
zuò kōng zhě
  • short seller;bear
  1. DataExplorers表示,神舟矿业也是做空者借入成本最高的股票之一。

    Its shares are also among the most expensive for short-sellers to borrow according to Data Explorers .

  2. 周一,这个由香港证监会(SecuritiesandFuturesCommission)提起的案件开始听证时,这位做空者本人并不在香港。

    The short-seller was not in Hong Kong himself on Monday for the opening of the case brought by the Securities and Futures Commission .

  3. 香港“市场失当行为审裁处”正在对安德鲁•莱夫特(AndrewLeft)受到的市场不当行为指控展开听证。莱夫特是美国的一名做空者,他最知名的事迹是不久前高调挑战美国制药商Valeant。

    The body is hearing accusations of market misconduct by Andrew Left , the US short-seller best known for his recent high-profile battle with Valeant , the US drugmaker .

  4. 有关股价的讨论或做空者的活动与蜘蛛侠(Spider-Man)扯上关系,这并不常见。

    It is not often that Spider-Man features in share price discussions or the activities of short-sellers .

  5. 做空者已经借入了总部位于北京的中国神舟矿业公司(ChinaShenZhouMining&ResourcesInc.)96%的可借股份,这意味着做空者几乎已借不到用于做空的股票。

    Short sellers have borrowed 96 percent of Beijing-based China Shen Zhou Mining & Resources Inc. ( SHZ )' s lendable supply , meaning there is almost no equity available for short sellers to bet against .

  6. 做空者在某些情况下低估了关联利益方的角色。

    Shorts have in some cases underestimated the role of linked interests .

  7. 此类摩擦为做空者创造了绝好的机会。

    Such spats are creating a paradise for short sellers .

  8. 但就目前而言,做空者仍占据上风。

    But for now , bears reign supreme .

  9. 不过特斯拉在股市上的风光恐怕难以长久,因为该公司超过四分之一的股票暂借给了做空者。

    Tesla stock , on the other hand , might be a short-lived bubble .

  10. 房地产市场动量的另一个原因在于这种市场内没有做空者的事实。

    Another reason for momentum in property markets is the fact that there are no short-sellers .

  11. 股票迅速停牌突显做空者在亚洲面临的问题&难以及时获利。

    The rapid suspension of shares highlights a problem facing short sellers in Asia – profiting in a timely manner .

  12. 香港证监会提起的这两起案件引发了对冲基金、其他做空者以及分析师圈子的普遍担忧。

    The regulator 's pursuit of the two cases has worried hedge funds , other short-sellers and the analyst community more generally .

  13. 或许,通过说服别人相信一家银行要倒了,做空者可以毁灭这家银行并从中获利吧。

    Perhaps short-sellers could destroy a bank , and profit from its destruction , simply by convincing others that the bank was doomed .

  14. 长期以来,经济学家一直觉得,比起始作俑者,做空者更有可能及时发现坏消息。

    Economists have long suspected that short-sellers are more likely to be the prompt discoverers of bad news than the inventors of it .

  15. 过去3年,这家自诩为百万富翁工厂的银行已稳步后退,成为做空者们青睐的对象。

    The self-styled millionaires ' factory has been steadily de-rated over the past three years , and is a favourite among the shorting community .

  16. 事实的确如此,但这一点无关紧要,除非做空者导致坏事发生就像保险一样。

    Now this is true but irrelevant - unless the short-sellers cause the bad things to happen in the Wall Street equivalent of an insurance job .

  17. 做空者先借入股票卖出,向出借方支付手续费,目的是以更低的价位买入归还,从而获得盈利。

    Shorts borrow shares to sell , paying a fee to the lender and aiming to profit from buying the shares back more cheaply before returning them .

  18. 再说,只要能重建资本,夺回失去的利润,银行和其它金融集团仍可能成为做空者的目标。

    Moreover , banks and other financial groups are likely to remain targets for as long as it takes them to rebuild their capital and replace lost earnings .

  19. 做空者有充足的理由为自己辩护:除了他们,还有谁会有兴趣动用数百万美元揭露欺诈行为,把空气挤出泡沫?

    Short-sellers have a powerful argument in their defence : who else has an incentive to spend millions of dollars uncovering frauds and letting the air out of bubbles ?

  20. 反向收购的推销人和安排人称,做空者通过发布含沙射影、但对欺诈指控很少提出确凿证据的诽谤性报告,正在赚取巨额收益。

    Promoters and arrangers of reverse mergers say short-sellers are making huge profits by releasing defamatory reports full of innuendo but little hard proof to back up their assertions of fraud .

  21. 做空者及其他评论人士正密切关注这一案件,因为他们担心该案裁决或将让他们“不敢”自由表达对上市公司股票的观点。

    Short-sellers and other commentators are watching the case closely over worries that a ruling could have a " chilling " effect on their ability to opine freely on listed stocks .

  22. 即便是在其他中国公司的声誉受到做空者和会计问题冲击之时,一些中国互联网公司在美国市场的融资相对而言还是成功的(尽管这些公司的价值更为无形)。

    Some Chinese internet groups have seen relative success in US markets , despite their more intangible nature , even as the reputations of others have been hit by short-sellers and accounting concerns .

  23. 继2011年做空在美上市的中国公司而获利丰厚之后,做空者发现,现在要找到合适的目标不那么容易了。

    Having made money in 2011 betting against Chinese companies listed in the US , shortsellers are no longer finding it as easy to identify suitable targets .