
  • 网络Government Relations;government relationship;Governmentality
  1. 工程咨询事业部:按照fidic条约,作为业主聘用的咨询工程师进行项目管理工作。协调内部需求、政府关系和各供应商的工作。

    Industry consultancy : carrying out project management as the industrial engineering consultant for customer in accordance with fidic , to cooperate with internal requirements , government relationship & suppliers business .

  2. 政府关系与政府公共关系

    On Government Relationship and Government Public Relationship

  3. 与存续企业、地方政府关系不够融洽,制约油田发展等。

    On Relationship relationship with local government is not very harmonious .

  4. 理顺中央与地方政府关系;

    The relation between central and local government should be clarified ;

  5. 当前民营企业和政府关系存在两种扭曲现象,对企业经营有很大不利影响。

    There are two relations between private firms and government .

  6. 建筑公司和政府关系密切。

    Construction companies are used to a cosy relationship with the government .

  7. 行业协会与政府关系研究

    Research on the Relationship between Trade Associations and Government

  8. 对开发银行与政府关系的影响。

    The impact on relationship between government and CDB .

  9. 我国现代行政文化与服务型政府关系探讨

    Analysis on the Relations between Modern Administrative Culture and Service-Oriented Government of China

  10. 媒体运营及政府关系副总裁

    Vice President for Media Operation & Government Relatio

  11. 这意味着,政府关系是拿到最佳地块的关键。

    That means government contacts are essential to gain the best real estate deals .

  12. 企业政府关系管理企业管理

    Managing Government Relations of Enterprises

  13. 《国富论》市场调节的基本思想与我国市场-政府关系定位

    The Basic Thought of Market Adjustment in the Wealth of Nations and the Market-Government Relation in China

  14. 在最坏的情况下,软件开发将被少数几家与政府关系密切的老牌公司掌控。

    In the worst case , software development would be relegated to a handful of government-friendly incumbents .

  15. 与政府关系密切的人士说,中国将被迫对美国产品征收惩罚性关税。

    People close to the government said China will have to slap tariffs on the U.S. goods .

  16. 徐加莉在广州非常有影响力,我们所有的政府关系、牌照与劳工问题都由她负责处理。

    Ms Xu is very influential in Guangzhou and handles all our government relations , licensing and labour issues .

  17. 他们的共同性主要体现在:(1)治理结构的相似性;(2)与政府关系的相似性。

    They have the common character , first , the similar governance structure ; and second , similar relationship with government .

  18. 除开与军政府关系密切的社团组织例外。没有政党被允许做例行政治组织的工作。

    No political parties , with the exception of pro-SPDC organizations , have been allowed to do routine political organization work .

  19. 悟性敏锐[迟钝],理解力强[弱]敏锐的商业头脑,丰富的处理与政府关系的经验。

    Be quick [ dull ] of apprehension Good business sense . Experience with government relations and events / issue management .

  20. 通过因子分析结果,笔者把影响企业融资能力的因素归纳为政府关系、企业关系、金融关系和企业基本情况。

    By factor analysis , the affecting factors can be summarized as government relations , corporate relations , financial relations and enterprise situation .

  21. 但从美伊关系史可以看出,政府关系要比核武器重要得多。

    However , judging from the history of the relationship between the two countries , government relation is more important than the nuclear weapons .

  22. 就目前情况看,我国的行业组织要发挥上述作用,必须在正确协调其与政府关系的基础上完善自身管理。

    To play the above-mentioned roles , industry associations must first of all harmonize their ( relations ) with the government and improve their own management .

  23. 明清时期扬州盐商与封建政府关系明清时期广东的自然环境保护

    The Relation between Salt Traders and Feudal Government of Yangzhou in the Ming and Qing Dynasties Environment Protection in Guangdong in the Ming and Qing Dynasties

  24. 文章进而叙述了在跨政府关系的架构下,美国驻台机构和台湾经济官僚是如何共同导演了台湾的进口替代工业化和发展战略的转型。

    The article then describes how American institutions in Taiwan and Taiwanese economic bureaucrats jointly directed the industrialization through import substitute and the transformation of developmental strategy .

  25. 不过,到目前为止,国有企业改革进程中的一些问题还是无法解决的,例如国有企业与政府关系。

    But , some of the problems in the reform process is still cannot solved at the moment , one of them the relationship between government and the SOE .

  26. 另一位不具名的神父说,昂山素姬在国际社会上声誉良好,与新成立的人文政府关系也明显缓和,是恰当人选,有机会担当纠纷调停人。

    The priest , who wished to remain anonymous , also said an apparent thawing in relations between Suu Kyi and the new civilian government could make this possible .

  27. 与许多佛教徒一样,他与李明博政府关系不善。李明博是一名长老会教徒,他被指给予占全国23%人口的佛教徒冷遇。

    Like many Buddhists , he has a prickly relationship with the government of Mr Lee , a Presbyterian accused of sidelining the country 's 23 per cent Buddhist population .

  28. 事务所合伙人均来自上海大型会计师事务所,一流的专业能力、丰富的执业经验、良好的政府关系、优质的服务及合理的收费是我们最大的优势。

    All the partners come from Shanghai famous accounting firms , first-class expertise , rich experience , good government relations , high quality service and reasonable fees are our essential advantages .

  29. 同时,建构分歧-妥协-合作的研究框架也是本文在研究方法上所要达到的目标。希望这种研究框架能为国内民间组织与政府关系的研究提供一种新的研究路径。

    In the meantime , this study aims to achieve the research framework of ' Divarication-Compromise-Cooperatiation ' which provides a new research method for the study of relations between NGOs and government .

  30. 在西方国家,大学的法律地位主要是指在与权力关系中的大学的存在形式,是关于大学与政府关系、大学自治的法律解释与规定。

    In west countries , university 's position in law chiefly means the existing form of university in relationship between university and authority , also is stipulations about university 's autonomy in law .