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bāo zi
  • steamed stuffed bun
包子 [bāo zi]
  • [steamed stuffed bun] 用圆形发面皮包馅蒸成的食品

包子[bāo zi]
  1. 包子太烫了,没法下口。

    The steamed stuffed bun is too hot to eat .

  2. BJM2272型包子、饺子、馒头三用自动成型机的设计

    Development of Automatic Shaping Machine BJM-22-72 for Steamed Stuffed Bun , Dumpling and Stemed Bun

  3. 那时我不过是从得克萨斯来的土包子。

    I was just a hick from Texas then .

  4. 他可不是什么土包子。他非常聪明。

    He 's no rube . He 's a very smart guy .

  5. 他把包子都开了。

    He ate up all the stuffed buns .

  6. 这是一款3D格斗游戏,两位角色分别是愤怒的包子,和丑陋的尼克。

    It is a3D fight game between two characters : Angry Baozi & Ugly Nick .

  7. 《StarStar》的直白是给郊区那些无趣、疲倦、压抑的土包子们听的,与之伴随的还有他们的性伴交换派对和“钥匙俱乐部”(keyclubs)。

    The explicitness of ' Star Star ' was for bored , weary , repressed squares in the suburbs , with their swingers parties and ' key clubs . '

  8. 苏离开拉斯维加斯大道(LasVegasStrip)的高级餐厅,在一个小型购物中心美发店的一角做包子,独自开启自己的事业。

    Mr. Su is a refugee from fine-dining kitchens on the Las Vegas Strip who started a solo career making bao in a corner of a strip-mall hair salon .

  9. 尽管上海人如此喜爱他们的包子,但《上海未来:重建现代性》(ShanghaiFuture:ModernityRemade)一书的作者安娜•格林斯潘(AnnaGreenspan)说,在中国,各种街头小吃都正面临威胁。

    But for all that Shanghai loves its buns , street eats of all varieties are under threat in China , says Anna Greenspan , author of Shanghai Future : Modernity Remade .

  10. Creativecelebration新奇庆祝光棍节的早上,单身青年们会吃四根油条,代表11.11的四个“1”,再吃一个包子,代表11和11之间的那个点。

    For breakfast on Singles Day , singles often eat four youtiao ( deep-fried dough sticks ) representing the four " ones " in " 11.11 " and one baozi ( steamed stuffed buns ) representing the middle dot .

  11. 应用Brabender等仪器分析了三种面粉的特性,选择出适合制作快餐包子的品种;

    Three kinds of flour were tested by instruments like Brabender , and one of them was selected for making Baozi .

  12. 中国对包子、米粥等传统食物的顽固坚守,意味着即使是肯德基(KFC)这类西方快餐店都得学着做包子,才能在中国的早餐市场上生存。

    China 's stubborn adherence to its bun-and-rice-gruel antecedents means that even western fast food restaurants such as KFC have to learn to wrap a steamed bun to survive in the mainland breakfast market .

  13. 一个“千禧”世代的年轻人,正在上海前法租界居民区的包子铺排队买包子。这位年轻人说自己在家已经吃了一碗脆谷乐(Cheerios),来这儿想再吃点包子,补充点“硬货”。

    One young millennial queueing at the neighbourhood " baozi " or steamed bun stall in Shanghai 's former French concession , said he was there for a bit of a bun " chaser " to the bowl of Cheerios he had consumed at home .

  14. 北京人以前打招呼都说:你吃包子了吗?

    Beijing people used to say : had you ate dumplings ?

  15. 基本上,最终变成了好几包子。

    Basically end up with , yeah , bags of it .

  16. 热浸渗铝工艺在包子桶生产中的应用研究

    Application of heat - aluminum impregnation processing to steel - container

  17. 你可以到食街去吃一次狗不理包子。

    You can go to food street to enjoy Goubuli steamed dumpling .

  18. 韩佳,有没有我们没有尝过的包子?

    Han Jia , are there more buns that we should try ?

  19. 按照我愚蠢的见解,抢那些包子也应该是奥运会比赛项目。

    In my stupid opinion * Snatching bun is an Olympic game .

  20. 天津有许多美味的食品,天津的包子是很有名的。

    Tianjin has much tasty food and Tianjin baozi is very famous .

  21. 由此建立了这种小波包子空间上的近似采样定理。

    Hence approximated sampling theorem in the wavelet packets space is obtained .

  22. 所以扬州人就管这种包子叫五丁包子了。

    Therefore , people of Yangzhou started calling it five dice buns .

  23. 肉包子打狗,有去无回

    A meat Bun thrown at a dog / By no means retrievable

  24. 一群土包子,没看过新玩具。

    You 'd think they 'd never seen a new toy before .

  25. 有一只肉包子,有一天它去喝。

    One day , a meat-stuffed bun went out drinking .

  26. 结果表明:前发酵时间为0时,冷冻贮藏后的包子蒸熟体积最大;

    The results showed that 0 hour pre-fermentation time was the best .

  27. 基于小波包子带分解回声对消移不变性的研究

    A study on shiftability of echo cancellation based on wavelet subbands decomposition

  28. 来,大牛。赶快尝尝,扬州的包子可香了。

    Come on , Daniel . Yangzhou 's stuffed buns are great .

  29. 我不想看到任何一个包子接触地面。

    I don 't wanna see any of these hit the ground .

  30. 然后包子的汁,然后吃。

    Then suck the juice out of it , and eat it .