
háo jié
  • hero;person of exceptional ability;person of outstanding talent;despotic gentry
豪杰 [háo jié]
  • (1) [person of outstanding talent;hero]∶才智勇力出众的人

  • 数日,号令召三老、豪杰与皆来会计事。--《史记.陈涉世家》

  • (2) 又

  • 三老豪杰皆曰。

  • 自董卓已来豪杰并起--《三国志.诸葛亮传》

  • 安然屈豪杰之流,扼腕墓道--明. 张溥《五人墓碑记》

  • 人中豪杰

  • (3) [despotic gentry]∶倚仗权势横行一方的人

豪杰[háo jié]
  1. 杀死崇敬之心你便杀死了人之豪杰。

    Kill reverence and you 've killed the hero in man .

  2. 真豪杰视生命如草芥。

    To the real hero life is a mere straw .

  3. 颜元致力于豪杰人才的培养,讲求事物之学,提倡习行和主动。

    Yanyuan committed himself to the training of people with outstanding talents .

  4. 好东西,失去了才明白。人都伟大,世间没豪杰。

    We know not what is good until we have lost it .

  5. 他们的当中的豪杰不是要钱的。

    The best of them won 't come for money .

  6. 颜元的豪杰人格及其现代意义

    Yan-yuan 's Perfect Personality and it 's Modern Significance

  7. 非豪杰,我坦白。

    No hero , I confess .

  8. 这个乱世的豪杰生于陕西北部群山环抱的保安。

    This chaotic warrior was born in the hill-cradled town of Pao An , north Shaanxi .

  9. 独有英雄驱虎豹,更无豪杰怕熊罴。

    Only heroes can quell tigers and leopards . And wild bears never daunt the brave .

  10. 赛33:7看哪、他们的豪杰在外头哀号.求和的使臣、痛痛哭泣。

    Behold , their brave men cry in the streets , The ambassadors of peace weep bitterly .

  11. 李贽与李梦阳文学思想鲜明对立,但对其豪杰人格却十分推崇。

    Li Zhi and Li Meng-yang 's ideally personality was " Hero ", but their literature theories conflicted sharply .

  12. 正是在这一点上,200年前的乾嘉史学大师钱大昕以豪杰精神治学,为推动中国史学的近代转型作出了重要贡献。

    Viewed from this aspect , Qian Daxin made an important contribution for the modern transition of Chinese history science .

  13. 译者的操控现象在译本内容上有“豪杰译”和加注释法两种表现。

    The major causes of translators'manipulation of translation are their accumulation , their interests , and their settled thinking patterns .

  14. 唐末五代时期江右豪杰的浮沉与影响

    On the Vicissitudes and the Influences of Jiangyou Heroes in the End of the Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties

  15. 由于女性革命者身上集中了民族、阶级、性别等尖锐矛盾,对她们的描写也矛盾重重,时而是女豪杰,时而是性解放者,时而是受难者,时而又是圣女。

    However , the depiction of female revolutionaries is full of contradictions because of many conflicts such as nation , class , gender etc.

  16. 自古中原多豪杰得民心者得天下&新乡牧野文化浅说

    Many Heroes in Central Plains since Ancient Times , of Whom the Popular One Wins the World & An Introduction to Muye Culture

  17. 盛赞投书之人如此不世豪杰,则其师又不知是何超越之人物,竟可六省一呼即应。

    Praise the messenger for being a heroic man , whose teacher must also be endowed with extraordinary powers , since athis call the people of six provinces will all arise .

  18. 1917年,中国的革命先驱陈独秀问到:“吾国文学界豪杰之士,有自负为中国之雨果、左拉、歌德、豪普特曼、狄更斯、王尔德者乎?”

    In 1917 , Chen Duxiu , a Chinese revolutionary , asked : " pray , where is our Chinese Hugo , Zola , Goethe , Hauptmann , Dickens or Wilde ? "