
  • 网络Government regulation;Government Control;governmental regulation
  1. 公营公共物品的X非效率与政府管制改革

    The X-inefficiency of Publicly-operated Public Goods and the Reform of Government Regulation

  2. 核心CPI是在CPI(居民消费价格指数)的基础上,对暂时的、非货币因素(政府管制、税收政策等)影响的项目进行扣除后,用以反映物价变动中长期的、稳定的趋势。

    Core CPI , which is based on CPI , reflected long-term , stable trend of price after exclusion of the temporary , non-monetary factors ( government regulation , tax policy , etc ) .

  3. 我国CPA政府管制措施研究

    Research of our CPA Government Interference Measure

  4. 英国PFI项目的政府管制体系研究

    Research on Governance System of PFI Project in England

  5. 这一点没有因为高盛决定付清它与美国国际集团(AIG)之间的全部信用违约互换而得到缓解。美国国际集团目前由政府管制。

    These were not soothed by the decision to pay off all Goldman 's credit default swaps with American International Group , now controlled by the state .

  6. 政府管制另一个结果就是造成IPO上市公司数量与需求不能达到市场平衡,这也在一定程度为大量资金长期驻留一级市场获得超额收益提供了条件。

    Another result is that government regulation caused the number of IPO companies and demand can not achieve equilibrium in the market , which has to a certain degree of long-term presence in a market , a lot of money to obtain excess returns provided the conditions .

  7. 所以,只有通过放松政府管制和提高上市公司整体的治理水平才是降低长期存在的IPO严重抑价的根本路径选择,进而可以对长期驻留在一级市场上的巨额资金产生挤出效应。

    Therefore , only through the relaxation of government control and improve the overall governance of listed companies is to reduce the long-standing severe IPO underpricing in the fundamental path selection , and thus can stay permanently in a huge sum of money on the market generate crowding-out effect .

  8. 第六章:药品政府管制的运行机制。

    Chapter six : the operating mechanisms of drug government regulation .

  9. 我国药品产业的政府管制问题研究

    On the Research of Chinese Governmental Regulation Problem in Pharmaceutical Industry

  10. 我国独立审计适度政府管制问题研究

    The Research on Optimum Government-regulation of Our Country 's Independent Audit

  11. 论设置自然垄断产业政府管制机构

    On Setting up a Governmental Control Institute of Natural Monopoly Industry

  12. 政府管制对开展专利实施活动有着直接的重要影响。

    Government control has direct and important infection on patent execution .

  13. 商品质量监管是个政府管制问题。

    The supervision on commodity quality is a governmental governance issue .

  14. 浅谈出租车行业政府管制改革

    On the Governmental Reformation of Management and Control in the Taxi Trade

  15. 网络型产业的政府管制:机场管制研究

    Government Regulation of Network Industries : Studying on Airport Regulation

  16. 公用企业的政府管制和反垄断问题

    On Government Regulation & Anti - monopoly of Public Enterprises

  17. 美国天然气市场政府管制衍变简介及评述

    Introduction and Comment on Evolvement of NG Market Control Management in USA

  18. 市场经济中的政府管制及其创新

    The Government Regulation and Its Innovation in the Market Economy

  19. 会计信息市场缺陷的政府管制研究

    Government Control Analysis on the Accounting Information of Market Failure

  20. 略论和谐社会下政府管制构建之新思路

    New Thought of Government Control Construction in the Harmony Society

  21. 卫生领域中政府管制作用的探讨

    Discussion on the Regulation Effect of Government in Health Care

  22. 政府管制的两个限度与高等教育市场化

    Two Limits of State Control and Marketization of Higher Education

  23. 这家公司如今不用受政府管制的约束了。

    The company is now free from the straitjacket of government regulation .

  24. 自然垄断是政府管制的传统领域之一。

    Natural monopoly is one of the traditional domains for governmental regulation .

  25. 本文的目的是寻求政府管制的理论基础。

    The purpose of this paper is to probe the theoretical basis .

  26. 生产安全的政府管制问题研究&以我国煤矿企业生产安全的政府管制为例

    An Analysis of the Governmental Regulation of the Coal Mine Production Safety

  27. 但政府管制成本给中小企业带来了过重的负担,政府有必要对政策进行改革。

    So the government should reform the policy and regulations .

  28. 传统行政法与政府管制法的关系

    The Relationship Between Traditional Administrative Law and Government Regulation law

  29. 政府管制与金融家的权利主张

    Bankers ' Claim for Right under the Governmental Control

  30. 英国天然气行业政府管制及立法

    British Government Control and Legislation of Natural Gas Industry