
  1. 体育商品价格制定的依据及影响价格的因素分析

    Basis of Marking Sports Goods Prices and Analysis of the Effect Factors on the Prices

  2. 本文讨论了信息商品价格偏离价值的原因,即影响价格的因素。

    This article has discussed the reasons of commodity price of information deviating from the value , namely the factors of influencing the price .

  3. 在此基础上,分析情报商品的价格构成、定价的依据以及影响价格的因素,并提出了几种计算情报商品价格的方法。

    Then the constituents and basis for the price fixing are analysed , and several calculation methods for the price are given as well .

  4. 但是白化背景值是根据均衡原理确定的,这样又把影响价格的因素给弱化了。

    However , albino background value determined in accordance with principles of equilibrium , so that the factors that affect price again to the weakened .

  5. 金融市场在交易日是持续不断地进行交易的,而预定策略也受制于许多会影响价格的因素。

    The financial markets are continuously traded during trading days , and an intended strategy will be subjected to so many factors that could influence the pricing .

  6. 价格作为价值的货币表现,是经济运行中最重要的调节杠杆,也是经济生活中人们最关注的问题。随着经济的发展,价格的功能日益加强,影响价格的因素日趋复杂。

    The price is the currency embodiment of value , it is also the most important control level and it is also people 's the most concerned problem .

  7. 本文探讨实际经济生活中一个常见的问题:证券价格是如何形成的?或者换句话讲,有哪些显著影响价格的因素以及它们对价格有何变动关系。

    This dissertation discusses a common problem in real economic society : the formation of securities price . In other words , what factors prominently affect price and how to affect price ?

  8. 灰预测模型GM(1,N)通过灰关联度找到影响价格的主因素,进行数据预测。

    Gray prediction model GM ( 1 , N ) through the gray relational grade to find the main factors that affect price , data prediction .

  9. 影响IPO价格的因素很多,有确定因素和不确定因素,国内外学者对此已作过很多分析。

    The new stock , s price can be affected by certain and uncertain factors which have been studied by domestic and foreign scholars .

  10. 论劳动力的商品属性及其影响价格形成的因素

    By Labor Force Commodity Attribute and Its Influence Price Structure Factor

  11. 目前在我国,影响药品价格的因素是多方面的。

    False and high medicine price is a very complicated problem .

  12. 影响住房价格的因素比较复杂。

    The factors affecting the price of tenement are various .

  13. 因而对各种影响黄金价格的因素进行研究具有重要意义。

    The effects of various factors on the gold price has important significance .

  14. 论影响军品价格的因素

    Factors affecting the price of military product price

  15. 从长远来看,影响价格的主要因素是生产成本。

    In the long term , the main factor for prices will be production costs .

  16. 由于黄金用途的多样性,影响其价格的因素错综复杂。

    Due to the diversity of gold use , the complex factors that affect the price .

  17. 在制定产品价格时,公司如果不考虑影响价格的各种因素是无法制定的。

    A firm cannot determine a product 's price without considering several factors that affect price .

  18. 影响国内价格的因素;

    Factors affecting domestic prices ;

  19. 影响土地价格的因素主要有一般因素和区域因素。

    The influencing factor of the land price can be mainly classified as the general factors and the regional ones .

  20. 而黄金所特有的商品和金融的双重属性又决定了影响其价格的因素非常复杂。

    While the unique dual attribute of gold in commodity and financial determines the factors which impact the price is very complex .

  21. 通过对建筑工程承包价格的分析,找出了影响价格的主要因素。

    The article analyses prices of the construction contracts and sums up main factors influenced on the price for reference in the future .

  22. 然而影响股票价格的因素很多,股票市场价格走势的预测非常困难。

    But there are a lot of factors could impact the stock price , the prediction of the stock price is very difficult .

  23. 影响价格的最大因素是电池,它可以占到电动汽车成本的显著比例。

    The greatest contributor to the price is the battery , which can account for a significant portion of the cost of an electric car .

  24. 文章在测算森林的生态价格的同时还分析了生态质量与生态价格的关系以及影响生态价格的因素。

    Based on the measurement of forest ecological prices also analyses the quality and the price of the ecological relationship and ecological factors influencing ecological price .

  25. 不同种类型的房地产,影响其价格的因素也不尽相同,且不同类型的房地产其本身的价格弹性也不一样。

    Different types of real estate have different factors to impact theirs prices , and different types of real estate its own price elasticity is not the same .

  26. 本文从分析近年来我国价格变动的原因入手,从消费需求、投资、出口等几个方面阐述了影响价格走势的因素。

    Beginning from the analysis of price changes over recent years , the paper explains various factors that affects price trend , such as consumption demand , investment , export , etc.

  27. 事前评价与影响价格竞争力的因素有关,具体从价格竞争力、非价格竞争力、中韩两国农业条件等三个方面进行;

    Evaluating beforehand which has something to do with the factors of influencing the price competence is carried through in view of price competence , non-price competence and two countries ' agricultural conditions .

  28. 证券市场信息是交易者据以正确预期基础资产价值变动有关的信息,从广义上讲,应该定义为一切能够在不同强度上直接或间接影响证券价格的因素与事件的信息。

    In stock market , Bargainers anticipate securities ' price in accordance with information which should be defined as all factors and affairs that influences securities ' price directly or indirectly in a broad sense .

  29. 本文通过对十年来黄金价格走势的历史回顾,以供求理论为基础,运用数据、图表和相关分析的方法,对影响黄金价格的因素进行分析并对黄金价格走势进行判断。

    Reviewing the supply and demand theory as a foundation , this dissertation analyze the ten years gold price change and use many analysis means such as data , chart , table and correlation analysis .

  30. 影响价格波动的因素包括地区及全球经济形势、天气状况、季节性、对商品的需求、政治冲突、劳资纠纷、粮食收成等等。

    Fluctuations in prices were affected by economic conditions both at a regional and global level , weather conditions , seasonality , demand for commodities , political conflict , labour disputes , and crop yields among others .