
fǎ lǜ shí tǐ
  • legal entity;juridical entity;judicial entity
  1. 法律实体的形成-外商独资企业(WFOE),合资企业和代表处登记。

    Legal Entity Formation-Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprises ( WFOE ), Joint Ventures and Representative Office registration .

  2. 作为一个独立的法律实体,公司必须纳税。

    As a separate legal entity , the corporation must pay taxes .

  3. SPV是连接融资方和投资方的中间体,是实现破产隔离的法律实体。

    SPV is the intermediates connecting financiers and investors , which is also the legal entities to achieve bankruptcy remote .

  4. 这些博物馆紧密合作,但是分别的法律实体。

    Seums work closely together , but are seoarate legal entities .

  5. 股份有限公司是一种与所有者脱离的、独立的法律实体。

    A corporation is a separate and legal entity apart from its owners .

  6. 特殊目的载体是为了实现破产隔离而创设的一个新型法律实体;

    SPV is a new legal entity created purely for the purpose of bankruptcy-remote .

  7. 与阿里巴巴旗下的支付宝不同,腾讯的支付服务并非一个独立的法律实体。

    Unlike Alipay in the Alibaba group , its payment business is not a separate legal entity .

  8. 人&自然或法律实体,如个人、联合公司、合夥公司、合作公司或公司。

    Person natural or juridical entities such as individuals , associations , partnerships , cooperatives or corporations .

  9. 谷歌在香港的办公室被注册为与公司大陆业务不同的法律实体。

    Google 's Hong Kong office is registered as a separate legal entity from its mainland China offices .

  10. 合伙人关系不是一个独立的法律实体(法人),因此并不单独征税。

    A partnership is not separately taxed as it is not regarded as a legal entity at law .

  11. 作为自己没有任何运营业务的现成法律实体,他们可以放心提起诉讼而不用担心反诉。

    As off-the-shelf legal vehicles with no operating businesses of their own , they can sue without fear of a countersuit .

  12. 基底细胞癌不创建一个独立的法律实体和投资者中广为债务负无限责任。

    A BCC does not create a separate legal entity and the investors have unlimited liability for the debts of the BCC .

  13. 伦理精神向法律实体化的转化应是我国当前道德建设的一个重点。

    The transmission of the ethics spirit to the law entity should be one essential point of the moral construction of our country .

  14. 不同的契约组成契约束,这个契约束的结点就是一个称为公司的法律实体。

    Various contracts form a bundle of contracts and the nexus of this bundle of contracts is a legal entity named " corporation " .

  15. 因此,在美国进行勘探作业的公司可以建立一个美国法律实体来雇用并赔偿在美国国内的人员。

    Thus , a company with exploratory operations in the United States can establish an American entity to employ and compensate its workers domestically .

  16. 公司成立股份有限公司时,是将其作为一个独立法律实体对待的,它与公司发起人,董事,会员,雇员是截然不同的。

    When a company is incorporated it is treated as a separate legal entity distinct from its promoters , directors , members , and employees ;

  17. 个体业主不是独立的法律实体,通常是一个小型零售商店或者服务型企业,如咨询公司和保险机构。

    Proprietorships are not separate legal entities are usually found in a small retail shops and in service enterprises like consulting firms and insurance agencies .

  18. 因为公司是一个独立的法律实体,它可以拥有财产,起诉,被诉,签订法律合同。

    Since the corporation is a separate legal entity , it can own property , sue and be sued , and enter into legal contracts .

  19. 注册公司是独立的法律实体。和自然人很大程度上一样拥有权力,负担义务。

    Registered company is a seperate legal entity ; it possesses rights and is subject to duties in much the same way as a natural person .

  20. 以下特点均产生于这样一个概念,即合伙企业本身不是一个独立的法律实体,而仅仅是一种个人的自愿联合体。

    The following characteristics all stem from the concept that a partnership is not a separate legal entity in itself but merely a voluntary association of individuals .

  21. 在法国早期国际私法的发展过程中,笔者对早期国际私法学者的学术成果进行了粗浅的阐述,归纳出他们对法律实体与程序的划分和四种系属公式的初步认识;

    In early phase , the author elucidates the early scholars ' achievement and sums up its attainment about the divide of procedure law and substantial law .

  22. 主要阐述行政回避的法律实体问题,通过对行政回避缘由、回避程序的分析,提出行政回避制度的例外。

    Mainly discusses the legal entity administrative avoid problems , by reason of the administration to avoid , evade the analysis process , an administrative challenge system exception .

  23. 金融资产管理公司在我国已不再是一个理论上的概念,而是经济运行中的一个重要的法律实体。

    In China , Financial Assets Management Corporations had no longer been a concept in theory , but had become an important legal entity in the economic operation .

  24. 可以说,公司型基金制度的实质即在于投资者通过出资结成独立法律实体制衡基金管理人,并通过独立的专业群体实施对基金管理人的监督。

    However , the difference is the legal entity under statutory type is able to carry on supervision more often and to a deeper extent for structural reasons .

  25. 多元化金融控股集团是指处于共同控制之下的两个或两个以上法律实体组成的至少从事两种或两种以上金融服务的企业集团。

    Financial Conglomerates refers to those who provide two or more financial services , who are made of two or more law entities , and under the same control .

  26. 独立实体原则将要求,就美国的监管而言,美联储把同一家外国银行的不同分行当作不同的法律实体对待。

    The separate entity doctrine would call for the Fed to treat different branches of the same foreign banking group as distinct legal entities for the purposes of US regulations .

  27. 京东全球购使国际企业能够直接面向中国消费者进行销售,不需要在中国内地设立法律实体,降低了品牌准入的壁垒。

    JD Worldwide enables international businesses to sell directly to China consumers without needing to establish a legal presence on the mainland , lowering the barriers to entry for brands .

  28. 但是在1955年的时候,乔伊特伯爵(英国前副检察长和首席检察官)却指出“政府”无法拥有任何东西,因为根本就不存在这个法律实体。

    But in 1955 , Earl Jowitt , a former solicitor-general and attorney-general , pointed out that ' the Government " couldn 't own anything because there is no such legal entity .

  29. 比如将一系列专利转移至许多不同的法律实体,然后迫使苹果等公司为本质上相同的技术购买多项专利。

    such as spreading a portfolio of patents through a number of different legal entities then forcing a company such as Apple to buy multiple licences to what amounts to the same technology .

  30. 两国的立法提案意在强制银行将自营交易(在自身户头上而不是替客户进行的交易)纳入单独的法律实体。

    The proposed legislation aims to force banks to put their proprietary trading ( that is , trades made on their own accounts rather than on behalf of a customer ) into separate legal entities .