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  • 网络natural regeneration;natural reproduction;self-restoration
  1. 秦岭山地竹林开花后的自然更新

    A study on natural regeneration of flowering bamboo forests in Qingling mountain

  2. 广东江门地区雷林1号桉的自然更新与扩散

    Natural Regeneration and Dispersal of Eucalyptus leizhou No.1 in Jiangmen Areas , Guangdong

  3. 本文探讨了火烧迹地上红松种群(Pinuskoraiensispopulation)自然更新格局的动态变化和趋势。

    The present paper studies the dynamic change and tendency of natural regeneration pattern of Korean pine ( Pinus Koraiensis ) population .

  4. 与杉木林地相比,自然更新林地的pH值、有机质含量和营养元素含量增加的程度更为显著。

    Compared with the Chinese fir plantation , the increasing range of the pH value , the organic matter contents and nutritional element contents in naturally regenerated woodland increase to a more obvious degree .

  5. 四合木(TetraenaMongolicaMaxim.)自然更新及就地保护途径的研究

    A Study on the Natural Renewal and on-site Conservation of Tetraena Mongolica Maxim

  6. 目的:探讨神经节苷脂GM1对面神经损伤再生的影响。总之,拷树自然更新伴随着一个复杂的种子扩散过程。

    Objective : Our aim was to study the effects of ganglioside GM 1 on the regeneration of facial nerve .

  7. 但草地适宜封禁年限为11~15a,有利于草地自然更新和凋落物的积累。

    It was favorable to grassland renewal and litter accumulation with 11-15 enclosed years appropriately .

  8. 刚竹属竹种开花枯败后,能通过有性或无性途径自然更新。

    Flowering bamboo groves can be renewed by sexual or asexual rejuvenation .

  9. 结果表明,轻度火烧区的植被自然更新恢复良好;

    The result showed that natural vegetation regeneration in lightly burned area restores well .

  10. 引种的林分自然更新良好,天然下种的幼树生长良好;

    The stand can natural regenerate well , the sapling from natural seed grows well .

  11. 干旱区荒漠景观植被自然更新机制初探

    Preliminary Study on the Mechanism of Natural Regeneration of Vegetation in Desert Landscapes in Arid Areas

  12. 每晚保证至少8小时的睡眠,让皮肤每晚自然更新。

    Get at least 8 hours of sleep every night to let your skin renew itself each night .

  13. 北红橡幼苗是由模仿自然更新人工播育种出,种源一致。

    Northern red oak seedlings , originated from a common seed source , were established artificially to simulate natural regeneration .

  14. 大多数皮肤科医生表示,他们不会刻意护肤或是对皮肤做任何事,因为皮肤会定期自然更新。

    Most dermatologist say they don 't prevent damage or do much of anything for your skin that regular exfoliating won 't accomplish .

  15. 其数量在原始林为每平方公里2.75只,人工杉木林和自然更新林为每平方公里0.75只。

    The density is 2.75 individuals / km2 in the primitive forests , and 0.75 individuals / km2 in the artificial and renewal forest by nature .

  16. 海桑人工种群已经出现某种程度的自然更新和扩散,这将有利于增加海桑人工种群的结构复杂性和稳定性。

    Natural regeneration and dispersal of artificial S.caseolaris population had more or less occurred , which may increase the structural complexity and stability of the artificial population .

  17. 结果显示:向塔里木河下游应急输水对于胡杨为主体的荒漠河岸林植被的恢复和自然更新产生了积极的影响。

    The results show that Ecological water diversion into the lower reaches of Tarim River has a positive impact on the recovery and regeneration of desert riparian vegetation .

  18. 重视植被的合理配置方式,模拟天然植被的斑块格局促进群落自然更新,形成稳定群落。

    Fifth , to pay more attention to reasonable configure fashion , and simulate the block pattern of natural vegetation to improve plantations evolving naturally , and form a stabile one .

  19. 近年来,由于环境变化及人为私挖乱采,导致居群规模逐渐缩小、自然更新困难。

    In recent years , because of the changes in the environment and the illicit collect by person on the plants , the population dimensions narrows gradually , natural regeneration is difficulty .

  20. 1983年左右的水杉普查结果显示原生水杉母树有5779株,2003统计有5393株,20年内减少了386株。水杉原生种群中没有幼苗和幼树,自然更新不良,呈衰退的趋势。

    386 native dawn redwood trees were disappeared from census of 1983 of 5,779 to 5,393 in 2003.The metasequoia population which is in serious lacking of saplings and seedlings cannot regenerate naturally .

  21. 保持充足睡眠每晚至少睡8小时,以保证皮肤在夜间有充分时间自然更新。小贴士:戒烟戒酒,停止使用日晒浴床和禁晒日光浴。

    Step 5Get sleepGet at least 8 hours of sleep every night to let your skin renew itself each night.Tip : Avoid smoking , drinking excessive amounts of alcohol , tanning beds , and sunbathing .

  22. 对杉木林采伐迹地两种更新方式(人工营造杉木纯林、自然更新)的林地的土壤物理化学性质进行了定位观测,研究了杉木林不同更新方式对林地土壤理化性质的影响。

    Located observation of the physical and chemical properties of forest soil was conducted with regard to the different regeneration ( artificial regeneration , natural regeneration ) patterns applied to the deforested lands of Chinese fir plantation .

  23. 结果表明:连栽杉木林地土壤粘性明显高于针阔叶混交林,自然更新形成的针阔叶混交林对林地土壤质地、通气性有了明显的改善;

    Results show that the texture adhesion of woodland soil in the continuous plantation of Chinese fir is higher than that in the mixed broad leaf needle one , resulting from natural regeneration , thus the mixed forest obviously improving the texture and aeration of woodland ;

  24. 根据实地调查和参阅资料,依山前洪积扇、河流沿岸阶地、沙丘及丘间低地、戈壁、盐沼的景观斑块,初步探讨干旱区植被的自然更新机制。

    In terms of such landscape patches as piedmont proluvial fan , terrace land by river , sand dune , inter-dune lowland Gobi and salt mash , the mechanisms of natural vegetation regeneration was preliminarily explored in arid desert regions by field survey and data reference .

  25. 各种植被对0~30cm的剖面层次的土壤肥力影响最大,自然恢复更新的植物群落对0~30cm土层的肥力影响显著优于人工林,其变化幅度也高于人工林;

    Vegetation had great influence on the fertility of 0 ~ 30 cm soil profile , and the natural restored plant communities were better than the artificial communities ;

  26. 只要让银杏群体保持自然的更新演替,自然银杏群体是能够在自然界继续生存下去的。

    In general , the natural populations of ginkgo can survive in nature as long as they are let to be alone .

  27. 自然资源更新产业是在市场化条件下,充分运用市场机制推动可再生资源有效更新与恢复的新兴产业形态。

    Industry of natural resources'renewal is new industry that prompts the efficient renewal and restoration of renewable resources in the context of market economy .

  28. 经调查,有性繁殖是羌活自然种群更新的主要方式,但自然繁殖率极低,野生种子发芽成苗率只有0.52%。

    The fieldwork showed that seeds reproduction was the main approach of natural species renewal . But its reproduction rate was extremely low , only with 0.52 % germination rate .

  29. 人类进入现代社会以来,人口的迅速增长加剧了人口对资源需求的无限性与自然资源更新能力及环境承受能力的有限性之间的矛盾,影响到人类的可持续发展。

    Since human entered in modern times , the population 's quick increase makes the contradiction between the infinity of the population 's need and the limit of natural resource 's renewal ability and the environmental endurance acute .

  30. 文中还讨论了自然森林的更新动态。

    The implications for natural forest regeneration dynamics are discussed .