
  • 网络Stories to Awaken Men;Lasting Words to Awaken the World
  1. “置于死地而后生”、“狭路相逢勇者胜”的中国千年古训,仍是当今的醒世恒言。

    " In the American "," meet on on a narrow path Who Dares Wins " China thousands of years old , still is today 's stories to awaken men .

  2. 明朝晚期最著名的奇闻作家也许是冯梦龙,他著写了神鬼小说《平妖传》和《醒世恒言》。

    Probably the most important late Ming anecdote writer is Feng Menglong who wrote the ghost story u Pingyaozhuan and the collection Xingshi HengyanOf M Proverbs Awakening the World yy .