
yī bāo
  • clothing bag used for travel
衣包 [yī bāo]
  • [clothing bag used for travel] 旧时祭奠时烧给死者的用纸做的衣服和装着纸钱的纸袋

衣包[yī bāo]
  1. 它就在我的随身衣包里。

    It is here , in my carpet-bag .

  2. 她向用木板隔开的小房间走去,那里是专门放衣包和午饭的。路上碰到了工头,他瞪眼打量着她。

    On the way to the small space portioned off by wood , where all the wraps and lunches were kept , she encountered the foreman , who stared at her hard .