
yǐnɡ zi nèi ɡé
  • shadow cabinet
影子内阁 [yǐng zi nèi gé]
  • [shadow cabinet] 议会反对党拟下回掌政权时组成内阁的假定成员的领导班子。他们通常负责制定党的政策并在其特殊权方面领导反对党参加议会辩论

  1. 反对党领袖也会任命资深反对党组成“影子内阁”。

    The leader of the Opposition appoints senior Opposition MPs to form the Shadow Cabinet .

  2. 数十年间,特蕾莎历任了多个内阁和影子内阁的职务。和如今59岁的她相比,菲利普显得皮肤更皱。特蕾莎虽任职内政大臣的时间最久,皮肤却保养得很好。

    Decades and multiple Cabinet and Shadow Cabinet jobs later , Theresa now 59 , and Philip are noticeably more lined - being the longest-serving Home Secretary is not without its cares .

  3. 工党影子内阁内政部部长DavidHanson说,“他们说‘不要再有更多的伪学生了’。但是我们现在却有了更多的伪造证书的案例。”他这样告诉国会议员。

    Labour 's shadow Home Office minister David Hanson said " They said , ' No more bogus colleges . ' Instead , we now have a major abuse in bogus certificates being issued again , " he told M Ps.

  4. 在最近那个“不负责任的年代”曾竭力吸引私人股本公司的英国,影子内阁财长乔治奥斯本(georgeosborne)如今也在考虑改革附带权益的税收制度。

    In the UK , which went to great lengths to attract private equity houses during the recent " age of irresponsibility " , George Osborne , shadow chancellor , is also mulling a change to the tax regime for carried interest .

  5. 他是影子内阁的贸易与工业大臣。

    He is shadow Secretary for trade and industry .

  6. 影子内阁的国防部长

    Shadow Minister of Defence

  7. 那么,几十年来保守党中商业能力最差的影子内阁部长们是如何看待工商业发展的那?

    And what exactly does Mr Cameron 's team , the least commercially savvy Tory front bench for decades , think about business ?

  8. 玛格丽特在接替了影子内阁爱德华?博伊尔爵士的职务后,明确表示,保守党将竭尽全力反对尚特的议案。

    Margaret , following Sir Edward Boyle in the shadow ministry , made it clear that the Tories would fight short 's bill tooth and nail .

  9. 英国影子内阁的教育技能大臣大卫威利茨说:这是政府在经济衰退时期没能很好地帮助年轻人所酿成的严重后果。

    David Willetts , the shadow skills secretary , said : It is a damning indictment of the Government 's failure to help young people during the recession .

  10. 英国影子内阁的教育技能大臣大卫•威利茨说:“这是政府在经济衰退时期没能很好地帮助年轻人所酿成的严重后果。”

    David Willetts , the shadow skills secretary , said : " It is a damning indictment of the Government 's failure to help young people during the recession 。

  11. 上周六,影子内阁办公室负责人加雷斯•托马斯说,政府看上去正遭受失去信誉的危险,看起来是在“拼命削减那些努力工作、通常收入不高的公务员薪酬。”

    On Saturday , the shadow cabinet office minister , Gareth Thomas , said the government was in danger of losing any remaining goodwill and appeared to be " waging war on the pay of hard-working , often lowly paid , public servants . "