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zhènɡ zhì zhǐ dǎo yuán
  • political instructor ;political adviser;assistant for political and ideological work
  1. 大家都指望政治指导员能讲几句话。

    Everyone looked to the political instructor to say something .

  2. 随后刘政治指导员宣布了开会。

    Then Political Director Liu opened the proceedings .

  3. 如果战士没有饭吃,政治指导员当然只能是说空话。

    Of course , if troops had no food , a political director would speak empty words .

  4. 一般来说,由区政治指导员或区长向他们训话后,就把他们放走。

    Generally , the subdistrict commissar or the district government head would give them a lecture and then let them go .

  5. 这种诉苦会在士兵心灵中造成的强烈反响,比指挥员或政治指导员言教的作用更大。

    These mass confessionals spoke far more forcibly to the heart of the soldiers than did the commanders or the political directors .

  6. 政治指导员日常和士兵在一起时,给大家读报,报告全国各战场打败蒋介石的消息和解释战争的意义。

    In informal meetings , political directors read newspapers to the soldiers , told of the defeats of Chiang Kai-shek in other parts of the country and explained the meaning of the war .

  7. 〔14〕红军中的党代表一九二九年起改称政治委员,连的政治委员一九三○年起改称政治指导员。

    [ 14 ] In 1929 the Party representatives in the Red Army were renamed political commissars . In 1930 the company political commissars were renamed political instructors .