
yī jīn
  • Lapel;the one or two pieces making up the front of a Chinese jacket;one or two pieces waking up the front of a Chinese jacket
衣襟 [yī jīn]
  • [one or two pieces waking up the front of a Chinese jacket] 衣服当胸前的部分

衣襟[yī jīn]
  1. 春风掀动了她的衣襟。

    The spring breeze lifted the edge of her blouse .

  2. 常常,午夜梦醒,泪湿衣襟。

    Often , the midnight wake up , tears wet skirts .

  3. 那膏油接著流到亚伦的衣襟。

    The oil , then , runs down Aaron 's garment .

  4. 把裤脚裹进袜子或靴子里,把衣襟拢到裤子里。

    Tuck pant legs into socks or boots and shirt into pants .

  5. 系用围兜后可避免短发进入衣襟内,并减少疾病交叉传染。

    The apron can prevent stubble entering clothes and reduce disease cross infection .

  6. 我割下你的衣襟,没有杀你。

    I cut off the corner of your robe but did not kill you .

  7. 尽管已处于安全之地,他的保镖们惊恐之余汗湿衣襟。

    Though safe , his bodyguards were so scared they were soaked in sweat .

  8. 那人一把抓住我的衣襟。

    The man grabbed ahold of my lapel .

  9. 我父啊,看看你外袍的衣襟在我手中。

    See , my father , see the corner of your robe in my hand .

  10. 悄悄停在你的衣襟上,感受着你的温暖,永不离开。

    Stops quietly on yours front piece , is feeling your warmth , never leaves .

  11. 大卫就起来,悄悄地割下扫罗外袍的衣襟。

    Then David crept up unnoticed and cut off a corner of Saul 's robe .

  12. 求你用你的衣襟遮盖我,因为你是我一个至近的亲属。

    Spread the corner of your garment over me , since you are a kinsman-redeemer .

  13. 街上的树木被雪裹着,好像穿上了白色的衣襟。

    The trees in the street were covered with snow , just like in the white clothes .

  14. 门德尔松也无法避免那个时代的纠纷,他的衣襟注定要被那个时代溅起的浪花打湿。

    Being unable to avoid the disputes in that era Mendelssohn doomed to be splashed by its moisten .

  15. 你的衣襟揭起,你的脚跟受伤,是因你的罪孽甚多。

    Because of the number of your sins , your skirts have been uncovered and violent punishment overtakes you .

  16. 人不可娶继母为妻、可掀开他父亲的衣襟。

    A man is not to marry his father 's wife ; he must not dishonor his father 's bed .

  17. 风把地上的叶子掀起来。春风掀动了她的衣襟。

    The wind raised the fallen leave from the ground . The spring breeze lifted the edge of her blouse .

  18. 当我把绶带别在他们的衣襟上的时候,他们都感到意外,而且显得非常高兴。

    They were both taken by surprise , and seemed highly gratified when I pinned the ribbons on their coats .

  19. 风骤起,我走过梅林,穿过花间,任那零落的花瓣沾满衣襟,经霜的青丝风中飞舞。

    Wind Rising , I walked Meilin , through the flowers , he scattered the petals covered by cream flying wind .

  20. 他把她放在手上,她就会往上跑,坐到他的衬衣衣襟下面。

    He 'd put her on his hand and she would run up and sit under the collar of his shirt .

  21. 会议代表要在衣襟上佩戴粉色丝带,以证明获得了进入广交会场馆的许可。

    Delegates were required to wear pink ribbons on their lapels , indicating they were authorized to enter the trade fair complex .

  22. 他用袖子擦干脸上的汗水。嬷嬷直起身来,拉起衣襟擦满脸的泪水。

    Hee sleeved the sweat off his face . Mammy straightened up and , raising her apron , dried her streaming eyes .

  23. 27撒母耳转身要走,扫罗就扯住他外袍的衣襟,衣襟就撕断了。

    And as Samuel turned about to go away , he laid hold upon the skirt of his mantle , and it rent .

  24. 那个周末的活动包括在池塘边长时间谈心,享用美味的饭菜以及一次让我们所有人泪湿衣襟的远足步行。

    The weekend consisted of long talks by the pool , wonderful meals , and a hike that brought the entire group to tears .

  25. 她的污秽是在衣襟上。她不思想自己的结局,所以非常地败落,无人安慰她。

    Her filthiness is in her skirts ; she remembereth not her last end ; therefore she came down wonderfully : she had no comforter .

  26. 一个红十字徽章早已辍上潘先生的衣襟,闪耀着慈善庄严的光,给与潘先生一种新的勇气。

    One Red Cross badge glittered with the solemn light of charity on Mr. Pan 's lapel , giving its wearer a new kind of courage .

  27. 并且你的衣襟上有无辜穷人的血。你杀他们并不是遇见他们挖窟窿,乃是因这一切的事。

    Also in thy skirts is found the blood of the souls of the poor innocents : I have not found it by secret search , but upon all these .

  28. 庄警官大怒,顾不上眼前的男子衣着肮脏,一把抓住他胸口的衣襟,将男子揪了起来。

    Unable to take care of the filthy man in front of him , officer Zhuang became furious and grabbed him by the scruff of the neck , yanking him up .

  29. 这好比那贵重的油,浇在亚伦的头上,流到胡须,又流到他的衣襟。

    It is like the precious ointment upon the head , that ran down upon the beard , even Aaron 's beard : that went down to the skirts of his garments ;

  30. 他就说,你是谁。回答说,我是你的婢女路得。求你用你的衣襟遮盖我,因为你是我一个至近的亲属。

    And he said , who are you ? And she answering said , I am your servant ruth : take your servant as wife , for you are a near relation .