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  1. 于是他们举行了隆重而豪华的婚礼。

    So they had a large and splendid wedding .

  2. 嘿,看这个视频,多么豪华的婚礼啊?

    Hey , look at this video , how luxury the wedding is .

  3. 塔比瑟:哇,多麽豪华的婚礼!那对快乐的新人是谁?

    Tabitha : Wow , what a swanky wedding ! Who are the happy couple ?

  4. 你们觉得Justin和Jessica的婚礼会不会成为空前豪华的明星婚礼中的一个呢?

    Do YOU think Justin and Jessica will have one of the best celeb weddings ever ?

  5. 即将步入婚礼殿堂的新人们可以在申基索菲特体验豪华的游轮主题婚礼。

    New couples would be able to apply for a wedding on cruise at Sofitel Forebase Chongqing .