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chónɡ wén
  • variant form of a character


zhònɡ wén
  • emphasis on literature and art
重文 [chóng wén]
  • [repetitious passage] 异体字

  1. 英文和汉字记忆及再认加工脑区的初步研究王筠分别文、累增字及重文递加字浅议

    A Preliminary Study on Brain Areas Related to the Memory and Recognition of English Words and Chinese Characters

  2. 在这一部分里,我们首先列举出多种重文定义,加以参考,界定了什么是重文。

    In this section , we first enumerate various text definition , reference , defines what is the word .

  3. 读古书时要辨识重文,否则就会影响我们对内容的理解。

    While reading ancient books , we should be able to identify variant words , otherwise our understanding of the content will be affected .

  4. 《玉篇》的体例特点与重文现象对于研究音韵学、文字学、训诂学具有相当大的学术价值。

    The style characteristic and the repeated words of " Yupian " have considerable academic value on the research of Phonology , Philology and Exegetics .

  5. 同时,在宋代重文的社会背景下,序跋文得到了快速的发展。

    Meanwhile , in the social context of great importance to literature of the Song Dynasty , preface and postscript text has been rapid development .

  6. 17世纪早期,英国文学艺术风格明显地表现出背离伊丽莎白时期的重文采、重语言的美学风格,转而重描述简洁、语言朴实、言简意赅的作品。

    The literary style of the early seventeenth century shows a marked turn away from the Elizabethan emphasis on art to the compressed and concise style .

  7. 第二部分对《犬部》中的五个重文进行初步的探讨,总结重文的形体来源及研究意义。

    Part II carries out preliminary investigation and discussion on five repeated characters in Quan Part , sums up the gentle shape source and studies significance .

  8. 这是当时“重文轻武”风尚和政治高压政策联合作用下的产物。

    This was an outcome of the combination of the orders of the day : laying stress on the cultural achievement while making light of the military exploits .

  9. 第五章则通过分析归类机智人物采用的机智手段,探讨中华民族尚智重文的传统对这类故事流行的影响。

    After discussing and classifying the tricks and tactics , the author in the fifth chapter has discussed the influences of traditional Chinese culture to the popularity of such tales .

  10. 然后对《说文》中金部字的13个重文进行了分析。第五章:从金之字比较研究。

    Then analyze and research 13 repeated characters in the radical of Jin in Shuo wen jie zi . The fifth chapter : Comparative study on the characters formed by Jin .

  11. 论文将每组字例的重文与正篆进行历时或共时比较,分析了它们的结构关系类型与特点,这些结构类型主要表现为字素更换、字素省增、字素形体讹变。

    This paper discusses the types of relationship between their structure and their characteristics . These structural types is mainly for graphemes replacement , graphemes cutting or increasing , graphemes wrong form .

  12. 民国时期扬州教育现代化的经济价值取向是重文轻理、重商轻工的传统教育倾向,其经济终点目标是极小的。

    The orientation of economic value of the Yangzhou educational modernization in the Republic of China is an obvious demonstration of traditional education inclination which prefers art and commerce to science and industry .

  13. 古文类重文主要在借鉴相关学者的研究成果的基础上,通过选取一些典型的字形并结合出土文献,从字形方面进行重点分析。

    The ancient Chinese character is researched from the chevron aspect on the basis of research results by selecting some typical combination of the scholars . It is researched according to unearthed documents .

  14. 尚武思潮的倡导者们对中国重文轻武的传统进行了批判,并且深入分析了形成了这种传统的原因。

    Advocate of ideological trend of setting great store by military affairs or martial arts criticized to Chinese serious gentle light military tradition , and had analysed in depth and formed such traditional reason .

  15. 影青瓷雕在这样的大环境下得到迅速发展,还有一个重要的因素便是宋代重文轻武的国策。

    The greenish white ceramic sculptures obtained the rapid development under in such the environment , what more an important factor in the song dynasty is the state policy of valuing culture while ignoring force .

  16. 《外传》本身有重文思想,而其中的故事与互见于他书的故事相比较,可读性更强,受民间文学的影响,具有小说性质并且与赋有一定联系。

    It laid stress on literature , was more readable than the same stories in other books by means of narrating pattern , had novel quality and was connected with poetic prose influenced by folk literature .

  17. 在过去数十年里,随着法律专业在就业市场的日渐吃香,许多大学,无论重文的还是重理的,都设立了法律专业并招收了大量学生。

    In the past decades , with the law major getting popular in the job market , many universities , whether they were strong in liberal arts or science and technology , established the major of law and enrolled a large number of students .

  18. 宋代重文轻武,文人得到了极大尊重,绘画也得到大规模的发展,山水画在这一时期居于三科之首了,此时的园林题材在山水画中逐渐以点景的方式出现了。

    Song Chung-light weapons , Scholars have a great respect for , painting has been large-scale development of landscape painting during this period , three families living in the first , and then the garden theme in landscape painting gradually to point the way there .