
  1. 最后,以动力机车质量问题追踪过程为实例,对模型进行了应用分析。

    Finally , the model was analyzed by an instance of a power car 's quality problem tracking process .

  2. 基于本文所测量的燃料电池混合动力机车的仿真行驶工况,分析了在功率跟随控制策略下机车的整体性能,得到了各主要部件的全过程平均工作效率。

    Analysis the overall performance under the power following control strategy base on driving cycle of fuel cell hybrid electric locomotive measured in this paper , gain the average working efficiency of the main parts of the locomotive in the whole process .

  3. 对核动力铁道机车和汽垫船已做了研究,但这些应用一般被认为,往好里说也是徒劳。

    Studies have been made of reactor powered railway engines and hovercrafts , but these applications are generally regarded as marginal at best .

  4. 铁路运输的基本动力是机车,机车行车安全对整个铁路运输的安全生产有着十分重要的作用。

    Locomotive is the basic dynamic force of railway transportation . To railway transportation safety , the locomotive operation safety plays an extremely important role .

  5. 机车车辆颤振现象出现于机车低速制动工况下,与制动过程的非线性制动力,机车车辆的动态结构特性及其相互作用有关。

    The locomotive and vehicles chatter under low-speed braking has close relationship with non-linear braking force and dynamic characteristics of locomotive structure as well as their interaction .

  6. 随着列车的运行速度不断提高,轮轨动态相互作用越来越强,因此,设计低动力作用机车转向架是机车设计中的关键之一。

    With the increase of train speeds , wheel-rail interaction of will unavoidably be reinforced . So , in the process of locomotive designment , it is the key point and aim to develop low dynamic bogie .

  7. 集通铁路牵引动力由蒸汽机车过渡为内燃机车的探讨

    Research on the Locomotive Transition from Steam to Diesel about Traction Power on Ji - Tong Line

  8. 通过现场实测,对秦沈客运专线动力分散型机车在某路桥过渡段高速行车条件下的动响应(动应力、动应变)规律进行了研究。

    Based on the field test , the dynamic responses ( dynamic stress and strain ) of a roadbed-bridge transition section under the disperse impetus locomotive with high speed are studied in this paper .

  9. 摘要:牵引电机作为电力机车的动力装置,对机车能否安全可靠运行起着至关重要的作用。

    Abstract : As the power plant for the electric locomotive , traction motor plays a vital role in whether the electric locomotive could run safely .

  10. “神州”号内燃动车组中的动力车是大连机车车辆厂为北京铁路局设计制造的电传动内燃动力车。

    The railcars of " Shenzhou " diesel multiple units are diesel electric railcars designed and manufactured by Dalian Locomotive and Rolling Stock Works for Beijing Railway Bureau .

  11. 我国的电力机车蓬勃发展的内在动力不仅是所有机车人呕心沥血,努力奋斗的结果,更是与我国的特殊国情密切联系的。

    The vigorous inherent motive force of electric motorcycle of our country is not merely that all motorcycle people take infinite pains , the result making great efforts to struggle , maintained close ties with the special national conditions of our country even more .

  12. 介绍了矿用机动车辆混合动力装置的配置形式和实际应用,以及混合动力系统机车的发展前景。

    The paper introduces mixing engine device of mine-used engine autos about their configuration style , actual application and developing prospect for autos with mixing engine system .