
háo huá chē
  • luxury car/bus
  1. 正通汽车的市盈率低于宝信汽车(BaoxinAutoGroup)的9倍,后者是另一家豪华车经销商。

    That is cheaper than the nine times at which Baoxin Auto Group , another luxury dealer , trades .

  2. 最开始使用的是传统卤素灯泡,之后出现了氙气灯,直至今天,发光二极管(LED)车灯已经成了数款豪华车时尚与特色的代名词。

    Conventional halogen bulbs begat xenon which begat LED ( light emitting diodes ) , now all the rage and featured in several luxury models .

  3. 这款大型豪华车的最新版基于通用汽车(GeneralMotors)最新的卡车平台制造,将于十月份的纽约车展上首展。

    The newest version of the big luxury vehicle , based on General Motors ' ( GM ) newest truck platform , will debut in New York in October .

  4. 安飞士介绍了XM卫星广播公司的所有高级和豪华车。

    Avis introduces XM Satellite Radio in all Premium and Luxury vehicles .

  5. 而巴特勒和其他通用汽车高管则坚持认为,ATS将完胜德系豪华车。

    Butler and other GM executives insisted that ATS will best German luxury models in comparison .

  6. 豪华车生产商甚至包括那些从未涉足过运动型多功能车(SUV)的车商也纷纷投身生产酷越车的行列。

    Luxury manufacturers even those who never built an SUV are jumping into crossovers .

  7. Lewis表示,这些精明的二次购车者在贷款的帮助下将购买豪华车或运动型多用途车(SUV)。

    This sophisticated second-time buyer with access to financing likely will purchase a luxury or utility vehicle , Ms. Lewis says .

  8. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)研究人员预计,未来几个月,豪华车中的高档车型需求下滑的势头将明显恶化。

    Researchers at Morgan Stanley expect the fall in demand for premium cars the higher end of the luxury market will get'significantly worse'in coming months .

  9. 这样一桩交易与福特2008年初把豪华车品牌捷豹(Jaguar)和路虎(LandRover)卖给印度塔塔汽车(TataMotorsLtd.)的交易类似。

    Such a deal would be similar to Ford 's sale of luxury brands Jaguar and Land Rover to India 's Tata Motors Ltd. in early 2008 .

  10. LMC预计,2014年豪华车销量将增长23%。

    LMC forecasts luxury car sales rising by 23 % in 2014 .

  11. 这辆超豪华车的发动机基于CCXRV8的基础上进行了改造,源源动力皆来自于此。

    The Trevita uses a modified twin-supercharged V8 engine from the CCXR .

  12. 豪华车厂商一度对SUV及其轻量化的兄弟CUV极其不屑。

    Makers of luxury cars once viewed the SUV and its lighter-weight heir , the CUV , with disdain .

  13. 据LMCAutomotive称,日系豪华车品牌雷克萨斯(Lexus)、讴歌(Acura)和英菲尼迪(Infiniti)将奋力度过当前的难关,而宝马(BMW)和奥迪(Audi)则趁着此次事件坐收渔翁之利。

    According to LMC automotive , Japanese luxury brands Lexus , Acura and Infiniti will struggle as BMW and Audi pick up the slack .

  14. 宝马公司(BMW)昨日报告的一季度营业利润,超过了其2009年全年的利润。中国对豪华车激增的需求,提振了这家德国汽车制造商的销售。

    BMW yesterday reported a first-quarter operating profit that exceeded its 2009 full-year earnings as the German automaker 's sales were lifted by soaring demand for luxury cars in China .

  15. 近20年来,她的莱斯顿豪华车租赁公司(RestonLimousine)很少、甚或从来没有采取过任何方式来感谢其近2万名客户。

    For almost 20 years , her company Reston limousine had done little or nothing to thank its almost 20,000 clients .

  16. 讨论迅速崛起的德国豪华车制造商的决策时,他会变得尤为刻薄,因为这种讨论似乎总是围绕增加车型的种类&宝马ActiveTourer车型,有人要吗?

    He gets especially vitriolic in discussing the strategies of the fast-rising German luxury makers , which seem to keep adding more body styles – BMW Active Tourer anyone ?

  17. 宝马正与梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)、奥迪(Audi)和雷克萨斯(Lexus)在争夺北美、乃至全球豪华车市场统治地位的角逐中,展开激烈竞争。

    BMW is locked in a fierce struggle against Mercedes-Benz , Audi and Lexus ( TM ) for dominance in the U.S. luxury market , as well as worldwide .

  18. 克莱斯特缺乏一个真正的豪华车品牌,现在它正打算增加更多的菲亚特车型,最终将菲亚特的阿尔法•罗密欧(AlfaRomeo)豪华运动轿车引入美国市场。

    Chrysler lacks a true luxury franchise and aims to add more fiat models and eventually to bring the Alfa Romeo sport luxury franchise to the U.S. as well .

  19. 新款XC90的前悬距离表明,沃尔沃想要对抗各大豪华车制造商,也就是德国的三巨头:奥迪(Audi)、宝马和梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)。

    The size of the front overhang is indicative of Volvo 's desire to fight against the big luxury carmakers : the German triumvirate of Audi , BMW and Mercedes .

  20. 与此同时,在华销量多年实现两位数增长的戴姆勒,去年销量增长降至4%,远低于豪华车竞争对手宝马(BMW)和奥迪(Audi)。

    Meanwhile at Daimler , which has enjoyed many years of double-digit sales growth in China , growth dipped to 4 per cent last year , well behind luxury rivals BMW and Audi .

  21. 顺应时代潮流,宝马汽车(BMW)的广告宣传重心已经不再是豪华车产品,而转向了旗下尺寸最小、相对利润较低的车型迷你(Mini)。

    It is a sign of the times that BMW isn 't shouting about its luxury range . Instead , the car maker is making most noise about the Mini , its smallest , relatively low-margin vehicle .

  22. 如果有谁对新兴市场国家对于豪华车狂热爱好的持久性表示怀疑,梅塞德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)最新发布的销售数据,应该会让他们打消这个念头。

    If anyone has any doubts about the sustainability of EM countries ' love affair with luxury cars , the latest sales figures from Mercedes-Benz should put their minds to rest .

  23. 虽然基于需求的复苏,豪华车制造商戴姆勒(Daimler)和软件开发商SAP等公司均表现出温和乐观的态度,但越来越多的高管警告,这种希望可能还不成熟。

    While some , such as premium carmaker Daimler and software maker SAP have displayed tepid optimism based on a recovery in demand , a growing number of executives are warning such hopes may be premature .

  24. 以丰田为例,它为自己的品牌开发了很多车型,并给它们加装了丰富的功能以及精妙的设计,并将这些车型都归入豪华车雷克萨斯(Lexus)系列。

    Toyota , for instance , takes many vehicles it develops for its Toyota brand and dresses them up with features and refined designs to fit them into the Lexus portfolio .

  25. 通用汽车销售分析经理迈克?迪吉奥瓦尼(MikeDiGiovanni)在一个电话会议上表示,公司正在调整其豪华车产品系列,以更好地满足全球不同市场中买家的需求。

    During a conference call , GM sales-analysis manager Mike DiGiovanni said the company is remodeling its portfolio to better meet demands of luxury buyers in an array of global markets .

  26. 讨论迅速崛起的德国豪华车制造商的决策时,他会变得尤为刻薄,因为这种讨论似乎总是围绕增加车型的种类——宝马ActiveTourer车型,有人要吗?——它们的目的在于更新产品线,从而增加销量:

    He gets especially vitriolic in discussing the strategies of the fast-rising German luxury makers , which seem to keep adding more body styles-BMW Active Tourer anyone ? - aimed at freshening up their product lines and adding incremental volume :

  27. 通用汽车中国公司发言人何黛娜(DaynaHart)说,我们确定豪华车市场将出现增长,而我们希望获得更大的份额。

    ' We 've decided that the luxury market is going to grow and we want a bigger share , ' said Dayna Hart , a spokeswoman for GM in China .

  28. 这种颇为有用的技术在豪华车营销中回报颇丰,凭借49900美元的基本售价(实际购入价格为61530美元),A6应能使奥迪保持增长势头,甚至加速发展。

    This kind of useful technology pays off big in luxury car marketing , and with a base price of $ 49,900 ( as-tested : $ 61,530 ) , the A6 should enable Audi to maintain its momentum or even accelerate .

  29. 尽管通用汽车放弃参加东京汽车展,但Ishii说,该公司仍计划在名古屋等城市的车展上展示运动和豪华车产品。

    While GM abstained from the Tokyo Motor Show , Mr. Ishii said it still plans to show products like sports and luxury cars at shows in cities such as Nagoya .

  30. 举例来说,互联网公司阿里巴巴(Alibaba.com)刚刚筹集了15亿美元资金,为杭州的宾利(Bentley)和玛莎拉蒂(Maserati)豪华车经销商提供了一大批新客户。

    Alibaba . com , an internet company , has just raised $ 1.5bn ( 714m ), for example , creating a host of new customers for the Bentley and Maserati dealerships in its corporate home town of Hangzhou .