neutral sections are necessary , which restrict improvement of railway high speed and over loading .

  16. 高速及重载铁路牵引回流钢轨电位规律的研究

    The Study on the Rail Traction Return Current and Rail Potential Rule of High-Speed Heavy Railway

  17. 改良土是高速、重载铁路路基建设中重要的填筑材料。

    Improving soil is the important material in the construction of express railway and high-load railway .

  18. 基于光纤激光传感器的重载铁路列车在途安全状态监测技术

    A novel heavy haul train on road safety status monitoring technique based on fiber laser sensors

  19. 重载铁路桥梁设计列车标准活载的研究

    Study on the Standard Live Load of a Train for the Design of Heavy Load Railway Bridges

  20. 既有线重载铁路路桥过渡段路基变形与加强措施研究

    Research on the Deformation and Strengthening Measures of Subgrade in Bridge-Subgrade Transition Section of Existing Heavy Haul Railway

  21. 重载铁路给牵引变压器带来了更大的负荷冲击,对牵引供电设备的绝缘提出了更高的要求。

    Heavy-haul railways bring greater shock loading to traction transformers , which demands higher requirements of traction supply equipment .

  22. 重载铁路曲线轨道结构参数及钢轨型面对曲线通过性能影响的研究

    Influence of the Parameters of the Track Structure and Rail Profile on the Curve Negotiation of Vehicle for Heavy-Haul Railway

  23. 重载铁路货车采用径向转向架是降低轮轨磨耗的有效技术措施。

    Utilizing radial bogie for heavy haul railway truck is an effective technical measure to reduce wheel and rail wear .

  24. 钢轨打磨列车是高速、重载铁路及城市轨道交通线路整修的重要技术装备。

    Rail grinding vehicle is the importance technical equipment of high-speed , heavy railway and urban rail transit lines to repair .

  25. 随着高速重载铁路的快速发展,对铁路运行的安全性提出了越来越高的要求。

    With the rapid development of high-speed and heavy-loading track , the security of the railroad running becomes more and more important .

  26. 世界各国重载铁路借助于采用高新技术,促使重载列车牵引重量不断增加。

    With heavy use of the railway world of high technology , to promote the increasing weight of heavy haul train traction .

  27. 重载铁路由于其运输效率高,运输成本低,逐渐成为现代货物运输的主流。

    Being highly efficient and low in cost , heavy haul railway has frequently become the main stream of modern freight transportation .

  28. 摘要:重载铁路线路参数对货车运行安全、轮轨磨耗具有重要影响。

    Line parameters of heavy haul railway have a significant impact on the safety of vehicles and the wear of wheel and rail .

  29. 为克服上述缺陷,需研究在重载铁路长大隧道内推广使用无砟轨道结构的一系列问题。

    These shortcomings can be well overcome by using unballasted track . So a study on unballasted track in heavy-haul railway is needed .

  30. 无缝道岔和桥上无缝道岔是高速、重载铁路强化轨道结构的关键技术。

    Both seamless turnout and seamless turnout on bridge are key techniques for high speed railway and heavy haul railway to strengthen track structure .