
yī mào jiān
  • cloakroom;locker room;coatroom;checkroom
衣帽间 [yī mào jiān]
  • (1) [locker room]∶专设有存物柜的房间;尤指设有供运动员个人单独存放衣服和专用设备的柜橱并供更换运动服的房间

  • (2) [cloakroom]∶供客人临时存放衣帽的房间

衣帽间[yī mào jiān]
  1. 即在衣帽间设计时采用整体性的设计原则,并对整体性思想进行构建,以此达到衣帽间设计与室内环境整体的融合,开创新的家具设计理念。

    That is when design the cloakroom we should use the design principles of integrity , and build a holistic thinking in order to achieve the cloakroom design has overall integration with the indoor environment , open up a new furniture design logos .

  2. 顾客请将手提包留在衣帽间。

    Patron is request to leave their bag in the cloakroom .

  3. 他喜欢显摆肯尼迪总统窄小的床(橡木床头板雕成哥特式风格)和步入式衣帽间的抽屉,肯尼迪家族的女性家长罗丝(RoseKennedy)在抽屉上一笔一画地标注上了黑色内衣。

    He likes to show off President Kennedy 's narrow bed with its carved Gothic oak headboard and a walk-in closet drawer labeled in the careful script of matriarch Rose Kennedy ' black underwear . '

  4. 在电影中,安迪(安德莉亚的昵称)去了趟Runway公司的时装衣帽间和美容产品区,就摆脱了失败的丑小鸭形象,从一个二级助理变成了杂志社人人敬畏的米兰达•普利斯特利主编身边美丽、能干的贴身助手。

    A trip to the fashion closet and the beauty department at Runway , the film 's thinly veiled stand-in for Vogue magazine , transforms Andy from an ugly-duckling failure of a second assistant to the beautiful , capable confidante of the magazine 's formidable editor , Miranda Priestly .

  5. 埃米塔日博物馆(Hermitage)去年的参观人数达310万人次。该博物馆游客服务部的主管尼娜·V·斯兰特瓦(NinaV.Silanteva)说,对游客人数的唯一限制是“博物馆本身的空间或冬天衣帽间里衣架的个数”。

    At the Hermitage , which had 3.1 million visitors last year , the only cap on the number of visitors is " the physical limitations of the space itself , or the number of hangers in the coat room during the winter , " said Nina V. Silanteva , the head of the museum 's visitor services department .

  6. 请来宾将外套存放衣帽间。

    Visitors are requested to leave their coats in the cloakroom .

  7. 我记得是彼得从衣帽间取出我的雨衣的。

    I remembered that Peter had gotten my coat from the coatroom .

  8. 你可以将外套交给衣帽间的服务员。

    You can leave your coats with the cloakroom attendant .

  9. 我会把衣服挂在前面的衣帽间里。

    I 'll give it back to you just before we arrive .

  10. 我必须把我的行李留在衣帽间?

    Do I have to leave all my luggage in the cloakroom ?

  11. 如果你在衣帽间打赤脚,会出现什么情况呢?

    What REALLY happens when you go barefoot in the locker room ?

  12. 请把大衣留在衣帽间好吗?

    Would you like to leave your overcoat in the cloak room ?

  13. 唐宁街的入口主要是一个衣帽间

    The entrance to Downing Street is mainly a clothes rack

  14. 那也是这个衣帽间给人的感觉。。。一种纪念

    And that 's what this closet felt like ... a memorial .

  15. 她去衣帽间梳理一下头发。

    She went to the cloakroom to fix her hair .

  16. 注意:衣帽间物品遗失概不负责

    Notice : responsibility cannot be accepted for any articles left in this cloakroom

  17. 谁的?它扔在衣帽间里整整一个月了。

    Whose ? It 's been sitting in the coatroom for a month .

  18. 我跟着他走进衣帽间,看着他脱下衣服。

    I followed him into the room and watched him take off his clothes .

  19. 我们参观画廊时把东西寄放在衣帽间。

    We left our things in the cloakroom while we looked round the gallery .

  20. 不就是个步入式衣帽间吗?

    Isn 't that just a walk-in closet ?

  21. 艾姆斯从衣帽间取出他的大衣。

    Imes removed his greatcoat from the cloakroom .

  22. 我不觉得我们需要一个衣帽间,那没有必要。

    I don 't think we need a cloakroom since it is not necessary .

  23. 这种脱节,是衣帽间设计缺乏室内环境整体性导致的必然结果,因此,只有从衣帽间的设计本质来解决这一矛盾。

    This disjoint is the inevitable result of cloakroom design with the lack of integrity .

  24. 的个性化时代,管理衣帽间是其形象的管理。

    The era of personalization , management cloakroom is in the management of its image .

  25. 当然还有一个很重要的原因,就是她们可以分享我的衣帽间了!

    And one more important reason is that they are really eager to share my lovely closet !

  26. 这套房子有自己独特的一点是没个卧室都有自己的衣帽间!

    The house has its own unique point is that no one bedroom has its own cloakroom !

  27. 他在衣帽间里来来回回地走;全都沿着东海岸来回。

    He walked up and down the locker room ; all up and down the Eastern seaboard .

  28. 这整个计划里我唯一喜欢的部分就是参观衣帽间。

    You know , the only part of this I like is getting to see this closet .

  29. 跟你说,要是我有这么个衣帽间,我根本就不会出来(出柜)。

    I 'm telling you , if I had this closet , I never would have come out .

  30. 衣帽间里的谈话男人们聚在一起谈三件事:钱、足球和女人。

    Locker Rooms In the locker room men talk about three things : money , football and women .