
yǐnɡ yìn běn
  • photocopy;facsimile;photo-offset copy
  1. 比尔:请将这份业务记录影印本交给苏。

    Bill : Please give this photocopy of sales report to Sue .

  2. 申请人须付下列文件影印本各二份。

    Applicant should submit the following documents in duplicate .

  3. 我寄了信,但留了份影印本存档。

    I sent the letter , but kept a copy for my files .

  4. 所有本表格之影印本皆为有效。

    All copies of this form are valid .

  5. 参赛者不得使用任何乐谱影印本作比赛之用。

    Photocopies of musical score are NOT allowed to be used during the competition .

  6. 请附上专业/职业资格证书之影印本一套。

    Please attach 1 set of photocopy of the certificates for the qualifications obtained .

  7. 必须出示文件的正本及影印本。

    Original documents with photocopies will be required .

  8. 菲欧娜:我已经拿去影印了,影印本就放在你桌上。

    Fiona : I 've already done that . They 're on your desk .

  9. 倘以邮寄方式申请,只须附上文件的影印本。

    Only photocopies of supporting documents should be sent with the application by post .

  10. 影印本:用干影印或电传影印造成的文件副本。

    Photocopy : Duplicate of a document , etc. produced either by xerographic electrofax process .

  11. 该匿名爆料人士还附上收据影印本作为证据。

    The person also attached the photocopy of a receipt as evidence of the allegation .

  12. 护照正本及影印本一份,正本验毕归还。(护照效期至少六个月)

    Original and photocopy of your passport ; must be valid for at least six months .

  13. 报名表(可用影印本)必须连同参加费用缴交,否则报名可能无效。

    Participation fee must accompany this form ( or its photocopy ), otherwise enrolment may be rejected .

  14. 尤里:让我看看。不错,影印本上的文字几乎看不到。

    Yuri : Let 's have a look . Yes , you can hardly read the text .

  15. 此授权书之影印本亦属有效。此授权书的影印本与正本具同等效力。

    A Photostat copy of this authorization shall be considered as effective and valid as the original .

  16. 罗莉:所以,现在,你要我保留一份合约影印本。

    LORRIE : So , for now , you want me to keep a copy of the contract .

  17. 学生宜保存存款单影印本,以作纪录或将来退款之用。

    Students should retain a photocopy of the Deposit Form for reference or possible refund in the future .

  18. 你的有效护照影印本一份,其上载有你的个人资料、国籍、护照的签发及届满日期;

    A photocopy of your valid passport showing your personal particulars , nationality , dates of issue and expiry ;

  19. 采访结束后,唐书记很快向记者发来了该厂的营业执照影印本。

    After the interview , Tang Shuji quickly sent to reporters a copy of the plant 's operating license .

  20. 每一天,赖爷都叫他的老婆过来,兴高采烈让她看新的影印本。

    Every day , Ketut called his wife over and showed her the new copies and he was overjoyed .

  21. 只须传真护照影印本到本公司即可,数分钟便能完成。

    Only need the facsimile passport photolithographic edition to this company then , several minutes then be able to complete .

  22. 馆长鲍勃·威尔科克对罕见的1908年伦敦奥运会官方海报影印本尤其感到自豪。

    Curator Bob Wilcock is particularly proud of a rare copy of the official poster for the 1908 London Olympics .

  23. 如果一家大公司买断了某本书的所有影印本,使图书馆都没有藏本,你可以想象一下那种公愤。

    Imagine the outrage if a large company bought every copy of a particular book , leaving none for the libraries .

  24. 船上无线电话操作人员的有效限用无线电话资格证书影印本。

    Multi-radio officer passenger ship Photocopy of a valid Restricted Certificate of Competency in Radiotelephony of the radiotelephony operator on board .

  25. 文件名称是产品研究,这里还有一份影印本,你可以直接在上面作记号。

    The file name is product study ; this is and extra copy so you can do whatever you want with it .

  26. 唯一珍藏的是一份我刚来哈瓦那不久发表的第一篇新闻报导的影印本。

    The one I did manage to save was a copy of the first story I filed after just days after arriving in Havana .

  27. 而教皇则赠予总统两枚象征两个半球和平的徽章以及教皇所著《福音的快乐》的影印本。

    The pope gave the president two medallions symbolizing peace between hemispheres and a copy of the Pope 's book " The Joy of the Gospel . "

  28. 版本来自《续修四库全书》,据上海图书馆馆藏清光绪十八年廖廷相刻本的影印本。

    The version come from Continuation of Si Ku Quan Shu , according to the copy of the Shanghai Library eighteen years of the Qing dynasty edition .

  29. 最高学历历年成绩单影印本(中、英文以外之语文,应附经公证之中文或英文译本)。

    Copy of the highest educational transcripts ( notarized copy of the translation in English or Chinese is necessary if the original transcripts is not in English or Chinese ) .

  30. 引进版权的西文影印书编目规范化探讨本文以清初档案为基础语料展开讨论,所用的清初档案,来自于影印本《明清档案》。

    Approaches to the Cataloging Standardization of the Process Plate for Western Language Books The paper is based on the corpus from " Archives of Ming-Qing " in process plate that are part of storeroom contents of Qing-cabinet .