
kāi míng
  • enlightened;openness;liberal;open-minded
开明 [kāi míng]
  • [enlightened] 原义是从野蛮进化到文明,后来指通达事理,思想不守旧

  • 开明人士

开明[kāi míng]
  1. 这些“开明的”药方本身就可能加快灾难的到来

    It is likely that these \\ " enlightened \\ " nostrums would have speeded up the catastrophe .

  2. 伦敦Liberty百货公司总经理艾德·伯斯戴尔(EdBurstell)说这个举动是“开明的”。

    Ed Burstell , the general manager of Liberty of London , called the move " enlightened . "

  3. 这些缺点抵消了他在其他方面对待员工还算开明的态度。

    These weaknesses negated his otherwise progressive attitude towards the staff .

  4. 聚会吸引了一群南部的年轻开明人士。

    The party has attracted a clutch of young southern liberals .

  5. 众所周知,她在离婚与避孕方面思想很开明。

    She is known to have liberal views on divorce and contraception .

  6. 现在,医务人员的态度开明多了。

    The attitude of the medical profession is very much more liberal now .

  7. 一个开明的人能够适应新情况。

    An open-minded person is able to adapt to new conditions .

  8. 我的英语老师很开明。

    My English teacher is open-minded .

  9. 开明的人知道教育的价值。

    A person with enlightenment knows the value of education .

  10. 尽管刘易斯在政治方面或社会生活方面并不是一个激进分子,但他是一个开明的自由主义者。

    Though not a political or social radical , lewis was an open-minded liberal .

  11. 思想开明容易像轻信一样被对待,因此会被用作一种操纵人们观念的工具

    Open-mindedness can often be treated as gullibility and therefore as a tool to manipulate people 's beliefs .

  12. 昨日公布的法规草案将上市企业公司债的监管权从发改委转移到了更开明的证券监管机构中国证券监督管理委员会(chinasecuritiesregulatorycommission)手中。

    Draft rules published yesterday transfer regulatory control over corporate bonds issued by publicly-listed companies from the NDRC to the more liberal securities regulator , the China Securities Regulatory Commission .

  13. 在落成仪式的最后,奥朗德总统形容该建筑是“智慧、创造力和技术的奇迹”,是一座“开明大教堂”(cathedraloflight)。

    At the end of the ceremony , President Hollande described the building as a " cathedral of light " that was " a miracle of intelligence , creativity and technology . "

  14. 由美国前劳工部长罗伯特?里奇等人创建的开明智库经济政策研究所(EconomicPolicyInstitute)本周三在自己的网站上刊登了一篇评论,开篇第一段就扼要地论述了这样做的目的所在:

    The first paragraph of the commentaryposted Wednesday on the website of the Economic Policy Institute , a liberal think tank founded by , among others , Clinton-era labor secretary Robert Reich , lays out the thrust of the argument pretty succinctly :

  15. 前提是,法国也应同样把席位让给欧盟(EU)。不管这两国是否会展现出这种开明的政治才能(我推测是不会的),我们都正步入大陆性超级大国时代。

    Its condition would be that France does the same in favour of the European Union . Whether or not such enlightened statesmanship is forthcoming ( presumably not ), we are moving into the age of continental superpowers .

  16. 在英国工党首相哈罗德威尔逊(HaroldWilson)实施这方面限制的三年间,理应开明的工党知识分子拥趸者,几乎从未表示过抗议。

    When these were imposed by Harold Wilson 's UK Labour government for three years there was hardly a word of protest from Labour 's supposedly enlightened intellectual camp followers .

  17. 在奥巴马竞选总统期间,当种族问题以耶利米赖特(jeremiahwright)丑闻的形式出现时,他以一篇促进团结的精彩演讲出色回应,呼吁美国人民保持冷静、清醒和开明。

    When race came to the fore in his presidential campaign , in the form of the Jeremiah Wright scandal , he responded brilliantly , with a fine unifying speech that challenged the country to be calm , sober and enlightened .

  18. 古德伯格从小就不赞同这种观点。他在明尼阿波利斯的开明氛围里长大,“女性的力量在生活中随处可见,”儿时的玩伴杰弗里·达切斯(JeffreyDachis)曾在采访中说。

    Mr. Goldberg grew up to hold the opposite view , starting with his upbringing in progressive Minneapolis circles where " there was woman power in every aspect of our lives , " Jeffrey Dachis , a childhood friend , said in an interview .

  19. 思想开明的父母经常让他们的孩子没有什么好反抗的。

    Liberal parents often leave their kids nothing to rebel against .

  20. 所说的其他爱国人士,则主要地是指的开明绅士。

    " Other patriots " refers primarily to the enlightened gentry .

  21. A:总的来说,我是个思想很开明的人。

    A : Generally speaking , I am an open-minded person .

  22. 关于民族资产阶级和开明绅士问题

    On the question of the national bourgeoisie and the enlightened gentry

  23. 我记得――你在大学里是个特别开明敏感的人。

    I remember-in college you were an usually liberal , sensitive chap.

  24. 早期参与活动的通常是富有、开明的白人妇女。

    Early activists were usually rich , liberal , white women .

  25. 他们会欢呼,我们伟大的鲍勃大王真是开明。

    Good King Bob is truly enlightened , they would exclaim .

  26. 《民族》及其它开明杂志同样痛恨不已。

    The Nation and other such liberal journals were equally bitter .

  27. 我为官方采取这样一种开明的态度而喝彩。

    I applaud the authorities for taking such an enlightened view .

  28. 唐朝是一段以开明著称的时期。

    The Tang Dynasty is a period remarkable for its liberality .

  29. 适应,保持思想开明,并找到方法。

    Adapt , stay open-minded , and find a way .

  30. 然而,有的企业采取了一种较为开明的做法。

    Some businesses , however , have taken a more enlightened approach .