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yǐng xì
  • film;shadow play;leather-silhouette show;shadow show
影戏 [yǐng xì]
  • (1) [shadow show]∶皮影戏

  • (2) [film] 〈方〉∶电影

影戏[yǐng xì]
  1. 湖南影戏形成时间略考

    A Brief Study of the Formation Time of Hunan Shadow Play

  2. 二十世纪中国影戏研究百年述评

    The Commentary of 20 Centuries Hundred Years the Chinese Shadow Play Studies

  3. 纳森-连恩和罗宾-威廉姆斯在影戏《鸟笼》里饰演一对好基友。

    Nathan Lane and Robin Williams play gay partners in The Birdcage .

  4. 您在配合制造影戏时,碰到的最大挑战是啥子?

    What is the biggest challenge you have encountered when dubbing movies ?

  5. 论中国影戏的生存方式及其变迁

    Means of Existence of Chinese Shadow Play and Its Change

  6. 大观楼影戏园促使他的电影业蓬勃发展一片生机。

    The theatre promoted his film business to be more flourishing and prosperous .

  7. 第二个时期中国影戏研究发展期(1950&1978);

    The second period , Chinese shadow play research development period ( 1950-1978 );

  8. 即第一个时期中国影戏研究兴起期(1915&1949);

    Then the first period and Chinese shadow play research rise period ( 1915-1949 );

  9. 湖南影戏与衡阳

    Hunan 's Shadow-play with Its Relation to Hengyang

  10. 他提示我去看这部影戏。

    He reminded me to see the film .

  11. 中国影戏三题

    Three courses of shadow play of china

  12. 第三章为新时期影戏观创作实践经典案例分析。

    Chapter three analyzes some classic cases of creation practice on photoplay views in new age .

  13. 自古以来,中国影戏的生存方式就是多元的,而且随着生存环境的变化而自我作出调整。

    Chinese shadow play exists by various means , it adapts itself to the change of environment .

  14. 我国影戏研究肇始于20世纪前期。

    In China , the study of shadow puppet began in the first half of the 20th century .

  15. 1909年,一场大火烧毁大观楼影戏园,同时也结束了任庆泰电影生涯的所有活动。

    In 1909 , a fire ruined Daguanlou Theatre and also ended all film activities of Ren Qingtai .

  16. 本文对冀东地区与影戏演出有关的还愿仪式及其中的影戏展演活动进行了详尽地描述与分析。

    This paper makes detailed description and analysis of the shadow play performance-related votive ceremony in eastern Hebei Province and its activities .

  17. 唐山皮影戏古称滦州影戏是以冀东滦河一带的传统影子戏而著称。

    Tangshan shadow called " Luanzhou Shadow Play " is Luanhe and East of Hebei area as known for the traditional shadow play .

  18. 第三个时期二十世纪中国影戏研究最高也是最后的辉煌总结期(1978&1999)。

    The third period 20 centuries the Chinese shadow play research is the highest and also the glorious sun up period ( 1978-1999 ) .

  19. 从和打扮相关的谷歌搜索情形来看,恼怒的小鸟搜索量最高,紧随厥后的是影戏《黑天鹅》中娜塔莉•波特曼扮演的心田十分挣扎的“天鹅”。

    Angry Birds topped the list of costume-related searches from Google , with Natalie Portman 's troubled character from Black Swan coming a close second .

  20. 同时,在乐亭影戏的历史发展过程中,民间信仰对于影戏的演出活动,起到了重要的社会维系的作用。

    Meanwhile , during thehistorical development of shadow play in Leting , the folk belief played an import-ant social maintenance role in shadow play performance activities .

  21. 1913年23岁时受聘于美国人在上海创办的亚细亚影戏公司,担任公司顾问并主持公司制片业务。

    In 1913 , the Asia Film Company was established by American in Shanghai and he was employed as their adviser and company Chief Operation Officer .

  22. 1949年以后,传统的影戏生存环境受到破坏,其生存价值的一些方面不复存在,而有些方式又被人为地取消了,所以影戏的生存出现了危机。

    Since 1949 , its existence environment was damaged ; some of its value has faded away ; some of the means of its existence was destroyed artificially .

  23. 在此期间,电影导演任庆泰也把他的百货公司改建成了大观楼影戏园,后来成为仅放电影的第一个中国电影院。

    During this period , the filmmaker Ren Qingtai changed his department store into a cinema named Daguanlou Theatre which became the first Chinese cinema only showing films .

  24. 且流布甚广,历史上曾经有过或现在仍有的影戏活动的地区(省、市、自治区)就有28个。

    And a wide spread , Historically there have been or are still the impact of the play activity areas ( provinces , municipalities and autonomous regions ) to 28 .

  25. 中国早期的影戏形式可追溯到汉代,并在唐宋两代得到了广泛的传播与发展。

    The early form of shadow play can be dated back to the Han dynasty . And , it gains its wide transition and development during the Tang and the Song dynasty .

  26. 作为农耕文化里的产物,它具有一些农耕文化的特性:影戏的演出季节、演出剧目、影戏的演出目的和功能等都是与农耕文化相适应的。

    Chinese shadow play possesses some characteristic of culture of agriculture , for instance , its time , a list of plays , intention and function of play are on speaking terms the characteristic .

  27. 毋庸置疑,来自意大利、法国和美国等外国电影业的兴起直接刺激了中国第一位电影摄制者,而很少有中国观众去光顾中国传统的“影戏”。

    With the rise of foreign film business from Italy , France and the USA , etc. which undoubtedly stimulated directly the first Chinese filmmaker very few Chinese people went to see the traditional Chinese " shadow play "

  28. 这是一个猖獗举荐的十年。一首歌、一张图、一段影戏剪辑或是一段笔墨都可以被马上分享、被惊叹或进攻,大家都可以做到、就在此时、而今。

    This was the decade of the whirlwind recommendation , when a song or an image , a film clip or a piece of writing could be shared instantly and praised or attacked by anyone-right here , right now .